After moving to Sydney from the U.S., I learned that the inner city has graffiti similar to downtown Los Angeles, the native aboriginal population is just as marginalized in AUS as it is in the US. Some Aussies expect all USAers to talk very loudly with a harsh "r" at the end of every sentence. Some were surprized that I didn't wear track suits every day, and regardless, every culture cannot be summed up in one clump of a category no matter where they're from. I was really surprized that parts of Tasmania reminded me of the English countryside. Great Thai food in Sydney! And the US has marsupials too, they're American Possums!
2007-02-07 12:02:45
answer #1
answered by 2
Australia is a huge country! Can't think of anyone who calls it a "little island" ...I think is is a vast place with some haunting beauty, some starkness. I think of the Sydney Opera House & Ayers Rock and just about everything in between. Mostly, I love the Aussie people: can-do types, not whinners with a great sense of humor. Fantastic place, even though the Christmas weather is backwards to us! Have never heard of a nudist beach outside of Florida!
2007-02-06 17:08:37
answer #2
answered by life coach 7
Hey, Im British. I visited Australia when I was very young as my Dad lived there for a few years and wanted to show us your country. I can't really remember that though (!) so here goes.... I think of Australia as being a large country with friendly people that live there. People who are more than willing to help and offer guidance on tourist spots etc. A lot of my friends have been travelling and 90% of them went to Aus (especially magnetic Island and surfers paradise?) and they all love it. Australia is, in my opinion, seen as a very good place to live.
2016-05-24 02:07:09
answer #3
answered by Jean 4
The one thing that I know most about Austrailia is that your history kind of parallels the history of the US. We had our wild west you have the outback. The outback was built on livestock as was the American west.
Most of your population is on the east and west coast area, while sparsely populated in the center, same with the U.S. Austrailia is almost the same size as the continental US.
The Aussies have fought along side the US in every major conflict since WW1.
I think that our 2 countries have more in common than we do apart.
Last but not least, we all speak English, some of us butcher it more than others but ...what the hey?!!
It would be interesting to see what you think of us.
2007-02-06 21:50:48
answer #4
answered by rswdew 5
Why dont you ask someone from Australia, I live in Queensland Australia and have liveed in every state except Northern territory. I know a lot about the Northern Territory anyway. Australia is the largest island in the whole world. Kangaroos are not everywhere, sure, they breed like wildfire but they are always being culled and even though they are a pest to farmers (destroying their fences when crossing country) they are amazing creatures. Theres more ferral pigs in Australia than there are people - if you want to know more email me at or - you need to hear it from the horses mouth - I am very well travelled and can tell you some amazing things about Australia - it has over 700 islands off the Pacific coastline alone!
2007-02-06 17:04:40
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
All I know is that they have warm weather, nice beaches, the amazing coral reef, an interesting accent in their voice, have kangaroos in some places, and have koalas that are now endangered. We sterotype every country as they do the same, sterotyping will never end.
2007-02-06 17:07:40
answer #6
answered by topher4193 2
Basically what I know is what I have learned from a chat friend in Australia.
The seasons are exact opposite ours
He works for a gold mine and has to fly out to the mine for days and then he is home for several days.
Medical care is a waiting game for scheduled procedures.
Windows and computer programs are more expensive.
Aussies have GREAT accents!
Kids wear uniforms to school.
They have bathrooms that don't have toilets in them. (Our half baths have a sink and toilet.)
Aussies have a great sense of humor.
2007-02-06 17:06:31
answer #7
answered by momwithabat 6
I am not sure exactly what you are asking but here goes....
when I think of Australia.....I think vast (as in large land mass-even if it is an Island)....the outback....cities...the various leafy seadragons.....I think farming..sheep / cattle ....I think mining...opals.....I think huge rock and aborigines...beaches....great whites....and croc's ....Steve Irwin...was a loss...he was a one of a kind character....and the world lost in his passing.....I think of Silver Chair and AC DC .....
I have had the pleasure of meeting several Australians ,laid back...easy going..and kind.....
It is one of the places I would love to see...
I think it was cool when your government said radicals of any kind would not be tolerated...
I don't know a lot about your country but everything I have seen and heard...has always been in a favorable light....
2007-02-06 17:37:22
answer #8
answered by LeftField360 5
Your first paragraph refers to Americans that are either ETHNOCENTRIC or IGNORANT unfortunately there are a lot of them, much more than the ones that had been there and enjoy the beauty of the AUSSIELAND.
I lived there for 20 years, my children and grandchildren live there as I would not let them be raised here in USA. My husband and I are going to retire there in few years and I cannot wait for that day. I make my living here in USA but I live my life in DownUnder.
2007-02-06 17:14:19
answer #9
answered by trykindness 5
Its one of the seven contents.
"Mate" is used a lot.
You called "Aussies".
There are loads of creepy kangaroos.
Steve Irwin not only was born there but he was like a huge celeb.
And thats all I can think of right now...
2007-02-06 17:06:00
answer #10
answered by jayfreeze18 2