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Does anyone know how i can prevent myself from having more grey hairs? Ive heard heat makes it worse? Thats why I don't use hair dryer or straighteners.... But is this true?

2007-02-10 08:37:19 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Beauty & Style Hair

11 answers

Some people just start to gray earlier than others. Hair dryers, straighteners, etc. having nothing to do with making your hair gray. The color or lack thereof, comes from the root and follicle of the hair, not from what you do with it. The only way that you can hide your grays is by coloring.

2007-02-10 08:43:34 · answer #1 · answered by ? 7 · 0 0

Thats funny, because I started getting grey hairs at a really young age too. My brothers also. People would say it's hereditary. Others would say it was because I always tied my hair when it was wet (yeahh okkk) And others would say it was because I was stressed, but why would I be stressed at that age? But yeah, so I started coloring my hair, so I'm thinking that's your only option too. I hardly see any now and I am frequently using hair dryers and flat irons, so I don't think heat makes it worse. But maybe yours will disappear as time comes along.. but then they'll come back when you get old!! lol.
Good luck.

2007-02-10 08:51:55 · answer #2 · answered by Loves It<3 4 · 0 0

Everyone tends to turn gray at some point of time. Some individuals gray at a younger age while others gray at a later stage. Premature graying of hair is a common phenomenon and the initial signs of graying usually make an appearance at the sides or the temples. This gray streak is a rather unwelcome sign and can be caused by various factors such as your hair type, genetics, increased levels of stress and hair texture. Gray hair can be quite a nuisance as it makes you look much older than your actual age and can give you an inferiority complex. Some individuals choose to cut the hideous grays, while others resort to dyes and colorants that can cause harmful skin reactions and can even lead to hair loss. There are various natural remedies available for treating premature graying of hair and can be used without worrying about any side effects. Diet: The color of our tresses mostly depends on our genetic build up, but a faulty diet can also result in gray hair. It is therefore essential for you to take a diet that is rich in vitamin B complex, iron, iodine and copper. Indian gooseberry: This herb is also known as amla and is one of the best known cures for falling or graying hair. Soak a little quantity of amla in water overnight and use the water for rinsing your hair the next day. Bringraja or Eclipta Alba is an excellent hair tonic that prevents premature graying of hair and makes it thicker and darker. It is available in the form of herbal dietary supplement capsules and can be taken on a daily basis to get healthy hair. Sage: The leaves of this herb help darken the hair color and arrest premature graying of hair. Take 4 tbsp of sage leaves and boil them in water for about 10 minutes. Add 1 tsp of cloves and 2tbsp of powdered henna to this infusion and apply to the hair. Leave on for 30 minutes and rinse off. Amaranth: Extract the juice of fresh amaranth leaves and apply to the hair. This serves as an effective hair tonic and helps retain the original hair color. Coconut oil: Boil a small amount of amla in coconut oil and apply it to the hair. This delays the process of graying and provides nourishment to the hair.

2016-03-29 01:16:27 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Nothing can be done about greying...you most likely have natural black hair, more likely to turn grey faster than lighter hair. All you can do for temporary fixes is to use a colour rinse or mousse.

2007-02-10 08:41:53 · answer #4 · answered by trtls88 3 · 0 0

Sometimes grey hair comes from too much stress. As many people say, dye your hair!

2007-02-10 09:17:53 · answer #5 · answered by Carly K 2 · 0 0

Heat only makes it worse if you have put heat to your hair for a looooong time. I would suggest you get your hair colored as close to your natural color as possible. Best of luck.

2007-02-10 08:47:14 · answer #6 · answered by vw chick 4 · 0 0

Welcome to the club! Mine started at 16 and I colored for years, Finally I just let it grow in and it really is a pretty shade of silver now. I have had this for a couple years and have decided to start coloring again. I am now 47.

Just be prepared if you choose to color those roots come in fast and will need to be touched up and that gets old fast.

good luck.


2007-02-10 08:52:37 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

check the links below for natural homemade beauty tips to:-- Natural Henna Powder - how to apply

2007-02-10 12:56:56 · answer #8 · answered by Naturale 2 · 0 0

Heat doesn't make any difference. Dye dye away.

2007-02-10 08:40:57 · answer #9 · answered by ? 7 · 0 0

You Don't have to dye your hair just stop stressing and it might make it better!!!!!

2007-02-10 08:43:12 · answer #10 · answered by I LUB MY TWIN ALYSON♥~* 2 · 0 0

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