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Has anone ever ordered plane tickets from malincho.com and if so how was your experience? Was it secure and did you plans go as the intinerary said they would?

2007-02-08 11:21:15 · 2 answers · asked by JOALWA 1 in Travel Air Travel

2 answers


2007-02-08 11:24:11 · answer #1 · answered by KB 4 · 0 0

I have never heard of it and some of those sites are very sketchy. Actually, the best airfares are probably through the airline's website I fly a lot for work and book a lot of travel. I usually check expedia.com or orbitz.com and see which airline has the cheapest flights, then i go to that airline's website, and 99% of the time I get the exact same airfare. Plus those sites all charge a "booking fee" of $5 or more so it actually makes it more expensive. Plus some airlines guarantee that you will find the cheapest fares through their own website (I know American Airlines does this and probably most others). And it's also the most reliable to go through the source directly. Also check the "low-fare" carriers like Southwest Airlines or JetBlue because they only have their fares on their own websites so check there as well, although I never find those to be the cheapest.

2007-02-08 11:53:11 · answer #2 · answered by Mike R 6 · 0 0

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