Attention Feficit Disorder also know as Attention Deficit hyperactivity disorder. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, ADHD, is one of the most common mental disorders that develop in children. Children with ADHD have impaired functioning in multiple settings, including home, school, and in relationships with peers. If untreated, the disorder can have long-term adverse effects into adolescence and adulthood.
Symptoms of ADHD will appear over the course of many months, and include:
1. Impulsiveness: a child who acts quickly without thinking first.
2. Hyperactivity: a child who can't sit still, walks, runs, or climbs around when others are seated, talks when others are talking.
3. Inattention: a child who daydreams or seems to be in another world, is sidetracked by what is going on around him or her.
For decades, medications have been used to treat the symptoms of ADHD.
Psychotherapy works to help people with ADHD to like and accept themselves despite their disorder. It does not address the symptoms or underlying causes of the disorder. In psychotherapy, patients talk with the therapist about upsetting thoughts and feelings, explore self-defeating patterns of behavior, and learn alternative ways to handle their emotions. As they talk, the therapist tries to help them understand how they can change or better cope with their disorder.
Behavioral therapy (BT) helps people develop more effective ways to work on immediate issues. Rather than helping the child understand his or her feelings and actions, it helps directly in changing their thinking and coping and thus may lead to changes in behavior. The support might be practical assistance, like help in organizing tasks or schoolwork or dealing with emotionally charged events. Or the support might be in self-monitoring one's own behavior and giving self-praise or rewards for acting in a desired way such as controlling anger or thinking before acting.
2007-02-11 07:08:28
answer #1
answered by msjerge 7
There is a difference between ADD and ADHD to the first answerer. Anyway, back to business! I have ADD too and yes, I know it is very hard to focus. For me, shoving pills down my throat was not the right answer. If you want to experiment before taking those nasty things, try to get some putty or something and whenever you feel like not focusing on whatever you are trying to focus on, just play with the putty and listen. It helps me.
2007-02-11 07:24:08
answer #2
answered by Mo 4
Our daughter has completely changed her behavior with 3 months of natural remedies. I'm glad we did not put her on drugs which she may have had to take for years. Right now she is taking intellec tablets and b-factor brain 200 by Biogetica.
2014-01-02 19:01:09
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Try this website :
helped me a lot . bought some books from there website, all i have to say is it Really helped me
2013-11-07 11:08:46
answer #4
answered by Halikonu 1
I don't know what I have to be honest. I was diagnosed with ADD at 3 to 4 but I never had the behavior issues: none whatsoever. Most people with ADD have those outburst that later on life really effect relationships. I have always been level headed and my mom never had any issues with me? lol..just a label
My mother said she was set up by the school when they labeled me in their attempts to drug me up. My mother said no, that they were lazy because I was hyper.
Maybe I have some form of autism? or parts of ADD...whatever it is...its where I can't spell well, or think with words. But with autism the thing is they say they lack empathy. But I am very empathetic. I get drained by negative people. I get drained when I see people get hurt. Being a guy, I hide this part about me because its weird for most people. Plus its not male
The way I see it, now that I am older. Basically, I learned slower at a younger age. Something happened where I just didn't feel like I needed to talk. I didn't talk till I was 4. So i was behind. I heard myself on tape at 5 or 6....I sounded so bad. Its like I couldn't make sentences. As I got older, I realize school was too easy, I mean in special ed. I would finish the work like in 5 minutes, then draw the whole day, come home play video know, just play around lol...ahhh the easy life.
The way it effected me, is I always felt different. Like in a bad way. Outcasted, like some dumb alien. I knew I wasn't dumb, but its the labels, that kills. I grew up with a label and my oldest step sister didn't help, she is evil
I realize my mind works allot like einstein. Not that I am a But, that we are so alike in how we think. Because I am what they call a right brain thinker...which einstein was. I think visually, in pictures and movies or 3D. Thats why I talked later, because I am wired visually but lack language. Like, I can pick up things in what I probably a higher rate then 98 percent of people. I love observing things, its stimulating.
Also, when einstein would think, most thoughts move along, where his thoughts stayed on one thought and there was allot of space in between thoughts. So you get the image of that space cadet eye look. In my pictures, sometimes, I see that space cadet look. I too, think like that, its like....when I look at stuff...I can stare at it and then my sub conscience just starts working...its like a meditated thought. So that space in between thought has nothing to do with being dumb. It makes me odd, I know, but its a focused learning ability I have. I would prefer to think like this but school would not let me. It is built for left brain thinkers.
To Fight ADD...all you need to know is what to do...that it...what to do this by knowing how you here it is
1 when listening to someone, repeat everything he/she is saying, act like your the one have to do this because people with ADD...don't have an auditorial voice.
2 when have to destroy the surprise, so know what the book is about before you read it...yep, sorry,...but you have to do this because people with ADD.....are BIg picture thinkers.
3 to remember many have to count how many facts are to be remembered first....its because people with ADD lack direction, because they are big picture people with ADD....need a road map first.
4 to remember things....make it all visual....turn numbers into things, then use those numbered things as ways to recall...
anyways, these methods work for me above...its all about just knowing how you think though.
2014-04-04 17:32:59
answer #5
answered by Mitchell 4
Please, take him to a doctor. There is treatment for it. I see a movie about this.
2016-05-23 21:56:55
answer #6
answered by Anonymous