No people's failure to take personal responsibility for themselves is causing weight gain. People look to blame everyone else but the person in the mirror these days. It isn't McDonald's it's personal inability to make better choices.
2007-02-09 03:04:08
answer #1
answered by Mickey 6
No!! Eating that stuff on a daily basis, as some do, and without self control is what makes people fat. I lost nearly 50 lbs. in a relatively short time frame by cutting carbs, and and eating a fairly high protein diet. It's been 3 years and my weight is still at 177 and I'm 6' 1" tall!! Not bad for a 43 year old guy!! My cholestrol level is better than a good average, and I eat the greasiest stuff there is to eat. My insulin levels are also right in check. Sure I eat a Mcdee once in a while. Nothing wrong with that. Living on that stuff and getting no exercise will definately make you fat. Would you like a pie with that???
2007-02-09 11:14:07
answer #2
answered by partyboy 2
It is this kind of thought that has lead to a desprite need for tort reform in the U.S. Judicial system. What ever happened to personal responsibility? When do we stop being a society of "victims" and grow up? You over eat and refuse to work out--you get fat. Where does it stop? Do we sue Kroger or Piggly Wiggly next? What about the farners and ranchers they grow the food....certainly they should be sued too right?
2007-02-09 11:11:10
answer #3
answered by aiminhigh24u2 6
I don't think you can realistically say it's McDonald's fault that people are fat. People ultimately make their own choices. However, I DO believe that McDonald's has a responsibility to explain to its customers that their products are basically poison (much like the tobacco industry).
If I place the barrel of a loaded gun in my mouth and pull the trigger, neither the gun manufacturer nor the person who sold me the gun should be held responsible for my death. I made the choice to do it. However, if pen caps were prone to explode if you chew on them, I think pen cap makers should be required to TELL ME THAT IT MIGHT EXPLODE IF I CHEW ON IT.
Making you fat is the least serious thing that McDonald's "Food' might do to you. Consider that if you were to eat all three meals at McDonald's for one day, you will probably consume more than one pound of sugar. I McDonald's-heavy diet could easily result in high cholesterol, high blood pressure, diabetes, cluster headaches, symptoms of addiction, and possible liver failure. There must come a point where we require all corporations to stop trying to kill us in the name of an easy buck.
On the other hand, foods high in fat have been shown to be highly addictive. Much like nicotine. We no longer allow Coca-cola to put cocaine in their soda. Why not? If something bad happens to you from drinking cocaine-laced soda, isn't it your fault, because you should have known that cocaine is bad for you?
I'm not saying people should be able to sue Fast food providers for making them fat. However, the government took on the responsibility 100 years ago to protect us from companies that sell products for consumption that contain harmful chemicals. It seems to me they are shirking this responsibility.
2007-02-09 11:09:24
answer #4
answered by yossarius 4
Humm. I don't think so. I have gained a lot of wieght lately and have never eaten at McDonalds.
Now if McDonalds forced it down people's throats that would be true, but people freely go there, freely pull out their money and buy, and freely eat the food.
2007-02-09 11:05:12
answer #5
answered by tommyfourth 3
No. Anyone who believes this is ignorant.
McDonald's is far from the cause. The cause is people eating fatty and unhealthy foods. That can come from, McDonalds, Wendys, Burger King, Taco Bell or your own local grocery store. To blame one organization is ludicrous and ignorant. Nobody forces us to eat fatty foods.
2007-02-09 11:00:12
answer #6
answered by S H 6
I don't think you can blame McDonalds or anyone else for your own weight problems. While McDonalds food is highly unhealthy, you have to be responsible about what you consume.
Fast food and foods that are highly processed are toxins in your body. They form fat cells which get accumulated and lodged inside you.
So do be more vigilant about your diet.
2007-02-09 11:12:41
answer #7
answered by mindalchemy 5
No. American's just need someone/something to blame, because they can't take responsibility for themselves. McDonalds is around just to be there and perhaps to an extra treat for someone, but americans take it tooooooo far and consume too must without working it off, because they are lazy. They blame it on Mcdonalds because they are riches due to "making" american's fat....bull crap.
2007-02-09 11:16:35
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
No absolutely not. Anyone who eats Mcdonald's or anything else like this and is too lazy to exercise will gain a lot of weight. Obesity is not a disease it is laziness.
2007-02-09 11:06:35
answer #9
answered by thaioneon2000 2
No I don't think that Mcdonalds is soley responsible for people being overweight. Do they contribute? Yes. For me there are 5 reasons why we Americans (myself included) are overweight.
1. We move too fast. We have too many things going on that take precidence over finding time to eat right and exercise. We don't sit down to meals like we did 50 years ago, we eat on the go, and we don't put enough stock into fun activites that can help us stay active. We just don't take the time to do those things anymore. Think when you were a kid and the things you liked to do. Play sports, swim, go to the playground, hopscotch..things that kept you active. Well now parents don't have time to do those things with thier kids and the kids don't want to do them either because they would rather play video games.
2. Hydrogenated Oils otherwise known as Trans fats. Food companies put this crap into thier foods to keep them shelf stable longer and they are cheaper than say..butter. Remeber when your mom baked cookies...they had butter. And i'm not saying that butter doesn't make you fat, but it doesn't have the adverse side effects like trans fats, and you had a few cookies every day and you weren't fat, mainly because the fats in the cookies digested properly and didn't stick in your abdomen like trans fats do now.
3. High fructose corn syrup. This is an artifical sweetener that has been used highly since the 70's. Its cheaper than sugar and that is why they use it in products. Its highly addictive and this is one of the major reasons why we eat so much crappy food. Its in everything..pop, candy, baked goods, even found in most breads. I've seen graphs that show as the amount of high fructose corn syrup is used rises the amount of american obesity rises. Its a direct relationship. Unfortunatly right now people are most concerned with the trans fats and until that gets under control, we won't start concentrating on the high fructose corn syrup. Its bad bad stuff.
4. Bad role models. Too many skinny unatainable bodies on display out there. Makes people expect that they should be able to look like that, and that is unrealistic. I like what supermodel Giselle said that models are born with those bodies and basically have to do nothing to keep them looking like that. Its true. Most people aren't born with those bodies and to try to manipulate yourself into that is unreasonable. Which leads me to my last reason.
5. Diets. We want to be super skinny overnight and we try everything. Wierd food combos, starvation, laxatives, diet pills and all the diet programs that are available out there. Everytime we buy into something and we lose a little and then realize that its not working fast enough, we quit, go back to binge eating and eating the wrong foods..all the while messing up our metabolisms. Yo-yo dieting. Its horrible for you. Eventually you get to the point (where I'm at) that you've tried everything and you finally realize..hey eat less crap, exercise more. That's the ticket. Now that i've finally realized that and have been doing really well the last 6 weeks, it comes off super slow because my metabolism is all messed up from all the insanity that i put it through before i had this revelation.
These are the 5 main reasons in my mind why we as a society are overweight. Until these issues are addressed and people start to see the light, we will continue to be overweight. I think that a healthy balanced diet (no fast food), exercise, cutting out trans fats and high fructose corn syrup, taking time out of your day to keep yourself healthy, and coming to the realization that only like .5% of humans have a models body and that you need to accentuate what you've got and not dwell on the fact taht you can't have Giselle's body are the keys to staying healthy.
2007-02-09 11:23:58
answer #10
answered by jmk_jenmarie 3