WOAH!! Dude I would run if i was you.... Very Very Fast!!
She is proberly tring to get attention from you or she just likes you and wants to see what your reaction would be like to see if you like her.
2007-02-08 23:53:44
answer #1
answered by GeCkO_GaL 2
I don't know why anyone would send that kind of message in the first place and I'm not exactly sure how she means to get him while he is sleeping. Is she attacking him or trying for something a little more physical? I really don't think she is joking. I wish I had her nerve however, there is someone I might try the second type of attack on.
2007-02-08 23:42:21
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
She is in all probability injury, yu would desire to deliver her a message which you're sorry for guffawing at her message and tell her the form you sense, this is the only thank you to be conscious of and existence is to short to stand around waiting, you will desire to behave now, via fact day after today will possibly no longer come.
2016-12-17 05:54:54
answer #3
answered by ? 4
well i wud say that shes got a bit of a mental problem, or els shes just really clingy, tell her goodby and move onto someone els who gives you your own personal space, chainge your sms address and block her rom your fone, and if she carrys on callin, or comeing around to your house tell the Police everythin, get this sorted now befor its too late. hope my advice is up to scratch lv ya lv chavin_it_riz x x x
2007-02-08 23:38:05
answer #4
answered by love_me_im_sweet 2
he might take it as a joke but for most people will take this as maybe serious because half of what said in a joke is truth... I would imply it as funny and light hearted to him so he doesn't think of you as crazy or a stalker...
2007-02-08 23:41:58
answer #5
answered by Angel 2
if it were a female I knew or not I guess I could care less, if she was just joking or not, I would be like whatever come and get me, don't know how this other person will take it though, I am not a mind reader
2007-02-08 23:35:52
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
probable cause for such message can only mean that she likes you but you weren't that interested enough to set your eyes on her, so she would threaten you and send you messages (even if its a joke or not) maybe she just like you that much, more than you expect. But honestly such messages are just a waste of time, do you believe in such threats...??? trust me! its hilarious if you believe in that even for a split seconds... Well, only cheap girls do such act...!
2007-02-08 23:43:36
answer #7
answered by *Pretty Pink* 3
she is a crazy one - dont go there - not worth it - run screaming like a girl i the other direction! NOW!
2007-02-08 23:39:47
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
i would think she was a little crazy.. and a bit of a stalker..
i bet thats how that astornaut chick started out
2007-02-08 23:34:29
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Well assuming she's not a psycho. I would be hoping she'd tie me up and have her way with me, but that's just me
2007-02-08 23:43:53
answer #10
answered by tiemetight814 2