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My hair is curretly to my jaw line maybe a little shorter.By this coming September I want my hair at least 5 inches or less past my shoulders.So I can cut it into hairstyle I want.Does anyone have any tips on how to take care of it espcally in the summer.Also maybe some oils or something like that to make it healther or stronger.Thanks

2007-02-09 11:00:11 · 13 answers · asked by Kill Hanna Lover 4 in Beauty & Style Hair

13 answers

The ways are various. some good suggestions are.. and i swear by them:
Watch what you eat- drink water, eat protein and iron enriched food
Take a women's vitamin..pick it up at your local health food store
Vida products will take all the unhealthy deposits off of your hair.
Nioxin Follicle Booster will aid with the growth ( i had a very bad eyebrow arch and used it my eyebrows were bushy in like 5 days
It is intended for your hair on your head and its a miracle in a bottle
Use Ceramic flat irons if you must use heat limit to 1 time a week
Keep it conditioned
Best conditioner -- Olive oil and a plastic cap - saturate your hair let it sit for 10 minutes and wash it out
If you cant afford Vida -- use a shampoo that wont strip your hair..eliminate using products with alcohol in them.
I used to have a low hair cut .. my hair is now in the middle of my back .. and very thick
OH............. wrap your hair every night with a silk scarf .. or get a silk pillowcase.. This is so so so so vital and will make a big difference in the thickness and eliminate unnecessary breakage

2007-02-09 11:19:02 · answer #1 · answered by Audae216 2 · 2 0

Ha ha lots of interesting answers. I Hard to know if taking different foods will make your hair grow, its is dead protein. Taking good care of it is what you need to do.

Regularly trim your hair since trimming is key to growth.

Don't brush too much when hair is wet (makes it weak)

Use shampoos and conditioners that will protect your hair especially if you love the hair dryer or flat iron. Also I use a spray on heat activated conditioner (leave in) so hair isn't traumatized.

Wrap your hair in a head scarf to reduce breakage.

You can try lots of other things but these are key to healthy strong and long hair, take it from someone who's been there! Hope I helped you, good luck.

2007-02-09 11:21:03 · answer #2 · answered by girl3 2 · 1 0

Take 2 tbls. apple cider vinegar in an 8 oz. glass of water 2 x day. Will make hair long and strong. Has 93 vitamins and minerals. Read about acv on the web. Grows nails. Gets rid of acne.

2007-02-09 21:28:15 · answer #3 · answered by glenda576 4 · 1 0

in case you're comfortable then are not getting yet another relaxer till college starts. interior the period in-between shelter your ends via moisturizing them and conserving them away out of your shoulders so as that they won't snag or smash off on something (outfits, necklaces,etc.) this would assist you save length so once you do get a relaxer you will no longer would desire to diminish your hair simply by fact of thin, chop up, see with the aid of ends. in case you're organic be certain you save your hair very moisturized and take care off your leads to addition considering they're the oldest element of the hair. no remember what hair style be certain you decrease down on warmth to stay away from warmth harm. there are various types which you will placed on that require little t no warmth. make valuable while washing your hair you have the suited stability between protein (for potential and to stay away from breakage) and moisture. I actual have so plenty extra suggestions so in case you have any questions e mail me.

2016-09-28 21:40:53 · answer #4 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Hair loss affects both men and women. Here are some natural remedies that can help boost hair growth: https://bitly.im/aMLex While genetics plays a role, there are other factors, including: hormonal imbalances, an underactive thyroid gland, nutrient deficiencies and insufficient scalp circulation.

2016-05-16 05:12:17 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I am trying to get my hair to grow in a hurry also. I have been taking prenatal vitamins which are high in the B's that promote hair and nail growth. You can also take biotin as well, this is a common supplement found in hair, skin, and nail multi-vitamins. Of course, you should ask your doctor is prenatals are for you as they can cause thinning of the blood, which is bad if you are anemic.

2007-02-09 11:09:40 · answer #6 · answered by Mrs. Wifey! 3 · 0 1

you could get your hair braided in microbraids or cornrows. if you get braids, make sure they aren't too tight and that you get them redone often. cornrows will last 2 or 3 weeks and microbraids will last 2-3 months. leave your hair braided all summer and by september your hair will be longer. (just make sure you get a trim and a good deep conditioner!)

2007-02-09 15:50:24 · answer #7 · answered by babyblu_buttafly21 3 · 1 0

cut it during the Growing phase of the moon! (look at the calendar) my hair grows at least 2 inches a month
I have been doing this since a baby (family thing)

2007-02-09 11:06:42 · answer #8 · answered by Danishh 1 · 0 1

tea tree shampoo and conditioner and leave in conditioner! and put conditioner on the tips of you hair BEFORE you shower and again in the shower to help splits and cut your hair every 10-15 weeks to keep it healthy!!!
hope i help!!!!

2007-02-09 11:07:16 · answer #9 · answered by Kise 2 · 1 0

well there are pills that help in hair growth and there are also stuff you can apply to it go to a drugstore and ask them what works best good luck

2007-02-09 12:04:14 · answer #10 · answered by advise_gal 4 · 0 1

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