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ok so one of my guy friends just got out of a serious relationship [one year and nine months] and like we are best of friends and we talk every night usually for 3-5 hours and even when he had a girl friend we constantly hung out and talked on the phone ... and when he found out that she cheated on him he instantly dumped her ... and even though he says he is over her I know that deep down he still cares for her and he tells me all the time that he likes me ... and i like him but do you guys think that it is to soon to go out with him ... they broke up two weeks ago .... how long do you think i should wait .. peas help me out : ]

2007-02-11 10:28:30 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

7 answers

Hey go out as friends and talk etc.It will do you both good.Its not like you are getting married or anything.Give it a chance but go slow and see how things work out.It just may be it was her loss and now you can have him.If there is nothing there be honest with him so you don't lose your friendship.Good Luck

2007-02-11 10:33:46 · answer #1 · answered by sparky75us 3 · 0 0

I think the best and most productive thing to do would be to let him continue to grieve. He may not admit it, but I'm sure your feelings are correct when it comes to how he feels right now. Continue to be his friend and don't harp on the subject of you two being a couple, not even in your head. Take it slow and let time do its magic. When you see that his mood and behavior is starting to come back around like it was when everything was "okay" with him, then you could try to talk to him and see how he feels about the idea of you two dating. I think if you tried to date now, things may not turn out as great as you'd hope. Then again, it could... emotions are never truly cut and dry. But seriously, I say just hold off until he's his normal self again.

2007-02-11 10:37:11 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Well If you Really Like This Guy And He Really Likes You Then Dont Wait Or Else Your Chance To Be With Him Will Be Taken By Another Chick. So Ask Him Out And Be Happy ... Good Luck

2007-02-11 10:33:01 · answer #3 · answered by Ty Doyal 1 · 0 0

Two weeks isn't that long but considering her behavior, he may be able to get over this quickly...pay attention to him and notice if he talks about her or seems to be thinking about or grieving over the relationship or does he appear to be moving on, getting involved in other things, has a happy (or at least not unhappy) demeanor...

When you get the impression he's closed that door, then approach him about opening a new one with you...good luck!

2007-02-11 10:33:14 · answer #4 · answered by . 7 · 0 0

I think you should wait and give him time to get over her. They were together for a little while and you don't want to ruin your friendship by being the "rebound girl". I would wait.
Does he know that you like him too? You might tell him but be up front about what you want (ie....you want to take things slow or start seeing him right away)
good luck!

2007-02-11 10:38:58 · answer #5 · answered by KJ 6 · 0 0

I read somewhere it takes half as long as you are in a relationship to get over someone.Ten months is a long time,but any sooner and you could just be a rebound relationship,not the best foundation.

2007-02-11 10:33:41 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Do you ever catch him jjust thinking about/ If so ask what he's thinking about.Really listen to him and you can find out how he feels when that time comes you can answer this questioin.

2007-02-11 10:34:05 · answer #7 · answered by zzmubarak 1 · 0 0

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