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Sera que como soy Administradora lo veo de otro punto de vista. Asi que espero mi vision de ver las cosas te ayuden un poco.

Hace poco estuve de doctora corazon con unos amigos, y sus problemas radicaba en una falta de comunicacion eso de guardarse las cosas por no querer herir a la otra persona, a veces crea resentimientos que el tiempo lo unico que hace es que se separen las personas. y eso no es bueno.

Por eso te recomiendo que converses con el, y le preguntes en que fallastes para que te seintas rechazado. quizas solo sean ideas tuyas.. o quizas cometiste un error sin darte cuenta, eso te enteraras cuando hables con el.

Sacame de una duda... cual es tu profesion, pense que era ingenieria mecanica, sino corrigeme.

Y sabes... no es bueno estar alejado de la familia.

Esta ben que hagas tu vida.. perosiempre es bueno aprender de las enseñanzas de lovivido de nuestrs tios y padres, uno nunca sabe como le puede servir a uno en elfuturo y eso te lo dijo por experiencia.

Ojala mi hermana y tu puedan algun dia estar juntos. Loq ue neceistas es una persona a tu lado que note de problemas sino que te engria eso ayuda a veces.

Aun no me respondes porque sigues con la que estas ahora... aun espero esa respuesta...

Sobre quien te cuidara cuanod estes viejo... preguntate si estas haciendo lo correcto de estar con alguien que no te ama, no te sientes a gusto, no soportas estar con hijos qu eno son tuyos,... y por otro lado has alejado a tu verdadero hijo de tu vida.

Seria bueon que te des un tiepo para ti... vayas a un lugar relajado sin nadie mas que tu. y piense y medites que si lo que has hecho hasta ahora esta bien o no. Nunca es malo hacer un alto y hacer un balance de tu vida y mejorar, las cosas que hay que mejorar.

Quizas lo que tu papa te dice porque sea perfecto, no se una buena manera de decirte que quizas estas cometiendo errores solo que no te o dice de una manera adecuadap ara que tu lo entiendas.

NO se, si lo que te dijo te servira,. espero que si.

Ya sabes que en mi podras encontrar una amiga.

Voy a ver si mas tarde encuentro un pensamiento que siempre leo cuando estoy en problemas o me siento sola. me pregutno si eres catolico??? espero esa respuesta tambien.

Sobre la imagen del usb, no se que marcas hay alla para enviarte la foto... asi que ayudame en eso.


En sony encontre una oferta por el dia de san valentin, pero no se si sea el usb o no, no lo entiendomuy bien y ahora no tengo a quien preguntar porque evita anda chateando en otra.
pc. Ya me dices si no cuesta mucho o no.


estuve revisando las promicones para que no cueste mucho.

Ojala tu me lopuedas explicar mejor.

ya despues me dices los precios ese promocion del 007 se vio fenomenal. mne roeguto cuanto costara?

Pero la de los chocolates se vio super rica...jajajajja

Sabes.. sobre el usb debe ser algo mas simple que le enviastes a doris, asi no gasto mucho. ya me dices cuanto cuesta.

Que tengas un lindo dia.



2007-02-09 08:42:39 · 3 answers · asked by Michael 3 in Society & Culture Languages

