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This is a serious question as to what you will beleive will happen in the current situation we are in in Iraq. How many more years do you think we stay there for and will the violence continue there even if we are there for 50 years or so. Do you think the next president will completely withdraw all the troops, and if that happens, do you think Iraq will be overun by Iran and there will be war between Iran, Saudi Arabia, and Turkey?

2007-02-10 05:25:21 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Military

16 answers

we wont leave ... iran and syria will eventually be attacked and put down ...and american presence in the middle east will continue for decades regardless of the level of violence ... which is allowed or even instigated imo as an excuse to be there ... the next president will most likely continue on the present course of mid-east foreign policy that has been in the works through the last several presidencies involving both parties ,... dont expect a change ..

2007-02-10 05:30:09 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

oh where did I leave my magic 8 ball? Seriously I think there are a few different cenerios to consider. Total withdrawl,gradual pull out,long term commitment. First you need to look at the situation in Iraq and determine what is really happening. Iraq has Shia,Sunni,Turks. Inside these groups you have subgroups with militias groups with there own agenda and own desires for the way they want to see Iraq. You also have in Iraq foriegn fighters hell bent to cause death and distruction to all Americans and their intrests. This group includes Iran Syria Al quida and Any other group that has interest in the region. Looking at all of the mix of groups and influences I think the prospect of US victory is a mere opium dream. Victory being a Free and Indepent Iraq that supports itself and fights terroism alongside its "saviors" the Great US of A. The fact is that these people don't want peace and democracy bad enough yet. The region will be in termoil for years to come. The next president will have very hard decision to make.Total Withdraw would be a disaster for the reputation of the US on international terms for years to come. Withdrawing would leave us in a solo position in the UN and with our alies for years to come. Its kind of like the US cries wolf and no one will join the cause in the future.We need to exit with grace or without totally losing all of our objectives in order to keep face with the World. Iran Saudi Arabia Turkey don't want the problems they only want to get in a few jabs of influence while no one is looking.Long term US commitment is a disaster to the US it will put the nation in larger debt and strain the already admittedly strained military. We can not allow our rivals in the world to take advantage of our distraction of war in Iraq to ramp up there military and technical abilities while we are away from the world scene. The US good or Bad is the Super Power of the world and for the most part stand for democracy and freedom around the world. We look out for the little guy who can't help themselves."sometimes with a price" but we do promote the better and the good in the world. If we fall what is the alternative Super Power? Not a very nice thought is it? Overall we will not Win the Victory we seek in Iraq but we must find a way to stabilize Iraq so we can gracefully bow out and put our attentions on domestic issues and irasing the deficiet. Building up our military for true much graver and stronger advisaries than those of Iraq.

2007-02-10 14:20:23 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

We need to stay until it is finished. If the other party idiots in Congress would stop whining, it could be over sooner than we all think.
The Democrats in the Senate want a non-binding vote on the President’s plan to send more troops to Iraq. The Democrats are a little upset because that vote was blocked today by the Republicans. I guess it is hard to have the same thing done to them that they have been doing to Republicans for years. Harry Reid is once again shouting the Democratic mantra that the election last November was about Iraq and the war and they have a mandate to do something. I have stated many times before that the election had little to do with the war (Americans might not like the direction but they did not vote to lose the damned thing) and the results are in line with historical trends. The Democrats can not see that because they figure if they say it enough people will believe them (and the ignorant will).
the people reelected Bush in 2004 in the middle of the war. This means that they wanted him to continue to fight the war and to prosecute it to the best of his ability. They wanted to continue with tough questioning of terrorists and they wanted to keep Gitmo open. Yes Harry, using your logic the people wanted this because they voted to keep him in office when this is what was going on. How did you and your Democrats react? Well, you continually said that the election was not a mandate on the war or on his Presidency. You continued to block judicial nominations, you tried to close Gitmo, you softened the way we question terrorists, you had our soldiers arrested and tried while the animal Muslims who cut off heads and dismembered our soldiers were never pursued, and you continually talked about cutting and running. You let that idiot Murtha lead you around by your pointy little noses and tell America that you all wanted to cut and run, all this against the will of the people who reelected Bush to continue the war.

2007-02-10 13:37:24 · answer #3 · answered by m c 5 · 0 2

I believe that if the US capitulates now, it will become a second class influence around the world. Right now the US isn't very popular, but much of that is our own doing. The democrats in their quest for power have discredited our own country. It's isn't as though they believe all the crap they're saying, but it gets attention, so they say it.

In the middle east, if the US withdraws, we could see a total war with Iran and Syria taking on Israel and the moderate Arab country's, to become the super power in the region. God help the US if the goddamn democrats get power, it's really getting serious if they take political power in this country.

You ask about three powers going to war in the middle east, I believe it will be much larger than that, and I also believe that Israel will be one of the participants, working on the side of the moderate Arab country's..

2007-02-10 18:18:21 · answer #4 · answered by briang731/ bvincent 6 · 0 1

If a Dem wins the next election one of two things will happen.

1. They will pull the troops out immediately and cause a huge mess from the power vacuum

2. With a Dem. in power it will be "OK" to win the war and the celebs and media will let the American people know to now change their minds. With a Dem. in power it will be "OK" to pull out all the stops and do what it takes to win. Then everyone will tear up and talk about the legacy of this great leader.

2007-02-10 13:41:57 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I think the Republicans have no desire to clean up this mess.
They'd just as soon a Democrat come in and figure out what to do, it's always the way.

I think this time the Republicans should stick around and really "clean up," like they're bragging they can. Let's see it then. I suggest the military supplement with those fresh high school grads from Republican households. Set the example.

2007-02-10 14:50:11 · answer #6 · answered by Lake Lover 6 · 0 0

If the troops are withdrawn now, Iraq will fall under the control of Iran. We toppled their dictator. We're trying to set up a democracy. We started this, it's our job to finish it. No matter how long it takes.

2007-02-10 13:46:19 · answer #7 · answered by animefan95 3 · 0 0

This question is hard to answer .I am a Turkish citizen and I do not want my country to get into a fight between Iran and Saudi Arabia
Your armies will not go back to USA they will stay there forever because USA sees those lands as their home so Bush will not want to call his armies back .

2007-02-10 13:31:59 · answer #8 · answered by xeibeg 5 · 0 0

The inevitable will happen -

World War 3.

Thanks US for invading Iraq contrary to International rule of law and advice, and for withdrawing 77% of your troops out of AFGHANISTAN - the REAL SOURCE of this recent terrorism conflict - in 2003 and re-deploying them into Iraq leaving UK/NATO troops and a small contingent of US forces to cope, under-manned and under-resourced in the REAL SOURCE of this conflict - namely AFGHANISTAN.

You should sleep soundly in your beds until the sirens start... and they will !

2007-02-10 21:56:33 · answer #9 · answered by Hello 3 · 0 0

Some day we will get sick enough of the fighting and teach them how to defend them self, but I do not believe it will happen with Bush in office.

2007-02-10 13:31:17 · answer #10 · answered by princeessintraning 4 · 1 0

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