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The US can't wage aggressive wars against the rest opf the world every 30 to 40 years without expecting retribution. Tony Blair was swtupid enough to join in with this and now, we are hated by most of the world too. It's so stupid and incompetent, it's beyond belief.

2007-02-09 00:21:58 · 22 answers · asked by Andy N 1 in Politics & Government Military

22 answers

The US has always been resented by many countries in the world because they envy the freedom, resources and opportunity available in the US.

If the middle east hated the US they would simply stop selling oil to us. That would destroy the US economy... which is the US. But they don't because while they may not like our policies, they love American dollars.

The reason other European countries and the UN did not want the US to enter Iraq is because they were making money off Food-For-Oil and the illegal oil being shipped via Syria.

The UN oil embargo and Saddam Hussein killed more Iraqi's that the war has. The US, Britain and the rest of the coalition, didn't ask to be the world's police, but sometimes a country has to stop worrying about what is popular and start thinking about what is right.

2007-02-09 00:54:00 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

True I wish our leaders would have never gone to war, and Tony was just as excited as Bush on the war on Terror. So if I do not work, eat, or pay any taxes or buy nothing how would that be helping the west. Going out in the street to protest is for sissies, our government is doing hopeful the correct thing at the present time. But the east has it's problem with the Jewish State and view us as an arm to the Jewish state and now the view Europe as an arm of the Jewish state, we are awry of that and awry that not all Jewish agree of the Jewish state, so buy knowing I can not change the status quo, the war is now to reconstruct the east and with Iran's influence to dominate the Middle East, we may loose the war. Think the Iraq army defeated and Iran with every right to attract and invade Iraq, what control would the west have in all of oil affairs, we need our presents there to serve as the peace. Think this war is not over yet and if the enemy is able to hit the west like they did with Russia, will look at what might be your future.


2007-02-09 00:39:42 · answer #2 · answered by man of ape 6 · 0 0

Your question indicates that you feel the USA should never involve itself in world conflicts. And yet, I am certain that your fathers were quite happy when America aided GB, Europe and the world in both WWI and WWII. Maybe the USA should have chosen to be uninvolved in those conflicts also. Of course, had we not intervened, you would now 'sprechen deutch gut'. Even in recent history the US was lambblasted for not sending troops in time to help in Bosnia and to a couple of African dissasters that are continueing by the same people who now are 'mad' at us for entering Iraq. One must wonder if you people may ever be satisfied? Perhaps you have chosen not to note that S. Korea is still not communist, that Taiwan and Japan are free to do what they want, that the USSR failed due to US determination and decisions, some correctly proscecuted, some not, Vietnam included. But all contributing to the fall of the then major communist regime in the world. Perhaps some people do not view Communist China with 20% of the world's population as an enemy with whom someone must contend one day? Does GB want that task? How about the EU? Anybody feel up to being the world's policeman? Just haggle with your politicians, over a few decades spend the trillions required to have the strongest military in the world while trying to keep your own citizens placated and living at one of the highest standards of living in the world -- all the while raising taxes as required, and, when your nation is ready, step up to the plate. I bet the pitcher will get a couple of sliders (excuse me -- strike the wicket or pitch a knobbly or whatever you call it) past your leaders over a tumultuos century or two. When you feel up to it just do it. In the meantime quit bitching about those who are now doing the work you will not and are not capable of doing.
BTW, what was so bad about deposing a tyrant who had killed hundreds of thousands of innocent people, whose own sons were homocidal maniacs, whose regime subjugated more than it served, who staged a war against another Moslem nation that killed more hundreds of thousands? The goal of the USA was to establish a peaceful nation with free people in Iraq and improve the avearge standard of living there. It is not the fault of the USA, Bush or Blair (who nobly tried to aid an ally) that the goal has not been attained. The thwarting of that goal is the fault of the radical fundamentalist members of differing sects of a religion that is locked ideologically in the dark ages and will likely never progress. Should the USA just cease doing everything that is necessary to stop the goal of these people? That goal, my near sighted friend is to establish their idea of freedom, to wit, fundamentalist religious repression ruled by Sharia Law, take away the freedom of women, religion and everything I hold dear (do you?), and become the only world religion. PERIOD. You and all the whining Europeans need to understand this first and foremost, stiffen your necks and help out, or you and your cultures will be buried and forgotten forever.
I am not a Bush supporter, never voted (nor would I) for him and I hate all war. But it is damnably difficult to be always expected to do what is best for the world in complex political situations and always be correct. Give him and the USA that and then find some way to help settle the problem in Iraq. Have your governments put pressure on that area's governments to just leave Iraq alone and let it stabilize, stop funding terrorism worldwide, come into the 21st century and establish what every individual deserves, safe, peaceful countries for everyone, Moslem, Christian, Jew, Buddhist, Jaine, Taosit, agnostic or aetheist (with apologies for leaving out several other valid religions).

2007-02-09 01:37:25 · answer #3 · answered by Nightstalker1967 4 · 0 0

What damage, exactly? And, if time works the same on your world as it does on ours, the fact is that the "aggressive" war (is there any other kind??) in Afghanistan was in response to multiple attacks on the US by al Qaeda.

