Jeez, I'm guessin' that this is a homework assignment.
Tough subject to come up with some original ideas on.
Here's one.......Global Warming.
We've been tracking the mean temperature of the earth for about 70 years and now we're predicting disaster within the next 250 years.
That's like following a child's growth rate for the first 10 years of his life and extrapolating that out to a conclusion that by the age of 30 he will be 15 feet tall.
2007-02-08 08:59:59
answer #1
answered by Jack 6
I'm looking to replace landfills with a new process for managing trash. The landfill is just about as old as fire and needs to be replaced for a better environment. By processing trash a lot of raw material can be conserved that otherwise would be mined from the ground. Its a win/win process in that raw material is generated and greenhouse gases are reduced as well as other forms of polution common to landfill use.
2007-02-08 17:52:37
answer #2
answered by jim m 5
Global warming.
Global warming is caused by man, as proven below. It is true that there is a large natural greenhouse effect. But the additional contribution of man, known as global warming, is a serious problem.
Not in the short term. One of the major issues in dealing with global warming is that it requires a lot of hard work to solve, and we must start before it affects us personally.
Many people think global warming is natural. Some think it's a deliberate hoax. I agree that some individuals exaggerate environmental problems. But that's not true in this case, the vast majority of the scientific community is united and sincere. Here's some of the science involved.
The arguments about volcanoes are flat wrong, bordering on ridiculous. Volcanoes emit a tiny fraction of what man produces. And the dust they throw up cancels most of that out.
"a far greater amount of CO2 is contributed to the atmosphere by human activities each year than by volcanic eruptions. Volcanoes contribute about 110 million tons/year, whereas other sources contribute about 10 billion tons/year"
The IPCC report considered the measured values of solar variation, and it's nowhere near enough to cause the wrming. The total warming is 2.6 watts per meter squared. The solar incrose is 0.12 watts per meter squared.
And the warming is far more rapid than any natural cycle could be.
Natural CO2 emissions may be more than man. But naturally produced CO2 is recycled by the "carbon cycle". Man is messing that up by digging up carbon the natural cycle buried over millions of years, and buring it very fast. Here's the data. The little squiggles are the natural cycle doing its' thing. CO2 goes down in the summer when plants are active, and up in the winter when they're not. The huge increase is us, burning fossil fuels.
The scientific debate about whether global warming is real and caused by man is over. This is not some treehugger Commie conspiracy to
control people. Al Gore is not responsible for any of the science. I understand that sometimes individuals have exaggerated environmental issues. This is not individuals, it is the position of the vast majority of scientists. I understand that people don't like government control and collective international actions. Unfortunately that's exactly what the problem of global warming needs.
Scientists agree it's real and caused by man:
That one answers the question "How do we know the scientists agree?" It's two years old, the consensus is much stronger now.
Business leaders agree it's real and caused by man:
The IPCC report is the final proof.
The IPCC report will be available in a few weeks. It will cost money, it's 1600 pages. But someone will put it up online at some point.
It covers all the ideas that have been raised for natural causes, solar variation, volcanoes, etc. And it rejects them, not based on opinion, but on hard peer reviewed data. Read the 21 page summary here:
The IPCC report is the biggest scientific paper ever, with the most data, the most authors, and the most peer review, in the history of science. It is the very pinnacle of hard scientific research. The last paper to hold that title was the last IPCC report in 2001. You can look at that one here.
Science does not get any more solid than this.
The global warming deniers are exactly the same type of non-science believers as the people who don't believe we landed on the moon.
I would have added "or those who believe the Earth was made 6000 years ago". But I can't. Evangelical Christians believe it's real and caused by man:,2933,2438...
The scientific debate over whether global warming is real and caused by man is finished. Yes and yes. The evidence is so strong that the
opponents of solving the problem tried to bribe scientists to criticize the IPCC report.
Look at these important and influential people who agree, because of the above. You may not respect ALL the names, but surely you'll respect some.
"The science of global warming is clear. We know enough to act now. We must act now."
James Rogers, CEO of Charlotte-based Duke Energy.
"The overwhelming majority of atmospheric scientists around the world and our own National Academy of Sciences are in essential agreement
on the facts of global warming and the significant contribution of human activity to that trend."
Russell E. Train, former environmental official under Presidents Nixon and Ford
"Global warming is already starting, and there's going to be more of it. I think there is still time to deal with global warming, but we
need to act soon. Humans now control global climate, for better or worse."
James Hansen, Ph.D. climate scientist, NASA
"By mid-century, millions more poor children around the world are likely to face displacement, malnourishment, disease and even
starvation unless all countries take action now to slow global warming."
Michael Oppenheimer, professor of geosciences and international affairs at Princeton University
"We simply must do everything we can in our power to slow down global warming before it is too late. The science is clear. The global warming debate is over."
Arnold Schwarzenegger, Republican, Governor, California
"Our nation has both an obligation and self-interest in facing head-on the serious environmental, economic and national security threat posed by global warming."
John McCain, Republican, Senator, Arizona
"These technologies will help us become better stewards of the environment - and they will help us to confront the serious challenge of global climate change."
President George Bush
Global warming won't be benign. It will flood coastal areas and damage agriculture. Rich countries will see huge costs, and the standard of living will go down. In poor countries people will die of starvation.
The cost of solving it will be very large. But the costs of not solving it will be larger, in terms of money and human life.
2007-02-08 17:11:00
answer #3
answered by Bob 7