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i dont mind throwing in for fuel if anyones going that way.no i'm just joking.can anyone tell me if you can fly to montana from australia or would it be cheaper to fly to canada and then drive.i dont want a package deal i just want to fly there and hire something i can sleep in for a week or so.like a small camper or simular.does anyone know the cheapest way of actually getting there besides swimming?

2007-02-08 12:22:57 · 4 answers · asked by BUSHIDO 7 in Travel Air Travel

it's for a wedding and i have a time frame.unless i decide i like it and stay there.lol.

2007-02-08 12:40:13 · update #1

very good answerMK you wonder why ppl dont like muslims?and you intend reporting me?for what?your the one with the obvious religous villification problem.i'd be very carful if i was you i can and will have you removed from yahoo.religous villification is untasteful and illegal in case you dont know.

2007-02-08 14:00:14 · update #2

4 answers

Work your way over on a tramp steamer and jump ship when you get there.

2007-02-08 12:31:24 · answer #1 · answered by normobrian 6 · 1 0

my wager is which you may fly to seattle and capture a smaller airplane into montana. that way you does no longer could cope with entering canada. It relies upon on the place in montana you're going too.

2016-11-02 22:41:17 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

sure hope your car is a submarine! or can fly
as australia is in one country down under and USA is another
country with a very wide pond some call the Pacific ocean
right smack in the middle!

2007-02-08 15:11:51 · answer #3 · answered by mobilemark 7 · 0 0

Ok ibn sharmootah, you started this in my profile again. Everytime you will get a report. Ok, look at you, this is a good example for the mumineen to see the kaffireen in struggle , especially when they are koss ommeck lanatullahi aal. Keep your promises and stay away from here, we know you are ibn muttah.

2007-02-08 13:37:27 · answer #4 · answered by Phlow 7 · 0 2

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