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4 answers

just watch ur calories and workout forget about diet suplements, im sure ur beautifull anyway

2007-02-11 18:06:50 · answer #1 · answered by brb/tlb 5 · 2 0

Don't take those so called diet pills they are a waste of money. Get on a diet and exercise daily at least for 30 minutes if you want to lose some weight I would suggest 60 minutes and give yourself 2 days to rest. Avoid saturated fats or trans fats. Also when buying groceries check the label and look for "partially hydrogenated" you want to avoid that for sure. Theres also a book by a doctor its called, "You on a Diet" its pretty good. Good Luck and throw those Trimspa pills away.

2007-02-15 17:08:18 · answer #2 · answered by ♪♫♫♪ 5 · 0 0

i would be scared too. i was looking at it, but decided not to do it because of the unknown things in it. i would talk to your doctor, but stop taking it until you do.

2007-02-11 18:05:05 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Try rather "Lipotomy AQP" on www.Yahoo.com and www.youtube.com . Amazing results !

2007-02-11 19:35:50 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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