3 answers

Being as I am an Administrator I see it from another point of view. So, I expect that my vision to see things helps you a little.
Some time ago I was a "doctora corazón" with some friends and their problems were mainly lack of communication, keeping things inside in order not to hurt the other person, which sometimes creates resentment which with time only causes people to get separated, and that is not good.
That is why I suggest you talk to him and ask what you did wrong in order to feel rejected, maybe it is just your own interpretation or maybe you made a mistake without realizing and you will find out that by talking to him.
I have a doubt, what is your profession? I thought it was mecanic engineer, correct me if I am wrong.
And you know, it is not good to be apart from the family.
It is OK to do your own life but it is always good to learn from the teachings and experiences of our parents and uncles, one never knows how they can help you in the future. And that I say by experience.
I wish my sister and you may one day be together. What you need is somebody next to you that doesn´t give you problems but that spoils you, that helps sometimes.
You still have not answered why you continue with whom you are now, I am still waiting for an answer.
About who will take care of you when you grow old, you should ask yourself if you are doing the right thing to stay with somebody who doesn´t love you, where you don´t feel comfortable, where you can not stand to be with children that are not yours ... and on the other hand you have removed your real son from your life.
It would be good that you take some time for yourself ... that you go somewhere where you can relax on your own and have the time to think and meditate if what you have done till now is the right thing or not. It is never bad to stop and make a balance of your life and improve the things that need improving.
Maybe what your father says about being perfect is not the right way to say that maybe you are making mistakes, only that he doesn´t say it in the right way for you to understand.
I don´t know if what he said would be useful to you, I hope it does.
You know that in me you can find a friend.
I am going to see if I can find a saying that I always read when I have problems or feel lonely. I ask myself, are you catholic? I wait for that answer too.
About the image of the usb, I don´t know what brands you have there to send you a photograph, so help me with that.
In Sony I found a sale for San Valentin's Day, but I don´t know if it is about the usb or not, I don´t understand it very well and now I don´t have anybody to ask because Evita is chatting on another PC. Tell me if it is expensive or not.
I was checking the promotions so that it doesn´t cost too much.
I hope you can explain it better.
Tell me later about the prices. That promotion 007 looks great. I wonder how much does it costs?
But the one of the chocolates looked super delicious.... jajjaja
You know .... about the usb, it should be something more simple than the one you sent to Doris, like that I will not expend too much. You tell me how much is it.
Hope you have a nice day.
Take care,

2007-02-09 11:43:51 · answer #1 · answered by Martha P 7 · 0 0

Being that as I am Administrator I see it of another point of view. Asi that I expect my vision to see the things help you a little.

It does little I was of doctor corazon with some friends, and its problems situated in a lack of comunicacion that to be kept the things by did not want to wound the other person, at times creates resentments that the time it unico that causes is that the people be separated. and that is not good.

Therefore I recommend you that converse with the, and ask him in which fallastes so that you seintas rejected. quizas alone be your ideas.. or quizas made a mistake without giving you account, that informed you when speak with the.

You remove me of a doubt... which is your profesion, even that was ingenieria mecanica, but correct me.

And you know... is not good to be far away of the family.

This ben that do your life.. perosiempre is good to learn of the teachings of lovivido of nuestrs tios and parents, one never knows as can serve to one in elfuturo and that told it you by experience.

Ojala my sister and your they be able algun I gave to be together. Loq eu neceistas is a person to your side that note of problems but you engria that helps at times.

Even me do not you respond because continue with the one that these now... even I expect that answer...

On who took care of you cuanod be old... ask you if these doing the correct thing of being with someone that you does not love, do not feel to flavor, do not bear to be with children qu eno are yours, ... and on the other hand have moved away your true son of your life.

Serious bueon that give you a tiepo for you... go to a relaxed place without nobody but that your. and be chirped and meditate that if what have done up to now this well or not. Never it is evil to do a high one and to do a balance of your life and to improve, the things that one must improve.

Quizas what your pope says you because he be perfect, itself not a good way to tell you that quizas these making alone mistakes that not you or adecuadap says in a way plows that your understand it.

Himself NOT, if what told you serve you,. I expect that if.

Already you know that in my podras to find a friend.

I am going to see if but late I find a thought that always read when I am in problems or I feel alone. me pregutno if you are catolico??? I expect that answer tambien.

On the image of the usb, itself is not you marked that there is alla to send you the photo... asi that help me in that.


In sony find an offering by the I gave of San valentin, but itself not if be the usb or not, not it entiendomuy well and now do not I have to whom to ask because avoids walks drinking wine in another. Pc. Already you tell me if does not cost a lot or not.


I was revising the promicones so that cost not a lot.

Ojala your me lopuedas to explain better.

Already despues you tell me the prices that promocion of the 007 was seen phenomenal. mne roeguto as much as cost?

But that of the chocolates was seen super rich. ..jajajajja

You know.. on the usb should be something but simple that him enviastes to doris, asi not a lot of expense. already tell me as much as slope.

That have a pretty one I gave.

You take care of,


2007-02-09 10:23:04 · answer #2 · answered by B@M-B@M 2 · 2 1

thanks for the kiss, you supply that to me more effective powerful in individual, take care. "Lo das" is unquestionably 2 separate words (in spite of the undeniable fact that perchance this isn't any longer significant for in spite of you want this for, I basically needed to allow you to already know). EDIT: i imagine Carver's top, it does mean "you mean more effective to me in individual"....My translation's likely too literal. Sorry 'bout that. this is been a lengthy time period because i have taken Spanish.

2016-10-17 06:15:47 · answer #3 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

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