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I live in California, I need all the steps starting from the beginning, i have cash in hand to pay full amount to a private party for a car
What about the steps of Smog, Transfering titles and Bill of Sale? I'm still unclear about those, and am i missing anything?
Does anyone also know how much sales tax would be at the dmv? Is there any way i can avoid the sales tax?
also i don't currently have any insurance, do i wait until after the car is purchased to go buy insurance?

Thanks a lot!

2007-02-09 16:34:45 · 4 answers · asked by superman 4 in Cars & Transportation Buying & Selling

4 answers

Smog will need to be done before you can get a registration. By law the seller is supposed to do that before you buy. Not everyone does. Don't buy a car that isn't smogged. IIRC, it has to have been done within 90 days before the sale.

Yeah, here we go.

The title transfer is all the documentation you need, a bill of sale is redundant, but it doesn't hurt.

The only way to avoid the sales tax is to lie about how much you paid for it. Make it believable if you do that. (So, no, you can't get out of it completely)

The insurance company will need the VIN and license plate number to give you insurance. It might be possible to get it before you buy the car, and wouldn't be a bad idea. But I got mine ASAP after I got the car. Just don't get pulled over before you have it, and drive really carefully.

Here are the instructions from California DMV. Hey, I did remember everything correctly!

2007-02-09 16:57:04 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

all cars sold in Ca need to be smogged before the sale (its the law) when you purchase the car you should get the title smog cert and a bill of sale, which you can print out on the net, the title should be in the persons name who is selling the car, if not find out why.and if you don't like what you hear, walk away sales tax is different in each county ,here in san mateo county it's 8.25% Everyone pays tax ,get used to it.As to insurance,????????? drive the car home and get some right away,good luck and happy motoring

2007-02-10 00:53:11 · answer #2 · answered by bayareart1 6 · 0 0

i can tell you this much to save on taxes put lower amount down then actual price paid

2007-02-10 00:40:03 · answer #3 · answered by gregs111 6 · 0 1

Try this site.

2007-02-10 09:40:35 · answer #4 · answered by cynical jade 4 · 0 0

fedest.com, questions and answers