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I was talking to a fellow teacher yesterday about the use of the projector in the classroom and we both heard different conflicting ways to properly care for our projector bulbs. She powers down between each class and makes sure the projector fully cools down (at least 5 minutes of off time), then turns it back on. I leave mine on continuously with threats to the students to stay away from the machine so they don't bump it accidentally. Which is better for the bulb in the long run?

2007-02-10 02:19:43 · 5 answers · asked by Farrah 2 in Consumer Electronics Home Theater

We run these projectors for about 6 hours daily. She powers down and then repowers up 5 minutes later.

2007-02-10 02:40:39 · update #1

5 answers

I am assuming you have a DLP type projector which are now common place for presentations with PC's or DVD players.

I currently own a InFocus DLP projector. I have gone thru 2 bulbs already. And each new bulb is $300.00. So it is very important to try to maximize the bulbs life.

The bulb in my projector is rated at 2,000 hours of life.
This is counted as the time the projector bulb is turned on.
It is also designed to work at a specific temperature.

The projector has an internal computer that runs on its internal software called firmware.
The projector can go into various states of operation.
Initialization mode
Projection mode
Idle mode
and shutdown mode.

During the shutdown mode the projector goes into a shutdown cycle, it knows that it has to keep the fans running so not to shock the bulb. You can notice that the lamp has gone off but you can still hear the fans working for a while longer.

NEVER shutdown the projector by eliminating the AC power, as this will bypass the built in computers programme.

In a way the projector lamp is like a person on a tread mill or running a race. You need to warm up and stretch, run, then cool down.

So the answer really depends on how long a time you are sitting idle between classes? is it more than the time it takes for the projector to go thru its shutdown cycle? If yes I would shut it down and not leave it on.

Other tips to save the life of the bulb. These actions can be performed in the projectors menu options (remember there is a small computer in there)

Turn down the intensity of the light. Accessible thru the menu.

Move the projector as close to the screen as possible.

Make sure to use a "reflective" type screen, other types are "matt" and they render color better but eat up the light. the reflective type have silver particles in them that act like mirrors.

Check the projectors IDLE time-out and set it accordingly.
If there is no video, the projector will turn off the lamp after this specific time.

Hope this helps.


2007-02-10 03:25:18 · answer #1 · answered by mixmaster2 3 · 0 0

The less run-time, the better. The bulbs don't have very long lives and are quite expensive. Your projector should have an auto-shutdown feature, which may be enabled/disabled. If it doesn't, turn the projection off in between actual uses - don't just leave it on for the sake of convenience.

2007-02-10 02:36:22 · answer #2 · answered by mattzcoz 5 · 0 0

I would not power down the projector for only 5 minutes. I have a DLP projector, and I will keep it on if I am going to use it in less than 1/2 hour. That time is somewhat arbitrary, but I feel it is long enough to avoid problems of too-frequent lamp cycling. but not so long as to reduce lamp usable lifetime.

2007-02-10 19:04:36 · answer #3 · answered by gp4rts 7 · 0 0

the bulbs have an expected life based on hours being used - so for instance your bulb has life of 3000hrs

leaving on all the time
8hrs a day x 22 days a month (average mon-fri) =176hrs
3000 divided by 176 = aprox 17 months of life

shutting down and colling as per manufacuter - maybe on 4hrs /day
4hrs/day x 22 days = 88hrs
3000 divided by 88 = aprox 34 months

math says better to shut down and cool inbetween sessions
these bulbs are continuously burning metal off the filament when running - hence the expected bulkb life given by the manufacturer

Link supplied that helps explain further benefits ofturning the unit off between sessions

2007-02-10 02:32:26 · answer #4 · answered by mrdg90 4 · 0 0

I spend maximum of my internet time while my toddlers are at college or as quickly as they bypass to mattress. in specific circumstances, i will hop on the pc between situations, in the event that they are doing something else. My little ones are not infants. they are 8, 13 and sixteen. i don't experience in charge for having somewhat "me time".

2016-10-01 22:09:31 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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