You know what? I am learning that you have to pick your battles.
My daughter says "Please" and "Thank you". She doesn't say "Gimme" she says "May I have some cookies, please." She says Yessir and No sir. She sits through dinner, asks to be excused, she brushes her teeth, she goes to bed & sleeps in her own bed, uses the potty, has only peed in bed one time, and she knows her colors, alphabet, she can count to 20, and all of this at 3.5. So I let her have her paci and I don't make a big fuss. It's not that big of a deal.
I take alot of crap from in-laws and her pre school teacher. I have decided that this battle is one that is not important. Her dentist has said that until her front teeth come out, a paci won't do any harm. If it does, then I will gladly fork over a couple K ten years from now for some peace and quiet today.
You know your child better than any one else. If you don't mind the pacifier, then screw every one else & their opinions. YOU ARE THE MOMMY!!
I wish you & your little one all the best!
2007-02-07 10:41:26
answer #1
answered by kelly24592 5
Your daughter is showing some good signs of not needing the pacifier. My son was 2 years old when his dr said he needs to be off of it now. Well I ignored her and let my son show me his signs of being over it. I used the distraction mode when he would rarely ask for his pacifier. He would forget he even asked for it. Soon enough he just forgot about it all together. I'd say my son was 26 months old when he totally stopped using his pacifier.
2016-05-24 04:18:05
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Both of my kids sucked their fingers, but I read that you can make a get rid of the pacifier party and to let them throw it away. Make it a kind of making a little step to being independent. You can do a couple of presents and a cake and do it like a going away party. I was going to do it if my kids would have taken to a pacifier. It's easier to get rid of the pacifier than the finger sucking. The biggest thing is getting their mind off of it. So plan it when you have the time to keep him busy a couple of days after.
2007-02-07 09:58:56
answer #3
answered by Carol V 1
You are going to get so many different answers for this one. My daughter was sooooo into the "passy" she had to have 5 of them 1 in her mouth and 2 in each hand it was crazy and i never thought i would get her off of them. When christmas time came around I said Santa was going to take them and give her great presents she didnt care!. So she had them for another year I tried to just go cold turkey like you and she screamed for a long time and then went to sleep but the next day she gave me a hard time and she wanted them so I gave them to her. When chirstmas came the next year she was 3 and I told her if she does not put them in the stocking Santa won;t leave anything and so she put them in and I substituted her passy with a teddy bear and it worked ! she has not had them since she is going to be 5 in May. Good luck!
2007-02-07 09:49:34
answer #4
answered by K J 3
Cut the nipple COMPLETELY off his binky. Tell him its "broken". This is going to be MUCH harder on you than your son, but when its over, its over. Pediatricians and dentists consistently say that the binky HAS to go by age 2. If he STILL wants his binky, even with no nipple on it, oh well, there will be nothing for him to latch on to. He'll soon realize its pointless. It may tick him off, but he's old enough now that its no big deal to let him cry and be mad if you have to. Get past the first couple of nights, and you are in the clear. Giving in only drags out the torture for longer. You can do this! Hang in there!
2007-02-07 09:48:13
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
He might not be ready but the sooner you get rid of it the better. My son was 3 when I took it away, I told him about the paci fairy(just like the tooth fairy). So he put his paci under his pillow and I told him the paci fairy will come and leave him a present. I told him that the pacifers go to paci land for all the baby boys and girls that don't have one. He was fine with it! I left a new Mickey Mouse movie under his pillow. It worked out great! Good Luck!
2007-02-08 01:57:22
answer #6
answered by Jennifer M 3
I think it might be to early. Is there a reason you want to ween him now? My son is 19 months and loves his binkies... i wouldn't take them away for the world... i don't know why you want to? Its not bad.. they will tell you when there ready to be off... usually though in the morning when my son is eating breakfast I hide all his binkies from him. That way he plays and totally forgets about them till nap time and bed time.. then he knows where i hide them and goes to the cupboard and yells for me. See he knows where they are but he knows he only needs them for those times. And i always give in and give it to him during the day if he will go to the cupboard and ask for one... I don't mind it and I know he will soon not need them. But I'm pregnant with my second child and I know he might need those binkies as his comfort area when I am with the baby... so i wouldn't stress over weaning him.. i mean now if he gets to three and four.. then i would definitely take away...
2007-02-07 10:29:56
answer #7
answered by sleepyincarolina 4
My kids never used pacifiers, but I had a friend who told her son that there were babies who didn't have "binkies" and they were very sad and would he be willing to give his up for a baby who needed one...He agreed and they wrapped it up carefully and she addressed it (to her mother) and they made a big show out of mailing to the "needy baby". Made him feel pretty grown up. And it wasn't a battle between the two...wasn't her TAKING it away. He had control of the situation. Maybe give it a go, the worse that could happen is he says "no."
Bribery I heard works too, but maybe not as young as 2.
Good luck!
2007-02-07 09:53:09
answer #8
answered by SouthernGrits 5
Instead of cutting a whole in it you should just cut the tip of it completely off. I say when they walk around with it in their mouth they're too old for it. But, your the mom...
With my son (eleven months) it was easier to have him give it up during the day. He only got it at nap time and bed time. Then, from there have him give it up at nap times (gradual process). Finally, you can take it away at night.
I had my son w/o the whole day and at nap times until we went on a major vacation to India. That threw him for a loop and we've gone back to binky. Just this week we went back to only at night night time...hopefully we'll be rid of it soon!!
Good Luck!
2007-02-07 09:51:27
answer #9
answered by Baby #3 due 10/13/09 6
My son was 3 yrs old when I cut the pacifier cold turkey one day. My dad had told him that it's "yukky" and that he should throw it away. So he did. He cried & cried that night. I had to lay down with him to sleep. From that night on I HAD to lay down with him to sleep or else he couldn't sleep. He just would get up & nothing worked. That went on for years. Aaarrgg! I say he was about 10 when I stopped. Gosh it was awful.
Thank God my 2nd child didn't want it at all.
Sorry I couldn't give you any good advice. I hope the best for you & your child.
2007-02-07 10:40:28
answer #10
answered by Anonymous