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5 answers

Select the Folder
Right Click it and select 'properties' (Bottom most)
In the 'General' tab Attributes section in the bottom of the page select 'Hidden'
Now go to Tools > Folder Options
Select 'View' tab (second from left)
in the Hidden files and folders section you will find two radio buttons 1) Do not show Hidden Files and Folders
2) Show Hidden files and folders
Depending on which radio button you chose the hidden files will be viewable.
Click 'OK' or Apply.

2007-02-08 04:56:35 · answer #1 · answered by FC Arsenal Fan 2 · 0 0

The first response is right, but remember to change the settings in your system. Right click on your start menu, click explore, go to Tools, then folder options, then second tab view, change that to do not show hidden files and folders. So when you make a folder hidden it won't show it.

2007-02-08 04:58:23 · answer #2 · answered by Brandnewshoes 4 · 0 0

Right click on it, go to Properties, select Hidden and its gone.

The file or folder is always there, you just need to either remember what the path is to it, or in the view menu turn on Show hidden files or folders.

2007-02-08 04:53:12 · answer #3 · answered by ? 5 · 0 0

Most of the answers are correct, you can hide them using Properties, but, that may not actually do much if someone looks for them.
The Encryption may be the best way to hide them and you can Password Protect for added security.
I not really worry with this, so, can not recommend anything. Though I know they out there.
Go here; http://www.pcworld.com/browse/1445/topic.html?page=1
This should be the Encryption Downloads. You can read what they do, see how many people downloaded them, and if they Free, Shareware, Trial or Buy.
Remember, just because a lot of this stuff is Free does not mean you need to Download everything and have a bunch of junk. Read over them a find "ONE" that work for you. usually by the 3rd-4th page the number of downloads drop.

2007-02-08 05:12:29 · answer #4 · answered by Snaglefritz 7 · 0 0

Use an encryption program. There are some that will make files and folders invisible.


2007-02-08 04:55:28 · answer #5 · answered by PrayerRequestBox 3 · 1 0

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