you first need to get her help before you can move forward.
2007-02-10 15:47:21
answer #1
answered by iroc 7
Number one I don't know how old you are. so I really can't give you to much advice. but I can tell you that I know where you are coming from.
with me it was my dad. I can tell you there isn't really any thing you can do to change her she will have to want to change first.
all you can do is try not to let it destroy you and remember how bad it hurts when it is your turn to be a parent.
I use to spend a lot of time with friends and relatives so I didn't have to deal with drunken fits. You could talk to your school counselor to. they can get you in contact with some support groups. They could also help you get out of the situation. nothing straightens a mom up like the thought of losing her child. It sounds terrible I know but you know what you give up the right to do what you want when you bring a child into the world.
maybe you could go stay with a family member for a while just to give your own emotions a break.
2007-02-11 00:00:08
answer #2
answered by angie 4
This sounds really serious. You need more help than you could possibly get from this forum of variable answerers and personalities. Phone your local Crisis Line and let them know what is going on for you. Talk to someone in your extended family and let them know what is going on. Talk to a school counselor and let them know what is going on. When your Mom is sober, let her know that you have had enough. Find a place to stay where you are safe and respected. Keep in touch with your Mom, but don't go home until she cleans up her act (she knows what she has to do). Be strong. Talk to God.
All the best!
2007-02-10 23:57:22
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Aw, fist of all, I'm very sorry. Second, believe me, your life isn't crap. The simple reason youre alive is something to live for. What is your dad doing in all of this? Maybe talk to him. My mom used to be a huge alcoholic too. If she is yelling, and so on and so forth, go into your room until she goes to bed. (or passes out in this case) Also, call maybe some other relatives, and see it they can help. You could also go to the website called Alateen, they help with people that are affected with drinking.
But please dont say your life is crap, you have everything to live for...Good luck :)
2007-02-10 23:51:05
answer #4
answered by frshprnce 2
Unfortunatly you live with her, but the good thing is it looks like you got your head on straight and will take a whole new path in life, stay strong and look forward to moving on. I left home when i was 17 and have never gone back. Good luck study hard and go to school, that was my one regret is I never went to school and am trying now to do that.
2007-02-10 23:48:43
answer #5
answered by whattheheck 4
Since your age would be a deciding factor in your options, this is a difficult one. If you're in your teens & in school, can you talk to someone @ your school? I suggest the AAA program for people who must learn to deal with loved ones & dependency. Please look in the phone book & find an organization that can help you. IT IS NOT YOUR FAULT ABOUT YOUR MOTHER'S PROBLEMS!! It rough to dish out tough love to someone you love. You can not remain an enabler. I was an enabler as a teen & then as an adult with different people. You can't force her into therapy, but you CAN save yourself. I have lived on the streets & it's not the place you want to go. Please do not accept any guilt she may attempt to load on you.
2007-02-11 01:02:50
answer #6
answered by Tk 1
You need to get her to a treatment center of some sort perhaps by asking a doctor for help. She is sick and will not face it and needs help and if running from it. This is answered by an alcoholic who guit gladly and only drinks coffee now because I was able to face it. But you must confront her with this and then see where you can get help with medical people. She will kill herself if she does not face it.
2007-02-10 23:51:12
answer #7
answered by oldestme 5
Well, don't know how old you are, that would make a difference in what you do... However, do you have other family members that are older, that you trust to help you? That would be my first suggestion. Your question is vague, and not enough to give you very detailed advise, but I hope you get some help for her, and yourself... Good luck to you.
2007-02-10 23:48:23
answer #8
answered by veggiechick2000 2
A man goes to a shop, picks up a beautiful cup and says "my god this cup is so beautiful" and suddenly the cup starts talking to the man. The cup starts saying "O man, I am beautiful right now, but what was the state of my being before the pot-maker made me a beautiful pot?
Before I was sheer mud and the pot-maker pulled me out of the mud from the mother earth and I felt why that pot-maker is so cruel, he has separated me from mother earth. I felt a tremendous pain. And the pot-maker said, "Just wait." Then he put me and churned me, when I was churned I felt so giddy, so painful, so stressful, I asked the pot-maker "Why are you so cruel?" the pot-maker said, "Just wait." Then he put me into a oven and heated me up, I felt completely burnt. There was tremendous pain and I asked the pot-maker "Why are you so cruel?" and the pot-maker said, "Just wait."
Then he poured hot paint on me and I felt the fume and the pain, I again asked the pot-maker "Why are you so cruel?" and the pot-maker said, "Just wait." Then again he put me into an oven and heated it to make me more strong, I felt life is so painful hence pleaded the pot-maker and the pot-maker said, "Just wait." And after that the pot-maker took me to the mirror and said, "Now look at yourself". And surprisingly I found myself so beautiful.
When god gives us lot of trouble, it appears god is very cruel but we need patience and we have to wait. When bad things happen to good people, they become better and not bitter.
So all difficulties are part of a cosmic design to make us really beautiful. We need patience, we need understanding, we need the commitment to go through in a very calm and wise way. So all difficulties are not to tumble us but to humble us.
With this understanding, let us not be against difficulty. Understand difficulty is a part of a purifying process. A purifying process at present which we cannot understand and hence we need faith and we need trust.
Let us understand how to handle stress with this background. You can be affected by stress from two angles. There is an internal stress and there is an external stress. Nobody can avoid stress; one has to only manage stress. Managing stress can be internal and also external.
The internal stress is; your thoughts can create stress, your values can create stress, and your beliefs can create stress, meaning thereby your stress is coming from your mind more from the outer world. Many people suffer not from heart attack - they suffer from thought-attack.
For example, when somebody says you are an idiot, we get so hurt, we get so victimised. My boss has called me an idiot and I am feeling tremendous pain. Now where does this stress come from? If my boss has called me an idiot, I have to ask myself "am I an idiot"?
If I am an idiot nothing to be upset about; and if I am not an idiot, then also nothing to be upset about! It is the perception of the boss. But why do we suffer from that stress? I suffer not because my boss has called me an idiot but because of the thought-attack.
I may say the boss has called me an idiot; therefore I am suffering? It is true that the words are unpleasant. But what hurts is the interpretation of the unpleasant word. The thought in me interprets. That is pain and therefore it becomes pain. Much of our stress is our mind interpreting it as pain. So we suffer from thought-attack more than heart attack.
2007-02-11 09:59:05
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
My Mom was too. If you are young, under 18, just remember that you will be grown up one day and away from that ****. Try to find a group to go to like Alanon or something.
2007-02-10 23:48:31
answer #10
answered by hstoic01 2
I don't know how old you are but no matter age you need an ally to help you with this. Get someone's else help to convince your mom to see a therapist or something else, choose someone your mom respects so it talks to her.
2007-02-10 23:46:55
answer #11
answered by C6 7