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not why did america started fighting in iraq
and not i don't know or some other short point gaining type answer [please]

2007-02-08 07:44:34 · 23 answers · asked by t 2 in Politics & Government Military

23 answers

oil and money...and thats about it

2007-02-08 07:54:12 · answer #1 · answered by bmn44 4 · 3 2

It all started in February 1991 when Iraq invaded Kuwait in what was disputed rights over oil wells. Iraq said the oil was in Iraq, and Kuwait said the oil was in Kuwait. Iraq tried to reclaim the oil wells to the dismay of Kuwait. Kuwait then tells the world about Iraq aggressions, thus gaining the attention of George H.W.Bush Sr., who invades Iraq and pushes them back to Baghdad. Bush Sr. said, however, he would not try to invade Baghdad because the city would turn into a civil war zone. So after three months of the Desert Storm campaign, the US declares victory and doesn't invade Baghdad. Twelve years, later Bush Jr. invades Baghdad and a massive civil war breaks out between the Shias and Sunnis. During the time both Bushes were president an oil embargo was imposed in Iraq, stating it was against international law for Iraq to sell its oil. So for 12 years, Iraq was under an oil embargo, yet on the sly sold oil to European countries. So to answer you question, we've been fighting in Iraq for the last 15 years, it has only been the last 4 years we sent and kept soldiers there. Also what is taking us so long to get out of there is we are sure if we could trust the Sunnis or the Shias to take over Iraq and bring peace to the region.

2007-02-08 09:12:43 · answer #2 · answered by mac 7 · 0 2

Even though everyone know that Bush owns Oil platforms all around the texas area he is also invested in some company that profits off of war. the spokeperson for this company is actually big daddy bush, and they make millions just like cheney. i think that when the 9-11 catastrophe happened there was a rally effect and bush could have said that we are going to war with canada and everyone would have jumped on board! throughout history the American government has benefited from war in some way and maybe bush thought this would happen this time.

2007-02-08 09:05:49 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

America went to war with Iraq for one reason and one reason only. The oil fields in the States are drying up and because of your nations petrol guzzling cars the demand for oil is very high. So to keep your people happy your Army is sent to steal every other nations oil resources. As you probably know it was all American company's that got the contracts for shipping Iraq's oil. The British however got none.

2007-02-16 03:07:53 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Can't be fought any other way. We can't determine who the enemy is. That is the problem with guerrilla warfare. The bad guy could be posing as a shop owner during the day and a bomb maker at night. Vietnam is a prime example of that. Obviously we did not learn that lesson. Doubt that? Look at the Germans, they couldn't contain France, or any other country they invaded. The hate against the Germans was intense and fueled guerrilla warfare. =============== Life is so simple, but we insist on making it complicated Confucius 551 - 479 BC =============== Peace Jim .

2016-05-23 22:09:36 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

America is fighting so that the Iraqi citizens can remain a free democratic country. America is fighting the terrorists enemies who don't want a free Iraq. But Americans are helping train Iraqi patrols to get after these terrorists themselves. Iraq is becoming freer thanks to the American solder's presence there. And the American solders are not drafted. Each one has made a conscious choice to volunteer and become a solder and fight for what American stands for. Because America after all is The Land of Free and The Home of the Brave. The freedom for a country to govern itself responsibly to it's citizens is the best thing we can help Iraq gain for itself. And especially to decrease the threat of terror within it's borders. They have a right to do that. Just as much as America has the right to fight against terror in it's own borders.

2007-02-15 15:57:54 · answer #6 · answered by Uncle Remus 54 7 · 0 2

Almost 6 years without an attack on US soil. Remember the 1990s. The embassies, The USS Cole, and the 1st WTC. I would rather fight them there then have them attack my son here.
What additional powers does the President have? His commitment has cost his party both houses of Congress. I would say he has less power.
What company does GWB own that is profiting from the war? What company does Bush 41 own? Facts not hatred is what this country needs. Democrats own oil companies as well. Democrats also own medical research firms that want to do embryonic stem cell research using taxpayer dollars. Does that bother people? People talk about KBR and Haliburton but KBR made tons in Bosnia and Kosivo.

2007-02-13 14:53:04 · answer #7 · answered by mferunden 2 · 1 2

There are 3 reasons. I have not not listed them in any particular order.
1.) To finish what Bush Sr. was unable to.
2.) For another "guaranteed" source of oil. For years, we've been able to count on Saudi Arabia for almost uninterrupted supplies of oil. However, in recent years the Muslim world has been criticizing the Saudi government for being so cozy with the U.S.
3.) To divert the American people's attention away from Osama Bin Laden, whom we've been unable to find. We just went after another "bad guy."

You really ought to watch the movie "Fahrenheit 911." Even if you disagree with Michael Moore, the movie will make you think.

Note to John B: Perhaps the present Iraqi government wants us there. However, it is the government that President Bush helped put in place over there, after we drove Hussein out.

I voted for Bush in 2000, and still consider myself a Republican. I just don't think the U.S. should wage a war that is based, at least partially, on lies and deception; ie: the weapons of mass destruction. We should also stay out of other nations' internal problems, especially if the people of that nation does not want us as their "liberators." That's why I could not bring myself to vote for Bush in 2004.

2007-02-08 08:11:04 · answer #8 · answered by ces1958@verizon.net 4 · 4 0

mferunden is "right-on", except for the 5th sentence-terrorism is now world-wide, and WE have no absolute protection from it.

Our retaliation towards Afghanistan was justified. Iraq attack was not, for there was NEVER any strategic contact between them

I've seen, in print, that GWB had his eyes on Iraq even before his 1st election, and I believe it.

His obsession in "democratizing" in Iraq, (after our success in Germany and Japan), post WWII just doesn't work in Middle-Eastern countries; and probably NEVER WILL.

The Brits found that out, early 20th century--they gave up and left!

Our involvement there is not just a "can of worms", but rather a "barrel of worms". It's all become very frustrating and futile...

2007-02-14 17:48:55 · answer #9 · answered by charly 3 · 1 1

September 11 and continued GLOBAL terrorism. What actually puzzles me is why America always has to do the fighting for the rest of the world? Oh well, some others have joined in to.. mostly those who have not helped are so much into Socialism that you want to suggest they are closer into the Communist doctrines than Socialism's! The biggy is, of course, the murder of innocent people around the globe simply because they refuse to accept a religion BY FORCE instead of by love! If it is good, it surely must come from love,,, right? God is a God of choice if He is God! God bless,, Earl

2007-02-08 07:54:56 · answer #10 · answered by ? 6 · 0 2

Thank you, Uncle Remus 53!!! So many people really do not understand why we are there... what we are fighting for. People are so busy worrying about what "party" you support, this is not about them... it is about US. Our rights, our freedom and our country. Iraq needs our soldiers to help make their country a free country. I dont know if it will ever happen, but, please people, dont forget what our military has accomplished !!!

2007-02-16 07:05:55 · answer #11 · answered by A Soldiers Wife 2 · 0 0

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