The "aggressive" war against Saddam was due to multiple violations of the cease-fire agreement that ended Gulf War 1. Unlike so many people, at least Bush and Blair had the capacity to have learned from the mistakes of the 1930's - when Chamberlain was the hero and Churchill was the war-mongering fanatic, right up until Septemer 1st 1939.

I guess I fail to see the exact nature of the "damage" done to the West. As for being hated (or being loved, for that matter), that is immaterial to anything and carries no weight, because the opinions of the world don't have value.

Perhaps you failed to notice that the US's failure to respond to repeated attacks resulted in 9/11, just as the peace-at-all-cost cowards failures to check Hitler's actions resulted in WW2. Peace for peace's sake just invites aggression. Failure to respond invites increased attacks. Perhaps it is you who have failed to learn the lessons of history.

2007-02-09 00:47:37 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

There are 300 MILLION Americans - many of us did NOT support the war. As to the U.S. waging wars of aggression every 30 or 40 years, I would like to remind you that the US bailed out Europe in another "war of aggression" (by Adolf Hitler), and a previous war as well - we are usually the GOOD guys. As to the invasion of Iraq, it was sanctioned by the United Nations security council - not just the U.S.

You need to understand something: the U.S. government is NOT the same thing as the U.S. people - they are NOT the same!!! Its like saying that Tony Blair represents ALL of the English population, and clearly he does not! Do you want to be judged by what Tony Blair does? Judging by your statement, obviously not!

As to what the war is doing in other parts of the world, its forcing Libya to give up its terrorist ways, its causing Hamas and Fatah to realize that in order to have peace in Lebanon they need to unite - which means that they have had to recognize the government of Israel (which has NEVER happened before) as a legitimate entity, that Syria and Iran need to think long and hard about what they are going to do next and who they are going to support, etc. This is WAY more complex than you make it out to be. Is this war causing the U.S. problems? You bet it is! However, the only real way to know what the long-term effects of it are going to be are to let history be the judge - its the ONLY way to know for sure. The war in Iraq IS hurting U.S. popularity in the world, but if it eventually brings peace and stability to the Middle East, then perhaps it was worth it.

BTW: I oppose war with Iran or Syria - Iran doesn't like its current president, and Syria is a lot friendlier to the U.S. than the Bush administration is leading the public to believe.

2007-02-09 00:38:33 · answer #5 · answered by Paul Hxyz 7 · 1 1

The Soviet Union and China spent billions of dollars to bash the west and it worked. People gain power by bashing the west regardless if it's true or not. Cuba's news paper has a picture of an American warship on their front page with an artical that has been going on for over 40 years saying why the U.S. is going to invade Cuba. Iran has been bashing the U.S. since the '70s. Europe has been bashing the U.S. since the 1800s.

2007-02-09 04:13:49 · answer #6 · answered by gregory_dittman 7 · 0 0

No it is not. Blair and Bush know exactly what they are doing - stealing oil. Oil runs the world economy (try getting on a plane with no oil in the tank) and if you want to run the World you have to get the oil or at least make sure the Russians and Chinese don't. Do you want to live in a World where Russia and China are almost as powerful as the burger guzzling yanks? Where men like Bush have to watch the profits of their massive oil corporations fall, where they cannot sell shiploads of arms and dole out building contracts to their friends? Those men have a right to profit from human misery, it's the American Dream!!!

Anyway, your comments fall on deaf ears with the American public. They only know what they see on Fox News and other Dubya controlled media outlets and most of them think the World backs them in the War to Steal all of the Oil in the Middle East.

2007-02-09 00:47:00 · answer #7 · answered by airmonkey1001 4 · 0 1

With all due respect, the first obligation of the United States is to preserve its own safety, and the leaders of the US put their obligation to this country ahead of the public opinion of other countries.

Perhaps it is good to remind you that Britain signed the non-agression pact with Hitler - it was the intervention of the United States that saved Europe from falling under Nazi domination. It was the support of the United States that halted the North Korean invasion and saved South Korea from being overrun.

Unfortunately many countries in the world feel that peace can be maintained by conversation. History has proved them wrong again and again, and yet the belief still continues.

Thank heaven the United States is still willing to commit itself to maintaining peace BEFORE larger wars become necessary.

2007-02-09 00:32:34 · answer #8 · answered by Uncle John 6 · 3 0

Get off it, you were hated by most of the world for the last thousand years or so. Do you think anyone has forgotten Britain's wars of aggression and conquest? That crap about the Sun never setting on the British Empire tells it all. You tea-sucking hypocrits have nothing to complain about.

2007-02-09 00:26:54 · answer #9 · answered by ret_rochcop 2 · 3 0

thank you on your easy question. i'm additionally a conservative and that i do nevertheless help the conflict. if we are able to set up a democracy in that area this is friendly to us it would desire to alter the whole worldwide. I supported the conflict on its face yet have not cherished how that is been fought. i've got self assurance that is been finished in a politically suitable vogue. regulations such simply by fact the warriors are in basic terms allowed to shoot in step with being shot at is ridiculous. so some distance as your factor approximately propping up people who're now our enemies, nicely...the worldwide is a complicated place. You circulate with who you will desire to on the time and in the event that they activate you you cope with that then. I notably doubt 80 one% of Iraqis prefer us out. That feels like some skewed ballot to me. yet howdy, who knows. yet I relish the style you worded your question.

2016-09-28 21:07:22 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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