I don't know, again, it depends on your culture.
For instance, in Asian cultures, the reason why a son is favored by his mother is because he carries the family name. The girl doesn't, because she can reproduce with many guys throughout her life and wind up with a child from this father and that father and so on and so forth, and really not know who the father is, so men carry the family name (they can track their mates, and the family can control them more. Women on the other hand can't always track their mates and wind up with several potential fathers. This is not good, when someone goes to organize the family tree, or at least it wasn't good, before they discovered DNA, because it meant disorganization (naivety for potential attackers on their nation to attack-survival mechanisms, instead of WRONGDOINGS, because they are, and they were just that and have always been that, no matter what people who don't know anything say. They can decide what seed they want to plant, and they are easier to control, in most aspects, by the family. They won't be going up to mom too often and saying "Well, I tried sex for the first time, I used a condom and birth control, and now I'm pregnant), so that's one reason.
In Asian cultures, the reason why it is very important for a mother to bear a son is because he is the one in the family (discounting seventy year old grandpa, sixty year old uncle yu, and five hundred year old lu) who will be able to work all year around. A woman on the other hand, can become pregnant and take a few weeks off. Now, you may say from your point of view, but why does it matter? The reason why it matters is because a family depends on everything from their child over there. So, that means every family member (grandpa, grandma, uncle lu, aunt wei, cousin hu, etc.) will lose status and money to marry off auntie lu to a wealthy man or cousin hu won't be able to go to college, or auntie wei won't be able to get a higher position at work if they don't produce a boy. Plus, when a girl is born, she will be married off to a guy's family, so her son's name will not stay her family's name, but her husband's name. It is very bad for a woman to produce a girl, because it means that her family name has finally plunged after, at the most, eight thousand years. It's like she has given herself to the tiger. No family wants to be out of the competition. That means they are no longer part of the pact. This is not good at all. So, girls are either sent overseas, or they better find a man with money to give their family something to be proud of, seeing to the fact that they've lost their family name after, at the most, eight thousand years. So, that's another reason.
The reason why the father may pay attention to the girl a lot more is because she is supposed to attract a man, when she reaches marital age. So, the father is supposed to primp her up as much as he can, so that when she picks a man, she will attract a successful man who will without a doubt be able to support her family (fifty people that you may not like). A lot of surgeries or makeovers will go on, in order for the family to be able to catch the right man for their daughter, so the father plays a part in convincing the man that she's just too wonderful to give up, so that her family can finally be supported, and her family name can have something, before they all perish. As for the guy, his family will get the girl's family's property, seeing as his mother won the battle by producing a boy, and drown her family name. So, it's definitely a competition between survival of the fittest. This is why abortions are very illegal there, because when a woman finds out that she's having a girl, she knows that her family name, all that her ancestors worked for, will perish completely without a streak, so she will abort it. Unfortunate, but true. It's a CULTURE, not a wrong-doing.
So, I don't know if you are asian and were brought up in the states, but you should realize that your parents are doing the best that they can for you to be able to survive amongst your own culture, whether it be in the American culture, parts of the Asian cultures, African cultures, South American cultures, or whatever your parents are. But bear with them, because they know how they want you to be raised and be seen to the world. If they are the only people in your neighborhood of your culture, no matter where you are in the world, bear with them. I've spent time in a couple of places of the world, and I can say that I had felt like I was the only one of my culture for thousands of miles (considering I was, actually), so don't diss your parents. They will be the people you miss, while you're away in a foreign land one day, and you'll realize why they brought you up the way they did, and you will congratulate them. You will miss them so much one day. So, don't ever diss your culture, because there is a good reason for it. The people who go outside of your culture will understand one day why they were born into a certain culture, so don't diss your culture, just love it, no matter what, and don't deny it. Other cultures out there don't deny there's, so, why should you?
2007-02-08 04:18:46
answer #6
answered by beenthere 2