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This is not a sexual question, but just one about body asthetics-
I cannot understand why American women tend to shave of their pubic hair- Im American-but have had a British, Canadian, Australian and European girlfriends, and none of them shaved of their pubes- But every American woman I dated was shaved bald 'downstairs'. It was a bit of a turnoff- I'd rather I was with a woman who looks like a woman, rather trhan like a teenager. Is this shaving thing a national fad? Evidently men are shaving their pubes as well. Why?

2007-02-09 18:45:06 · 26 answers · asked by OctopusGuy 1 in Beauty & Style Hair

I do know that in the 1920s and 1930s when the Gillette razor company wanted to increase profits, they had the novel idea of marketing their product to women, by suggesting hair on a women was not feminine- i wonder if the reason American women shave today can be traced back to a very successful Gillette marketing campaign?

2007-02-09 20:53:56 · update #1

26 answers

A lot of women do what the media tells them to do. In any media where you can see bottomless women, they are bald, or nearly bald. Men see this and expect it from their girlfriends and wives. As a result, some women have been put down for not shaving/waxing, etc. So, they do it to fit in, even though they don't enjoy it. Other women do enjoy being hairless because of the way it feels or looks. Men shaving their pubic hair is not sexy to me at all, though I do appreciate a bit of a trim.

2007-02-09 18:59:40 · answer #1 · answered by Vakari 5 · 4 2

I prefer as much hair as possible,it is sexy to have hair there in my opinion, it 'marks the spot'.
A shaved crotch makes the pubic area not 'stand out' like a hairy one or trimmed , .
Also to me a bald crotch is childish looking to me, which is a huge turn off.
a bald crotch blends in with the rest of the body ...
Some guys like a shaved woman b/c of getting hair in the mouth during oral sex, but I never really had that much of a problem with it, I've gotten some in my mouth but that's no big deal to me.

I like it ALL NATURAL ! A trim is ok though, Pubic hair also holds a natural erotic scent that attracts the opposite sex, .

2015-08-09 21:01:53 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

I m a man and I shave off all my pubic hair. Its much simpler than trimming and quicker too. I epilate once a month and shave in between. All women I have been with much prefer it. Its just a comfort thing I think.

2015-05-13 07:39:48 · answer #3 · answered by steven 1 · 1 1

Yes, woman who shave it all off "down there" tend to look like little girls. I don't understand it, nor do many of the guys I've dated.

I think the trend to wax/shave it all off for a lot of Americans may have to do with how pornographic pubic hair is displayed (or lack there of). Perhaps women feel they'll be sexier. I know some woman who say they just feel clean with it all gone. I guess it's just a matter of personal taste.

But really, it's not like woman have to bush it out down there. Even a nice trim is better than going completely bald, eh? It's definitely more cost-efficient and less painful. Not to mention, stubble is quite annoying for both parties.

2007-02-09 18:58:32 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 9 2

It's definitely due to the media. Porn stars have no hair on their bodies except for their eyebrows and their head hair. So you're ugly if you have hair! Ugly! Get rid of your hair!!!
:S that scares me a little.
Personally, I shave because my boyfriend prefers it, and because my skin likes being free from wiry growth, and because things feel a whole lot nicer that way.
But my boyfriend doesn't shave. That would weird me out. I don't know why. It just would.

2007-02-09 22:08:27 · answer #5 · answered by L 3 · 1 1

I don't know why women shave it all off. But I guess a lot of guys like it that way, and its probably easier for the girl to maintenance it down there.

But I think girls and guys should definately maintain their business and not let a jungle grow down there. I'm sure its unsexy for both parties.

I'm not saying shave it all off, but trim it, maintain it, make it look sexy. Do what ever you want. And for those that don't want to maintenance themselves down there, that's cool too, its your body.

2007-02-09 18:56:51 · answer #6 · answered by Daniel D 2 · 3 0

I shave off mine because I thought thats what men like and pubic hair makes me feel dirty or um maybe less womanly. so guys like pubic hair?, cause that would save me a lot of time just having to trim and not shave. and then i wouldn't get razor burn anymore.

2007-02-09 19:00:11 · answer #7 · answered by silvery_moon_rays 1 · 5 0

Shaving /waxing it all off or having a decent trim is hygienic.
Lots of hair traps body odors. If a woman doesnt grow ingrown hairs, "going bald" can save her time in the long run. She'll have more time without shaving before there is a "bush" again.

2007-02-09 19:39:35 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 4

It is just a fashion fad, it will change. Not so long ago pubic hair was banned in many places, books, movies, magazines. It was very erotic or so it was said. Now it has changed. To each his own.

2007-02-09 18:55:08 · answer #9 · answered by bigjohn B 7 · 1 1

Strawberry BigMac is right. American women like to be smooth, and American men love smooth women. There is nothing new about women removing their pubic hair. Women in ancient Egypt practiced it many centuries ago. They were obsessed with removing their body hair because they wanted to be cleaner. They used to make a paste out of sugar, lemon, and other ingredients to remove their body hair. The paste sort of looked like taffy. They used it to wax their bodies. Maybe all of this seems strange to you because you have long hair and hairy balls. That's why you prefer women with pubic hair. Men with long hair were known as hippies in America during the 1970's.

2007-02-10 01:48:40 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

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