By his actions. Don't trust what he says or doesn't say. Judge him by what he does for you. Does he treat you with respect? Does he make sacrafices for you? Is he there for you?
Or, is it all about him?
2007-02-11 14:22:52
answer #1
answered by Plasmapuppy 7
Hmmm, I am a man and I tell the people I love that I love them every day. I thought most men did that.
interesting indeed......
2007-02-11 22:24:27
answer #2
answered by bikesbydesign 2
Well how old are you two and emotionally how attached do you feel. Are you looking to have a lifetime partnership with him? Does he want the same with you? He will say it when he feels it. Typical man---just doesn't throw the word around needlessly---are you capable of talking about where you to stand as partners?You really don't give proper information here
2007-02-11 22:24:52
answer #3
answered by fire_inur_eyes 7
We do if we love you. The women I've loved I've told in no uncertain terms. The women I wasn't sure about I would avoid the issue. If he's alone with you and won't tell you he loves you, then he probably isn't sure if he does.
Maria P.... I have to inform you that your "signs" are just as easily signs that he wants to sleep with you, and trust me - just because a guy wants to sleep with you does not mean he loves you.
2007-02-11 22:23:08
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
You can tell that he loves you by:
1. You catch him looking or staring at you
2. He talks to you alot or he is to nervous to even come near you b/c he doesn't want his feelings crushed
3.He always tries to look good around
4.He tries to please you
2007-02-11 22:24:26
answer #5
answered by Monica! 1
if he is the right one, you'll know. it comes from within. no doubt about it.
2007-02-11 22:25:42
answer #6
answered by ~muffun~ 3
Say to him "do you love me?" and then you shall see.
2007-02-11 22:23:13
answer #7
answered by thefinalresult 7