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Is that all you people think about on this immigration forum,,,,is it something you must talk about EVERY single day??? Really what's the big damm deal? Everbody is a racist no matter what you think or believe so shut up about it already. Weirdos.

2007-02-09 09:34:47 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Immigration

disney,,,you might be a racist and not even realize it. check this ----would you date a Mexican man or a black man? Mendi8a said that if you answer no then you are a racist.

2007-02-09 09:47:22 · update #1

would you live in an all black community? if you answer no then you are a racist!!

2007-02-09 09:54:59 · update #2

geegee,,,,,did I ever say they had anything in common? no i did not! if you don't frequent this forum on immigration then you really have no idea what is going on or what i am talking about.

2007-02-09 09:57:33 · update #3


2007-02-09 10:01:58 · update #4

mendi8a,,,,,you don't deserve to have white skin,,,you were born the wrong color.

2007-02-09 10:27:38 · update #5

adios putos,,,,i'm OUT!

2007-02-09 10:29:37 · update #6

27 answers

How is it that you equate Racism with Immigration? The two have nothing in common that I can see.
If you are thinking that Americans hate all Latin people, you are way wrong! Many Latin peoples have come to this country, legally & are accepted. Americans have a problem with the Illegals that sneak into the country, have no ligitiment right to be here, over burden our Medical resources, schools & take over entire sections of cities that are unsafe for whites. These we have a problem with & if you can't see it, mores the pity on your ignorance of the problem.

2007-02-09 17:53:34 · answer #1 · answered by geegee 6 · 4 1

if people do not agree with what u think as a person with a mind of your own they will play the race card.i guess it is the easy way out of a discussion that they know they will not win.
i think everyone has a little bit of racism in them.whites,blacks,mexicans,all people do..........i do.i am not ashamed to admit it.i do not hate anybody,but i will say this,i will not let a middle eastern person in my house.yes u can say it is racism,i just call it i dont like them or trust them.will i trust my daughter to go to a black families home to stay the night............problably not,unless i know them and feel that i trust them.there is just to much weird stuff going on in this world today.
who can u trust?if u can not trust them does it mean u are a racist?in some peoples views "yes".
all we can do as people is try to make this world a better place.try to treat everyone as equals............i know it is hard to do,but hey,lets just try.

2007-02-09 20:55:25 · answer #2 · answered by 'HUMVEE' 5 · 1 0

Well....if your trying to link Racism and Immigration together. You are wrong. American's don't like immigration NOT because of there race (some may, But I don't) It's mainly cause of the crimes and unlawful acts they do. You know there was an illegal immigrant who was caught for RAPE. Then asked to be deported back to Mexico because he knew he would not get in trouble there. That is just one example why We (majority of American's) Don't like the immigration. I don't look down upon them for wanting to make money to help there families out. I would do the same thing. But do it legally. When I was in boot camp. I had 4 friends from Mexico. They all got green cards. Then joined the army to send money back to there families. Now that is a GOOD way to do it. They did it legally and was doing something for the country. Not coming over here...beating people up. Robbing us, Raping our women. That's why. I hope this helps you out a little.

2007-02-09 17:46:34 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 9 1

Because people don't know what the word means anymore. The new defination is if you don't agree with whatever they want then you are racist. There is no preference anymore. No right to dislike anything. You can't even report facts that people don't like without being called racist. I don't care anymore......I just want my laws enforced.

2007-02-09 18:27:57 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 5 0

Yes, I think everybody is racist in a way,maybe some do not show it but in the inside people think things, and never tell. We all sin with our minds so I do believe everyone is racist in a way.Just my opinion.

2007-02-09 21:14:47 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

I guess because it's considered to be a sign of hatred, and hatred can lead to chaos (terrorism, war, revolution, etc, etc)...and I do agree that most people are somewhat racist, they just don't admit it.

**I asked a question (Are you racist?) and I got reported** Jeeezzz

Edit// - answer to your questions -

Would you date a Mexican man or a black man?
I don't date Mexican men or black men. They aren't my type. I don't like Indian guys (from India) either.

Would you live in an all black community?
No, it's dangerous, and I avoid all Hispanic communities too.

Conclusion: yes, I'm racist! But I do have Hispanic and black friends. I just don't date them.

2007-02-09 17:39:22 · answer #6 · answered by c00kies 5 · 5 4

"adios putos"?

I do not know anything about you except one thing:

You are rude.

And... you sound just as racist as everyone YOU are accusing of being racist. Your remark to mendi8a adequately demonstrates this.

Young girl, people have preferences. That does NOT make a "racist". Go educate yourself or something.

Main Entry: rac·ism
Pronunciation: 'rA-"si-z&m also -"shi-
Function: noun
1 : a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race
2 : racial prejudice or discrimination

Having a preference is NOT racism. Treating someone poorly or thinking they are less than you because they are of a different race IS racism.

Go look at yourself in the mirror, princess.

2007-02-09 18:48:28 · answer #7 · answered by j 5 · 9 4

I guess you just have to experience what some have really gone through to appreciate what real racism is all about.

There are also other issues that are just as important that even can be intertwined as well as being separate. How about murder and pedophilia? All three seriously and negatively alter people's lives as well as their loved ones.

A lot to think about...

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2007-02-09 17:43:31 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 6 2

I resent your statement. I am not a racist!

It is a "big damn deal." I'm tired of having to pay the bills of people that aren't suppose to be here. The destroy our schools, they make ERs close, they STEAL identities, they increase crime, they don't pay for the services they get, they DEMAND rights they don't have, they take jobs away from citizens, etc.....

Just because someone want people to obey our immigration laws and come here LEGALLY, what is racist about that? NOTHING!!!!!

The illegal alien criminals don't belong here. That is a legal issue, not race. I don't care where the illegals come from. If they aren't suppose to be here, GO HOME.

2007-02-09 17:44:15 · answer #9 · answered by Dizney 5 · 8 4

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