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I recently dyed my hair black with a hairdye that's supposed to came out in 24 washes.I would like to know what will my hair look like at halftime, and I'm also wondering weather I can bleach it out to make it blond again if it starts growing down or looking very washed out.Any experiences?

2007-02-09 09:44:42 · 5 answers · asked by amateurgrower 3 in Beauty & Style Hair

my original haircolour is dirty-blond.

2007-02-09 09:54:45 · update #1

5 answers

I did the same thing in October .. I think it was Loreal? I dont remember but my hair was a light brown .. I didnt realize the box said if your natural hair is lighter than the color your dying it then it will not wash out in 24 shampoos. I still have black hair. I dont mind it I think it looks good but you should check the box to see if you used the same one.

If it dosnt come out you can always die it back, espically if its a wash out dye you used, they usually dont do as much damage as a permanent dye so its okay to dye it again in a shorter period of time.

What I do reccoment thought if you need to go from black to blonde is to get it done by a stylist, I also tried that a few years back and it was not pretty. It looked really fake a orange tinted. When I had it professionally done to blonde it came out so much nicer.

2007-02-09 09:59:23 · answer #1 · answered by Jamie ♥ 2 · 0 0

its not going to look very good as the color is coming out my hair is also blonde and ive dyed it black before it will probably take longer to come out of your being that it is blonde i used some detergent and washed my hair with it and that took the color out of mine i think you can also use dish liquid i wouldnt bleach it because that would change the natural color of your hair

2007-02-09 18:01:04 · answer #2 · answered by Morganna 5 · 0 0

you can dye your hair with any color you like.but if you are a girl, you can streak your hair. bleaching can cause damage to your hair. after sometime, the color would fade and at the same time, bleaching makes your hair more dry.once you feel the hair is growing, go to parlour and just trim the hair.hope this should help

2007-02-09 22:38:01 · answer #3 · answered by hema l 1 · 0 0

your hair was too porous, your hair sucked up the color like a sponge, depending what your natural hair color is.Being that one is black and 10 is blond. 3 levels is comfortable

2007-02-09 17:52:09 · answer #4 · answered by markangelll 1 · 0 0

check the links below for * Hair coloring tips

2007-02-09 21:12:46 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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