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I need something to do on valentines day. Besides be reminded how being single on valentines is nooooo FUN? Any suggestions. Clubs? Movies? Staying home?

2007-02-07 07:00:42 · 17 answers · asked by sarajanicew 2 in Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

17 answers

do a girls night in... rent movies, order pizza... stay away from resturants and the movies cus there will be a lot of couples out.

2007-02-07 07:05:12 · answer #1 · answered by Nichole 4 · 0 0

Last year, my friend and I went to a sushi bar and then went to a couple bars with her friends. I'm not really a drinker but I had a glass of wine and it was still pretty fun. Find a girlfriend who is dateless and just go out and have a good time.

Another year that I was single, my best guy friend and two of my best girlfriends were also single. We got some Chinese food, rented a movie and hung out at one of their houses. Valentine's Day can be about your friends and showing them how much you appreciate them, too. It doesn't have to conform to the society standard of kissy kissy lovey dovey crap. I have a boyfriend now and I'm still a little bored with the holiday.

Make it into a fun day if you don't want to feel left out. The last couple of years my coworkers and I have brought a box or a decorated envelope to work so that people could put Valentine's in there.

Go back to your childhood and have fun!!

2007-02-07 15:19:10 · answer #2 · answered by Katie L 3 · 0 0

I'll be your boyfriend for Valentine's. But I have to take my dog to the vet at 7:30, so whatever we do would have to be before or after that.

Seriously - movie is a good idea. Or how about getting hold of a cool new recipe and trying it out?

2007-02-07 15:05:44 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

One year me and my best friend bought face masks, manicure/pedicure stuff, things like that, and did our own spa treatments at home.
If you have some girlfriends with no plans that night, invite them over and have girls night, rent some movies, and pamper yourselves.
If it's just going to be you, then I would do the same thing, enjoy a nice long bubble bath with candles and a glass of wine, give yourself a facial, paint your nails, relax for the evening! Have a great time!

2007-02-07 15:12:58 · answer #4 · answered by Katie 3 · 0 0

Girls night IN. Just get a bunch of movies, don't have to be girl movies, just whatever you like. Get some popcorn, ice cream, pizza...Have a nice junk food night with no worries. It's also great to kinda let go of any diets that any of you are having and just have some fun!

2007-02-07 15:04:43 · answer #5 · answered by Julia 3 · 0 0

Good day to do mischief. Since you mentioned home, just stay home, put some pajamas on, and watch a flick. Next morning wake up to a new day and have a delightful breakfeast in your room.

2007-02-07 15:06:48 · answer #6 · answered by smoke_frm_apple 2 · 0 0

How about asking someone out? There are a lot of single people in the world who might like to get to know you.

2007-02-07 15:07:54 · answer #7 · answered by jplrvflyer 5 · 0 0

Go out and get drunk with all the other single people.

Being single on valentines day is a blessing, not a curse.

2007-02-07 15:03:22 · answer #8 · answered by Mike S 2 · 1 0

Be happy, thank the lord u arent going through drama lol
Being single right now is the best thing ever

2007-02-07 15:04:34 · answer #9 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

Go out with your friends! (unless u dont hav any)jk jk ummm like go to dinner with them check out a flik go to a city. If your friends have dates, go with them. Unless they dont want you to the respect their privacy. If they say yes, pick up a guy while youre out. Have a little fun and Happy Valentine's Day!

2007-02-07 15:04:35 · answer #10 · answered by supercoolgirlholly 2 · 0 0

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