I think those that do it, know they are doing it. No hints coming from me! I have never done.
--That Cheeky Lad
2007-02-12 02:38:41
answer #1
answered by Charles-CeeJay_UK_ USA/CheekyLad 7
Because no-one, (within the strictest sense of the word, ) stalks unintentionally. It is too active a process to find out accidentally one day that : "Ooops ! I've been stalking ! " Stalkers enjoy the vicarious pleasure, the empowerment, the revenge, whatever, they gain from stalking. That would be a rush too obviously felt to be unaware of.
2007-02-12 02:02:28
answer #2
answered by John M 7
I fou find yurself around someone more than you do around anyone else, and you don't know why, it could be seen like that.
There is simple behavior modification, and it can affect us at subconscious levels.
OK for all of you skeptics- did you ever go the wrong way to get to a place the first time, then keep making that mistake for awhile? That's called behavioral chaining. Going the wrong way becomes a step in the process of going the right way.
Well, certainly we're not choosing that! That's subconscious. Inthe same way, if we happen to leave the house ten minutes early twice in one week, and see someone we like and start to change our routine and leave earlier, it can be subconscious.
And there are studies about people who encounter someone with glasses treat them poorly- these people later choose an experimental partner with no glasses alomst every time- but they are not aware of it.
2007-02-12 02:37:10
answer #3
answered by starryeyed 6
how do you unintentionally stalk someone ? If you are stalking someone then by definition you are doing so willfully and intentionally . If the person being stalked would object to your following them around and posing a threat to their safety and well being then odds are you are stalking .
2007-02-12 02:00:31
answer #4
answered by daizzddre 4
I imagine most people who are guilty of stalking don't necessarily realise that is what they are doing. They probably genuinely believe the person wants or needs their attention.
If you aren't sure then consider these points.
Do you persistantly watch somebody without their knowledge.
Do you continue to contact that person despite them ignore all your communications, asking you to stop, or giving you any other indication that you are not welcome.
Has a restrainting order arrived through your door.
If you can answer yes to any of these you are probably stalking someone. Stop now and get help.
2007-02-12 02:30:34
answer #5
answered by gerrifriend 6
Think about your actions that could be considered stalking. If you aren't completely comfortable with the idea of someone doing the same thing to you, then you're probably stalking someone.
2007-02-12 01:55:16
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
If it's unintentional, it's not stalking, it's merely being very annoying to the person on the recieving end of your attention. Unless they've got a restraining order against you. That's pretty much stalking
2007-02-12 02:12:06
answer #7
answered by Veruca Salt 6
I am citing VERIFIABLE in a Court of LAW examples of Cyber-Stalking, Especially by Family and Non-Family Members{possibly Joe Anthony Montoya, Anthony Hughes Waller, and James Steven Badgley my cousin from Bad Axe Michigan. I Love Mr Badgley and UNCONDITIONALLY FORGIVE Anthony Hughes Waller, and James Steven Badgley with their sin; they have trespassed against me, BUT not the others and justice will prevail with God as my witness!} and others against the writings of people at http://blog.360.yahoo.com/blog-1a_picaif... ESPECIALLY Max Rafael Waller. Today Max Rafael Waller told his Mother Maria Mercedes Waller and her friend Esther Curiel-Topete. EXAMPLES OF POTENTIAL MISUSE OF POLICE POWERS: 3 Caucasian Officers from the San Fernando Police Department tried to coax into taking their offer: The home address and telephone of fellow Officer Beverly Baker. Julian Alamaraz, Senior Lead Officer, at the LAPD Foothill Division 16 made an inappropriate remark regarding his ex-partner on the beat: 'Are you going to stalk Senior Lead Officer Michelle Rodriguez of Sunland?' ALL INFO ON THE OFFICERS WERE GATHERED FROM THEIR RESPECTIVE WEBSITE AND SOME HAS INTENTIONALLY DELETED! Someone has been trying to take remote control of this PC I am using to SILENCE ME. The mouse clicked the x on my IE 7 browser and I am being FORCED to disconnect the mouse to finish my writings!
Source(s): They will stay anonymous and confidential.
2007-02-14 05:04:10
answer #8
answered by Bad Axe 2
Lol sure, there become one factor when I saved operating into an old chum at my uni, each and every the position I went she become there. It become awkward because i do not fairly recognize her now, so it truly is like, ought to I say hi, would that be extraordinary? Do I save walking? What ought to we do? style of element. It grew to grow to be more beneficial awkward after we made eye contact because we were both uncertain of what to do lol, come to imagine about it I actual have not considered her round in a lengthy time period.
2016-11-27 03:46:04
answer #9
answered by ? 3
I believe 'stalking' would be the wrong word to use in that situation...
Stalking would usually be the term used by someone who is on the receiving end of the 'stalker'... The stalker might not consider him/herself a 'stalker', they may see it as paying a bit of extra attention to someone, or looking out for them!!!
Stalking is intentional.
2007-02-12 01:57:07
answer #10
answered by B 2
If you have to ask, Then I am sure you are stalking...This is against the law and you should be punished at the very least within the law...
2007-02-12 02:03:55
answer #11
answered by Jean f 3