I can't believe that I'm answering a shampoo question. Buy the generic brands of your favorite salon shampoo. My wife was a chemist for a manufacture here in S.Ca and its all the same. They would fill an order for the salon product then fill an order for the generic with the same shampoo. The same goes for body washes.
Drugs too. There is no difference in the generic over the name brand drugs. The generic brand my use a different coating on the pill but thats it.
2007-02-06 07:50:08
answer #1
answered by Porksoda 4
Clynol shampoos are good and cost at the price of £7.50 and over you can only get these shampoos at a salon.
2007-02-06 07:47:54
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Suave and V05 seem to be cheapest at 99 cents a bottle. I've tried a million shampoos and they all seem to work the same on me! the only ones I'd stay away from are the 2in1's they leave my hair dry and tangly. =-)
2007-02-06 07:46:52
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Shampoo is like perfume, a very personal choice.
I have fine hair. I like "Vive Pro", because since I started using it, it cuts down on breakage, and prevents split ends. It costs about $3.79 per 16 oz.
2007-02-06 07:49:22
answer #4
answered by mindshift 7
Paul Mitchell is really good, and relatively inexpensive, so is Biolage. Another cheap name brand is Regis, but I hate their shampoos, it makes me itch.
2007-02-06 07:41:22
answer #5
answered by redcherri817 3
John Frieda
2007-02-06 07:44:39
answer #6
answered by Vesna G 5
Dove was the best all-time cheapie shampoo and conditioner. Always condition, most important part for your hair!
2007-02-06 09:10:02
answer #7
answered by Krissy 2
Depends on your hair I think.
I like John Frieda and the SunSilk products.
2007-02-06 07:55:17
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
there's a form observed as stay sparkling, it relatively is thoroughly vegan and not examined on animals. it relatively is attainable at Walmart, Zellers, and so forth. and is relatively low-priced, and it smells great! they even have mousse, hairspray, hair gel, and so forth. (The "eco-friendly Earth" shampoo smells the suitable!) solid success! :D
2016-12-17 10:49:41
answer #9
answered by ? 3
I swear by Herbal Essences - Very affordable, leaves my hair soft and workable, AND it smells great!
2007-02-06 08:05:18
answer #10
answered by Stacey 3