go to your citys courthouse and file for a restarining order.
the next time it happens, the police will have to take her to jail.
2007-02-09 04:59:40
answer #1
answered by pepsicolastar 3
You need to file a restraining order ASAP. You need to make sure you have the addresses of the person(s) that you will file against. This will help a possible case. If you are a minor you will need your parent or guardian (unless you are emancipated.) Look up your local courts on the internet and find were you can file an order at. Call first and find out when the clinic is held, and what you need to bring. Good luck, and keep safe.
2007-02-15 11:05:19
answer #2
answered by Hugo L 1
Keep going to the police, file reports...make a pain in the *** of yourself at the police station! File enough reports to get yourself an order of protection against whoever is assaulting you. You have to produce evidence or else there really is nothing the police can do but talk to them. Do you have any witnesses? That would help you. Don't do anything to them it will backfire and you will be the guilty one. Next time they do it call an ambulance(or get somebody to call) go to the hospital report to them that you were assaulted. Definitely speak to an attorney, consultations are free. Sooner or later something has to be done.
2007-02-09 05:03:34
answer #3
answered by pamomof4 5
cONTACT THE DA and let him know it's serious,if you get no results, the next time it happens, call the police and tell them you want to press charges for stalking, I assume you have a stalking law. Just keep bugging them and if necessary contact another assistant DA. Some think things are not important so keep trying till you find a DA that does.
2007-02-16 11:55:08
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Have you ever heard of a citizens arrest, in the presents of law enforcement tell the person that is attacking you that you are placing them under a citizens arrest in some states that arrest is as good as a cops, also check your local self defense statutes, if there is one, and DO NOT take this for granted there may be no self defense clause where you life but if there is find something and use it but don't us more force than is necessary to stop the assault
2007-02-13 15:22:21
answer #5
answered by Rick M 1
Check with the local police to determine if pepper spray is legal to carry in your state. Don't ever be afraid to defend yourself. If the Police haven't "Done anything" then it's probably not "assault" look up the word in the dictionary.
2007-02-09 05:13:25
answer #6
answered by SGT. D 6
Whenever I hear "and the police won't do anything about it" I really wonder about what the real story is. I would suggest being accompanied by a witness whenever possible and to carry a cell phone so you can call 911.
2007-02-09 06:22:31
answer #7
answered by joeanonymous 6
go to the police and get what is called an E P O on them if you know who they are. it will go before the judge and then they will not be allowed within so many feet of you. if so then they will be in contempt of a court order. try that it worked for a friend of mine.
Emergency Protective Order
2007-02-16 13:45:42
answer #8
answered by sadie 2
Would you rather be charged with carrying pepper spray or be dead. You can either visit the judge or the undertaker. The choice is yours.
2007-02-09 05:11:13
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Go to your local courthouse and file a restraining order against them then if they get within 100 yards of you or your house they go straight to jail and with the order against them the cops have to do something or they are held reliable.
2007-02-16 01:32:58
answer #10
answered by Tonya B 2
Can you get a restraining order?
carry a bar of soap stuffed in a tube sock. This should knock someone out.
Last resort, Carry a knife or boxcutter and stab them or slash them only in "self defense".
Disclaimer, this may end up getting you in jail.
2007-02-16 06:09:05
answer #11
answered by navy_hobo 3