Try the Fudge Red dye, it's fantastic and is really red!!!!
I am not sure if Fudge is just an australian thing, if it is I am sure that you should be able to buy it from ebay
2007-02-07 08:42:16
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
I am going to assume that you don't have a License- so you can't go into a professional supply Store.
Go to a Sally's Beauty Supply Store and look for a Red Color... Would say "R" or "RR" and I am thinking you have DARK Hair Color so go for like Level 4. So 4RR is Redkin Color!
OR you can get something that washes out like Manic Panic
2007-02-07 08:46:56
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
The best place to buy it is at a beauty supply house its called redlites by matrix... good for lifting dark hair and making blood red. If your hair is light go for the manic panic. Beware I was red for two years fire engine red. Its high maintenance and a pain to keep it looking nice and not trashy.
2007-02-07 08:58:03
answer #3
answered by Stormey 1
Sally's, Hot Topic, A local hair SUPPLY store. I found "Adore" Dye that lasts a lot longer, and is very cheap.
Remember that red is the hardest color to keep in. Leaving in a (non alcohol, non ammonia-harmless, basically) dye in overnight to soak in, washing in cold water...etc to make it stay bright red longer. Red fades faaaaaaaast.
2007-02-07 09:24:18
answer #4
answered by Yeop 4
in order for your hair to come up that color you have to have a really light color hair. You would either have to bleach it and take it up really light ( which I would only have done by a professional). Because those colors are on semi-permanent. But when I did my hair that color I used Elasta - QP crimson red, and you can get it out of almost any hair supply store.
2007-02-07 08:44:47
answer #5
answered by phillies_babygirl 2
Manic Panic makes "wild" colored hair dye. Sally Beauty Supply should sell it. You can also do an internet search for Manic Panic hair dye; there should be online retailers that sell it.
2007-02-07 08:47:08
answer #6
answered by Maxine 2
Hot Topic and Walmart
2007-02-07 08:43:39
answer #7
answered by ♥littlemisssunshine:)♥ 3
Bloody Mary as in Mary I of England? She was real, but she's long dead now.
2016-05-24 04:03:53
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Hot topic has an awsome shade of almost blood red. I'm pretty sure they have it on their website, too!
2007-02-07 08:40:37
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Check the link below, I hope this helps.
2007-02-07 08:41:05
answer #10
answered by sarabmw 5