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Do you like it? Would it suit long hair? What is the best way to do it? Who have you seen it on, etc

2007-02-11 09:23:39 · 7 answers · asked by bltmr_rvns2006 2 in Beauty & Style Hair

7 answers

I have pretty long hair and i scrunch all the time. I think it looks great with a casual outfit but if you are all dressy I don't think it looks as good. I have some naturla curl in my hair so it is easy to get the scrunched look...all I do is put in some mousse (if you get the kind especially for curls it works better) and then kinda push your hair from the ends up to your head and kinda shake your hand as your doing it. Then use justs a little hairspray and your ready to go. I have seen some girls who use too much hairspray or other product and their hair just looks stiff and gross - so dont over use your product!...

2007-02-11 09:30:31 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Coming from the beauty expert, scrunched hair is decent, but if you're looking for the pop star look, try straightening it out, and getting bangs pass your eyebrows.
But if you really want scrunched hair, then here it is...
Medium lengthed hair is the icon for scrunched hair,
I'd braid my hair overnight but spray it before going to bed, so in the morning and the next day, let it down, and DONT brush it or anything, just let it be and let it do its own thing.
Who have I seen it on? Well... I've seen it on a couple of my friends, and also Miley Cyrus at some of the times. They look okay, but they look better if their hair were clamped up instead of in a ponytail. Clamped up and hair down is the perfect way to show-off your clamped hair.
Scrunchies go PERFECT for scrunched hair because they both have a different design, a unique way to express yourself.

2007-02-11 09:33:34 · answer #2 · answered by Yumi Kins :) 2 · 0 0

If you have some natural curl already in your hair, find a good mousse or gel then towel dry your hair, put some of the product on your ends and scrunch your hair. Let it dry. If you have a hair diffuser for the end of your blow dryer you can use that to help dry it faster but if you don't air drying will be better.

2007-02-11 09:29:37 · answer #3 · answered by devilgal031948 4 · 0 0

My hair is past my shoulders and I have natural waves. It is an easy hairstyle and for fluff use a good moose with a difuser hairdryer. It always looks nice regardless of hair length.

2007-02-11 09:32:50 · answer #4 · answered by lavachk1 5 · 1 0

I think scrunched hair is cuteon other people besides me ^_^; My sister has long hair and she just does it with stonger moose and uses her hands to srunch it up, and it looks really nice on her..

2007-02-11 09:27:40 · answer #5 · answered by Jobi 1 · 0 0

I have only seen it on short hair...its ok but will be a short lived style, i bet

2007-02-11 09:29:13 · answer #6 · answered by cherry 4 · 0 0

that is so 1992. dont do it you will look like a fool.

2007-02-11 09:31:46 · answer #7 · answered by monica your new bff 3 · 0 2

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