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Hey, everyone! i was just wondering... girls feel free to answer, but this is more for guys, but who cares!? anyways... do you prefer girls with skinny, bony legs, or thick and muscular legs?

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OH... and please tell why!!!!

I'm not fat! thats not why i'm askin. I am more curvy and have thick, muscular legs... but i fell insicure (can't spell!) I DON'T MEAN LIKE FAT FLABBY LEGS! JUST MUSCULAR THICK LEGS... I HOPE YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN....

2007-02-11 08:24:11 · 4 answers · asked by Drea 2 in Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

4 answers

I am a fan of more muscular legs, as opposed to skin and bones. Skinny legs remind me too much of anorexic models and starving actresses, both of which I saw far too much of in my college years in Southern California. I don't want a girlfriend that I would be afraid to pick up because she might snap in two. I also enjoy cooking, and it's hard to fix a meal for someone who never eats.

More muscular legs means that she's athletic and cares about the overall health of her body, not just how it appears. That's definitely a turn-on for me, as I like a girlfriend to know how to keep fit and in shape. I'm not saying she has to enjoy the same activities that I do, but hopefully be interested in some form of regular athletic exercise. It means we can go hiking and she won't have to rest every five minutes.

Also more likely that she'll be more energetic and fun in bed!

2007-02-11 08:35:29 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

thick muscular legs are sexy thats what my guy tells me.... and thats what i have..lol...

2007-02-11 08:43:53 · answer #2 · answered by gina B 3 · 0 0

THICK AND MUSCULAR....... well... thats what my boy friend tells me!

2007-02-11 08:29:24 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Thick and mucular is quite attractive.

2007-02-11 09:33:53 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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