It won't happen. Bush has already p****d off the US electorate with Iraq. If he starts a holocaust for no good reason - again - the Republicans will be out of office for 75 years.
2007-02-10 10:44:35
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
There is NOT going to be a nuclear war with Iran. There may, however, be a series of military strikes against Iran. It would last for several days and it would devastate Iran's military. Attacking Iran (if Bush is crazy enough to do it) would have all sorts of repercussions. But I am pretty sure that it would not be a nuclear attack. It would be a conventional attack on the highest order. Using nukes against a country that has not attacked us at all would bring the condemnation of the whole world. Even our allies would be against us. The United States would be kicked out of the U.N. Terrorists would be relentless in trying to exact revenge.
But I do think that some military action will be taken if it is proven that Iran has been killing U.S. soldiers.
2007-02-11 17:14:29
answer #2
answered by Zezo Zeze Zadfrack 1
Most likely the MOABs and assorted bunker busters will be used, i doubt a nuke will be used. If anything, my bet is the Israelis will conduct a limited air strike against a "choke point," such as the Iranian uranium conversion facility at Isfahan, which would likely disrupt Iran's nuclear program for a long time.
It is evident that Iran's efforts are focused both on uranium enrichment and a parallel plutonium effort. Iran claims it is trying to establish a complete nuclear fuel cycle to support a civilian energy program, but this same fuel cycle would be applicable to a nuclear weapons development program. Iran appears to have spread their nuclear activities around a number of sites to reduce the risk of detection or attack.
Iran does not currently have nuclear weapons, and would appear to be about one year away from acquiring nuclear weapons. Iran is already producting fissile material for atomic bombs using both uranium enriched at Natanz and plutonium produced at Arak. Once in full production the Natanz facility might produce enough uranium for about five bombs every year, and the Arak facility might produced enough plutonium for as many as three bombs every year.
The enrichment process is only one hurdle, they still need to engineer a trigger and delivery system, both are no small technical feat. The current estimates are that by the year 2012 they'll have an operational nuke.
2007-02-10 19:39:28
answer #3
answered by Its not me Its u 7
I don't think there will be a war with Iran. They have a democratically elected government (so there is no good reason for going in) and they haven't created a full nuclear weapons plan as of yet.
America and whoever joins has too much to lose because Iran is a massive nation of around 70 million, most of whom are willing to die for their country so it wouldn't be financially sensible for US economy if they went in.
As for what we can do... well firstly is stop stealing oil from neighbouring countries and pull our troops out so they don't feel threatened.
2007-02-10 22:31:21
answer #4
answered by muzzinho_muzzi_muzz 1
Why would we want to stop it? Iran and the radical Muslims have shown they are willing to do anything for their "faith." They have shown there is nothing too brutal, barbaric or horrendous in their view for those who disagree with them. They have said Israel should be wiped off the face of the earth. They refer to the USA as the "Big Satan" and Israel as "the Little Satan." So if they think the Little Satan should be wiped off the face of the earth, imagine what they are leaving unsaid about the Big Satan.
I believe that if Iran gets a nuke, it will use it. I do not think it will test a nuke but rather will use its terrorist connections to smuggle it into the USA or Israel and the first we know they have a nuke will be with it going off inside either of those two nations. If it is in Israel, then Iran will be turned into a nuclear waste land. If it is the USA, the liberals will whine and prevent any kind of response.
Better to prevent Iran from getting nukes and a B61-11 seems to me to be the way to do it.
2007-02-10 18:50:30
answer #5
answered by forgivebutdonotforget911 6
Don't worry we are also going to get our ar** fried. As I try to point out, Americans are sleepwalking into the stupor of WW3. They do not realise that this state of affairs is what existed in Nazi Germany when the Germans had a strong military machine and the people went along with Hitler on one long ego trip as country after country was squashed under their machine till the rest of the world woke up and smelt the gunpowder.
Putin has woken up and I wonder who else. One things for sure GB would as soon as Blair is out. The French have for many years.
2007-02-10 21:20:35
answer #6
answered by k Marx ii 3
No body's starting a nuclear war you t!t. Anyway even if we were Britain and the States will be fine, the U.K have over 300 trident 1st strike missiles that can counter a nuclear strike before the enemy's nuke has landed. Plus th U.K a U.S have the S.T.I programme. In case you never knew what that was, it is i satellite tracking system that detects nukes and shoots them down, and is 90% effective. That last 10% is taken care off by the interceptor programme, which is a surface born missile that intercepts nukes before they reach there destination. All in all mate were safe.
2007-02-14 13:10:02
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
I dont know the quality of your re-search but it would be a lopsided one considering the US & Great Britton are the only ones with nukes Iran is at least 5 years or so away from them.
2007-02-14 02:43:04
answer #8
answered by firetdriver_99 5
Yes. We as Americans can stop acting like we own the whole planet. We can stop electing (and reelecting) belligerent, brainless caveman prikks who incite wars under false pretexts for personal gain. We can mind our own business. It's not like we're perfect and we don't have a few of our own problems to work on. The rest of the world isn't as retarded as what we've been happy to become.
Read the news today. Putin of Russia said that the US is *forcing* other countries to develop nuclear weapons to DEFEND THEMSELVES AGAINST US!!!! Who can blame them? I'm a very proud American who has given six years of my life to my Country, and my father, first cousin, and godfather gave their lives in service to this Country. I guarantee you, they did not do this to let it become the shameful thing it is now. True Freedom is dead. Our Constitution is treated like toilet paper on a daily basis. Our voices do not count in our politics, not in the least, and an eighty-percent disapproval rating for Bush's "new" plans to escalate the war in Iraq are living proof of that. So is his twenty-something-percent approval rating.
In three years, Bush and his crew have single-handedly brought back a Cold War and escalated an Arms Race with Russia. Ronald Reagan spent a trillion dollars ending these things during his presidency. Bush and Cheney have also given the wealthiest individuals in this Country $1.5 TRILLION in undeserved tax breaks for each of the past six years.
Is it a COINCIDENCE that this adds up to nine trillion dollars and our Nation is also nine trillion dollars in debt at this time? And Bush and Cheney borrowed this money from RED CHINA. That's right. Communist China. And they forged your name and mine on the tab. So you decide if this is just a coincidence.
My family did not give their lives to allow us to be taken over by a small cabal of self-serving oligarchists and dictators. They roll over in their graves, and I am one pi$$ed-off American.
When I believe a friggin' premier of friggin' Russia over our own president, and I'd be nuts NOT to at this point, it's time for a big, big change.
And I'm not even really a liberal. I'm just a realist. Just throw out the labels. Don't bother to read the ingredients.
Stop nuclear war. Don't elect dictators to oversee Free Countries. You folks knew he was a Snake when you picked him up. Don't whine when you get us all bit. Again.
You don't have to be Miss Cleo to see this one coming. Goodnight, Irene.
2007-02-10 20:27:53
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Israel are the only country to have not signed the nuclear disarmament agreement. In Americas little planet they are welcomed to exact the first strike; which they are willing!.
A lot of other countries are willing to exact revenge on each other over past discrepancies.
New world order springs to mind once again.....
Watch this space...................?.
2007-02-10 18:53:29
answer #10
answered by Old Man of Coniston!. 5
first of all it wont be a nuclear war..Iran aint got no nukes yet..and second yes..there is ..a way to stop it..let Bush bomb them into the stone age..if you love Iran so much move there and dont ever come back..
2007-02-10 18:47:27
answer #11
answered by Anonymous