i agree the British are treated really bad by our benefits system and made to feel like low lifes but if your an asylum seeker the money and benefits flow non stop time for them to be shown the door
2007-02-06 09:16:25
answer #1
answered by welshwalesdragon 2
There are just as many non-immigrants who rely on benefits, just because a person wasn't born and raised in the UK does not mean that they are automatically out to get as much for free as they can. If you were in the same situation as some of the people who have come to the UK in search of a better life perhaps you would be a bit more understanding. This whole thing about people coming into the country and "stealing" jobs is not true. Many of them will do the undersirable jobs that UK citizens are unwilling to do. And then again, many of them are highly skilled and an asset to the country, everyone's situation is different. Wait until you or someone you know is in the situation where they are forced to leave their own country and wants to live in the UK, then see what you have to say. Immigration is difficult enough without having to justify yourself to people like you.
2007-02-07 00:15:44
answer #2
answered by nicg 2
If you want enough doctors, nurses, teachers, you're going to have to have immigration...
it's a fact of life now, and never going to change.
All the people complaining about immigrants then going out for a curry, a chinese, or a kebab after a beer make me sick...without the hard working immigrants of the 1950's and 1960's Britain would be a poorer place...
Consider what the UK would be like now if Enoch Powell had got his way, all of the great benefits we've got from multiculturalism wouldn't be there...
I say all the idiots who want them out should put their vote where their mouths are and vote BNP at the next election...
2007-02-06 20:06:36
answer #3
answered by Our Man In Bananas 6
Successive governments have made this place very attractive to people from other countries .
With free medical treatment , help with rent , help finding a place to rent , help while looking for a job ..(( even if you are not )) and all the protections against any criticism .
Not be allowed to address a black man as !!!??? black ???or make any remark that can be construed even remotely as racist tho of course that does not apply when speaking to a native Englishman.
We are being disenfranchised in our own country .
2007-02-06 18:48:19
answer #4
answered by shannow5858 2
They are welcome here if they work, but once they stop doing so, they should not receive benefits or cheap housing. They have to earn the right to that. I have never,ever, received any benefits or `hand outs` of any kind from the government or anyone else, I also pay tax at 40% and I find that very objectionable, another 10% and the government would be taking half my wages every week. I do the work, and I would like to keep the pay, not `give` it away.
2007-02-06 16:09:58
answer #5
answered by Social Science Lady 7
I know a fair about about Immigrants, being married to one, and I can tell you now that unless they are asylum seekers, they are NOT entitled to public funds of any kind or free housing for that matter.
So, please don't lump all immigrants together, it is very ignorant and offensive to those that work hard like my husband, who pays his taxes and is ironically contributing towards your friend's benefits.
Thank you : )
2007-02-06 22:36:21
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Bobby J.... You sound like a youngster to me!. You're just learning what Enoch Powell meant in the sixties. If they were'nt here in the first place, there would be no racial tension. There would be no expensive Race Equality Commission. There would be no Abu Hahmza. No Mosques taking over churches. No Human Rights act giving the right to stay WHATEVER!!. No "rivers of blood". No taking over of government. No anti racist groups. We would have more housing. We would have less benefit fraud...hell!!.. we'd have less fraud altogether!! etc.etc.
The anti racists might say the health service would "fall to bits"......but at least we would British!!!
2007-02-06 16:08:16
answer #7
answered by JohnH(UK) 3
ONE BIG DADDY, im muslim, im british, im also white english, my parents were both in the british army, protecting this country, just because im muslim (converted) are you saying that im the same as an illegal alien ???
im also married to an iraqi kurdish immigrnt, he came here 6 years go, we have 2 children, i work full time and he looks after the children because he isnt allowed to work, but so that we are not on any benefits i slog my guts out. oh and our house is our own, same goes to all the stuff inside it.
answering the question,my husband came to this country because he is from a country that has been war torn for many years, and he was in fear for his life.when you are in that situation, which many british havent, then you'll do anything to leave and dont care where you go. if any of you have seen what saddam hussein did to the kurdish then may may see `why he left.
my husband speaks very good english, better than me sometimes and has also intergrated into the community. not all immigrants are the same
2007-02-06 18:20:29
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
All immigrants? Don't generalise. There are lots of decent, hard working immigrants in the country, for example, nurses and healthcare workers. Maybe you are talking about illegals/fraudsters. Yes, those should be arrested and deported, but definitely not all immigrants
2007-02-06 16:18:48
answer #9
answered by miss onslow ketel booth 2
Most of these immigrants are happy to live off benefits because it is still better than their own country's, Shame on us poor working tax payers struggling to feed most of eastern Europe, and also the health care tourism, But you are not allowed to mention it as the race card comes out. People are growing towards the right wing in politics and you can't blame them when your voice or opinion falls on deaf ears in main stream politics.
2007-02-06 16:05:30
answer #10
answered by Anonymous