Anorexia is never a good solution to weight problems. Its destructive to the organs of the body and will leave you without nutrition which will make you even more sick and possibly dead after a long time. Think healthy lifestyle and these things will come automatically.
2007-02-07 03:41:22
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Gf there's not much i can say except u need to accept urself the way u r and ur Bf supports u but u know there's only so much he can say or do to help u most things shud come from within and being anorexic won't help it will just kill u and hurt u even more. It will mess with ur head i've seen it it hppned to ma friend and it isn't a pretty sight coz u lose control over urself(mind)
2007-02-07 03:45:19
answer #2
answered by tomboy 2
Anorexics die. If you want to lose a little weight, btw I think you look beautiful the way you are, then you need to focus on your eating habits. Instead of not eating you just need to learn to eat right. Try cutting out salt and saturated fat. Eat 5 times a day, just eat small meals and snacks. Try a 2-3 oz of lean meat and a salad with no dressing...salsa makes a great substitute. Eat this at each of the five meals...include as many steamed and raw veggies as you like. Add 1/2 cup of brown rice or other light carb at two of the meals...especially the one you eat before you exercises. I promise you this will help you lose lot of weight quickly. It raises your metabolism and makes you feel great!
2007-02-07 03:44:05
answer #3
answered by Moosha 3
You have got to be kidding me. For one thing, you are quite beautiful the way you are. For another thing, what good is being skinny if you are sick and unhealthy?
You have an unhealthy view of yourself and what a nice looking person looks like. Blame the media. Blame the television. Blame our society. Regardless, it is unhealthy. You need to refocus your goals. Your goal should not be a certain weight. You should be aiming at being healthy and altering your self-perception. I recommend two things:
1. Talk to your doctor about your weight. Find out what is HEALTHY for a person like yourself. Then ask for help getting to where you should be in a HEALTHY way. You are right that exercising until you are sick is bad. The amount of exercise is not nearly as important, however, as doing the RIGHT exercises and STICKING TO IT. You will NOT lose weight quickly. It is also not JUST about exercise. You have to eat right, too. This is the best way to lose weight, permanently and healthily. The best way to get started is to get talking to the professionals.
2. You need to work on your self-esteem. You need more confidence. You need to understand your inner-workings better. You may even need to redefine who you are. The way you are addressing this problem is not healthy at all, physically or spirtually. When you talk to your doctor, discuss your self-perception as well. You doctor can then recommend a therapist or counselor who can help you work on being a healthier person on the inside. This will also help you be a healthier person on the inside.
Whatever you do, please do not even THINK about anorexia as an option. You may as well just shoot yourself now, rather than do that. You might consider educating yourself on anorexia, as it is a horrible disease. You should be out helping people fight anorexia, rather than suggesting it as a weight-losing regimen.
You deserve to be happy about yourself. I hope you will consider changing your perception of yourself so that happiness and good health will be more attainable. Good luck!
2007-02-07 03:49:52
answer #4
answered by Mr. Taco 7
no its proven anerexia is so bad it gives you depression,
people even kill themselves 9not a good thing)
come one you should be happy wiht yourself im not persfect but i love myself the way i am.
Its also proven anerexia makes you even more fat... But your not at all big
you only have one life so exersize daily like run 3 miles with your b/f
and eat healthy. my aunt did that for 6 months every day and she lost 63 pounds no joke. plus anerexiz makes your mind think that your fat even when you look in the mirror but your really skinny mini.
dont ruin your life you need ntrision if you do that you will i mean willdie of mal nutristion and i think you should get some help with your boyfriend dont even think about doing this its not the answer inprove your life normally .
heres the signs of anerexia.
2)self consious
5)passing out (form mal nutrision)
6) thinking your bigger then you are.
You have to also relize not all food is bad for you.
like fruit, veggies alos fihs is great and steak but you have to proportion your meals and know when to stop eating ( i dont mean three bites)
oh ya and the type of cooking like stay away form deep fried and fried try baked and boiled. good luck hope i helped.
But lok at yourself in the pic one more time girl you are cool you dnt need to lose anyhting at all your good your the perfect weight. and id die for yur curves lol (no i am not a lesbien0 but i do want your body . lol
2007-02-07 03:47:38
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Just use diet and exercise, you cant have one without the other, you can get slim if you are consistant with both. You will have to work at least a half hour to an hour every day in raising your heartrate to lose any significant weight.
2007-02-07 03:41:35
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Girl, what picture is everyone else looking at because you are gorgeous. Personally, I don't think that you are overweight. I hope your boyfriend hasn't gotten this body image in your head. It doesn't sound like it. If you really aren't comfortable in your skin just try eating better and regular exercise. Don't over do it. Good luck!
2007-02-07 03:46:31
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Well have to say you look lovely as you are! If you're still keen on losing weight, then go for a sensible diet, along with weights! Anorexic, please don't even think about it, its not a healthy option, and if your guy loves you the way you are, leave it alone. Don't worry you'll look great in your wedding gown, am sure!
2007-02-07 03:44:00
answer #8
answered by fabby 4
You're risking your health and your LIFE to look good for your boyfriend? Now that doesn't sound too smart, does it? It takes more to lose weight than exercise. You're also going to have to overhaul your eating habits. Either way, you look good the way you are. You look like America Ferrera.
2007-02-07 04:30:25
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
You are a very beautiful female. You are not overweight at all. You don't need to lose any. You shouldn't put your health and life at risk because you are already skinny and don't need to lose weight. Take it from me I am overweight and I'd love to be where your at. Don't diet because your a very beautiful woman. It's good that your boyfriend likes you for you and you should take his words to heart. Going Anorexic isn't a good idea. I hope you'll listen to me when I tell you that you don't need to lose any weight.
2007-02-07 03:42:50
answer #10
answered by Irish Girl 5