If guy is smart one then you will never know it.
And for other guys, you need to get little close to them. Show some grass for bulls to eat...got my meaning...?
2007-02-11 00:02:35
answer #1
answered by TJ 3
"how do u come to know that a guy likes u?"
usually this happens when he starts to pay attention to you, smiles, talks to you.
"when he hasn't even proposed to u."
how old are you? Proposal is something a guy or girl does when they're in love and want to share a life together. This isn't something that happens at your age. You may think you have those feelings, but they are not feelings of love - they are feelings of infatuation. Do yourself a favor and don't rush these things. Love and marriage are much better left until adulthood. You don't want to screw things up by rushing your life.
"plz tell certain symptoms" It's not a "condition". I'm sorry to tell you this, but boys and men will always be a mystery to you no matter what age you are...and you will be a mystery to them. There is no secret knowledge - no answer to "knowing" how another person feels until they're in your face with it.
Seriously, your 13? (I read your previous posts) S-L-O-W D-O-W-N!! It sounds like you have a lot of unanswered questions. If you can't talk to your mother/father, than find another adult that you can trust - a school counselor, a friend's mother. You deserve answers before you plunge into something that is over your head. Don't make that mistake.
2007-02-11 05:21:29
answer #2
answered by J F 6
Its all internal feeling that gives u the answer at the same time his/her behaviour also changes to a great extent. Both of them start having lot of emathy for each other and also they discuss all the topics what ever happens in their family and friend circule.
If its true love they will surely care for their family respect too. Its really very sweet stage of life. But the movement is controlled by all mighty.
2007-02-11 05:20:15
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
There are many ways you can tell if a guy likes you. I ask my boyfriend straight up if he does..I don't tip toe around any question. Just ask him, or one of his friends. Not wanting to propose to you doesn't mean he doesn't like you. Maybe you're not marriage material to him, or maybe he doesn't want to marry yet. Then again, the sooner you get married the sooner you get divorced and get that whole "white gown" bull shiit out of your system.
Just ask him straight up... "Are you going to settle down with me and ask me to marry you?" Looking for signs and symptoms isn't going to get you nowhere, Just ask him.
Remember, there's more to life than marriage.
Good luck.
2007-02-11 05:21:48
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
well as must as guys lies you cant tell the a certain symptoms all i can say is just be on the look out
2007-02-11 05:13:36
answer #5
answered by EVA J 4
u should have the special feeling if he likes u very much.he w'd take care of either directly or phone u day n night.
2007-02-11 05:15:32
answer #6
answered by robert KS LEE. 6
GUY LIKE OTHER HUMAN BEINGS HAVE A RIGHT TO LOVE OTHER.but with out their proposition your six seance can help you.
2007-02-11 07:08:37
answer #7
answered by rulethisworldman 2
he wil talk 2 u differently......... guys surely make it obvious 4 u 2 know............
2007-02-11 05:30:58
answer #8
answered by Anonymous