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boobs- 34C

plz answer my friend really wants to know. She always says shes fat and im scared for her.

2007-02-10 02:21:04 · 1 answers · asked by balletblonde24 2 in Health Diet & Fitness

1 answers

She's fine. That's about where I was at her age, but my boobs were Ds instead of Cs. She may think she's fat because her body is developing. Just keep reminding her that she's beautiful and eventually you will get through to her. You're right to be scared for her, because eating disorders are rampant these days. If she gets out of hand, (like not eating or excessively exercising or taking diet pills/laxatives) seek a trusted adult's help.

2007-02-10 02:31:46 · answer #1 · answered by Jessie P 6 · 0 0

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