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I just got a Dell Inspiron 1505 with XP Media edition. I edit my movies, play games, and listen to a lot of music on it. Would upgrading to Vista be worth it for me? The laptop is Vista ready but I don't know if I want to spend the more money if XP is still "up to date".

2007-02-07 14:40:50 · 8 answers · asked by predatorpower 1 in Computers & Internet Software

8 answers

I'd say wait. First off, many of your games won't work on Vista because of the new security architecture. Also, I've had a lot of issues with video work under Vista. Divx isn't compatible with it, which has resulted in over 100 instances of a stupid error message popping up and asking me if I want to let Microsoft know about it. I installed Pinnacle Studio 10 and it won't run at all - when I try to start it I get an error message. Pinnacle's site says they're working on a patch and hope to release one in March. I have crashed WMP and the Windows DVD maker repeatedly - despite the fact that I have 2GB of RAM I have to close all other apps before I can render and burn a DVD or it crashes.

Maybe you could get the update but hold off on installing it until Microsoft releases the first service pack. That may be enough time to straighten out the problems.

2007-02-07 15:18:23 · answer #1 · answered by Rose D 7 · 0 0

It is generally a good idea to wait for the first service pack to be released before upgrading. This ensures that many bugs and compatibility issues are fixed or improved upon. I use XP Media Center and have for almost two years to do the same tasks that you do. In my opinion Media Center handles these things very well and there is really no need to upgrade at this point. It would be wise to wait until Vista's flaws are revealed and fixed before taking a leap that could cause you to risk losing compatibility with certain hardware and software components. I have heard that there are several major flaws still unresolved within Vista's programming and while you may not be affected, there is no concrete reason to risk system compatibility at this point. It is your call but many reliable sources have called Vista a warmed over version of XP with none of the current "bells and whistles" being a reason to change from a stable version of XP. Good Luck!

2007-02-07 15:03:33 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

just got a Dell Inspiron 1505 . from new is dell not put on offer like hp have you buy a new computer and you get the free vista upgrad cd with it that is on till march .. vista it is best too wait for the service packs too come out if you dont want too wait get ontoo dell if you have just got that Dell Inspiron 1505 from new and ask about the free vista upgrad cd ..hp computers have give out vista upgrad cd's

2007-02-07 14:52:25 · answer #3 · answered by me and you 6 · 1 0

Vista is AWESOME!! once you use it you'll love it. Plus it's got great security features and I love the new folders and organization. XP was a great OS for its time, but Vista is sweet!

2007-02-07 14:49:02 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

vista is a total waiste of time. there are so many things that are not yet supported for it. wait for a year or two till programs are made for it...

2007-02-07 14:44:32 · answer #5 · answered by gas_indycar 5 · 1 1

don't get it as of now..u really should have got a mac...anyways..vista is having problems right now....so just wait a lil while.....if u would have got a mac u could have got osx leapord...which is years ahead of vista anyways

2007-02-07 14:44:47 · answer #6 · answered by bdon333 2 · 0 1

WAIT, I don't trust Vista, its slow and not compatible with anything online

2007-02-07 14:44:01 · answer #7 · answered by Equinox 2 · 1 1

You pretty much answered your own question. If you don't know why you would need it, then why would you need it?

2007-02-07 14:43:50 · answer #8 · answered by Amanda H 6 · 0 1

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