I have always been a professional hair product user. I have just always preferred them. But I really am liking the Pantene Pro V Restoratives line. They come in tubes as opposed to bottles. I use the breakage defense one and the Time defense one. They have a mild tea like smell to them and I just love them. They are about $4.50 each but they go on sale and I see coupons all the time....
2007-02-06 05:20:09
answer #1
answered by otisisstumpy 7
Paul mitchell is the best in the Salon which it is costly between 6-8 bucks but by the time you switch so many shampoos in a week trying to find the best you would have the money.
Pantine is good & Dove . You can get theses at walmart or Target
2007-02-06 05:18:35
answer #2
answered by *?* Q&A Girl *?* 2
I like pantene. But since the shampoos in salons are very concentrated you can buy them and dillute them So you have two bottles for the price of one. The same with conditioners. If you dont want to do that then I suggest Pantene. Its always the best for any type of hair and some pantene products are a shampoo and conditioner wrapped into one.
2007-02-06 05:18:37
answer #3
answered by bugwing 2
Tre Semme shampoo and conditioner are the best value for the money. I never have to change like I did with the others. A good humidifier in the house this time of year also helps. Big bottle little price. How nice.
2007-02-06 05:32:16
answer #4
answered by Jen 5
well the best shampoo ive used from drugstores is either vo5 moisture milks or suave cocanut shampoo, there both great for drugstore shampos and exremely cheap! also, if you do have a little extra money to spend i prefer Redken All Soft shampoo (and conditioner if possible) if your having trouble with dryness i think conditioner would help, i love aussie moist or suave professionals bio-basics conditioner, both make hair conditioned and soft! Good luck!
2007-02-06 08:04:52
answer #5
answered by tinkerbellgrl114 2
Any type of organic shampoo is better, Regular shampoo does dry out the scalp and make it itchy. Andf it also promotes dandruff.
[You can get organic at almost any grocery store.]
2007-02-06 05:17:19
answer #6
answered by BlueSue 2
Redken or Matrix. NEVER USE PANTENE, the only reason your hair is shiny from it, its because its loaded with wax (the same kind as used for cleaning floors!) and note that on the commercials they say "HEALTHY-LOOKING" hair, not HEALTHY. That is no mistake! I like Redken Clear Moisture the best, but any matrix or redken is your best bet!
2007-02-06 05:20:07
answer #7
answered by Kristen S 3
Sunsilk-My hair is very dry and I buy the Sunsilk for thirsty hair and it works the best!
2007-02-06 05:35:10
answer #8
answered by kris10 3
Well if you color your hair I would recomend something like Beautiful Brenette or Radient red. If you are like me and have kind of greesey hair I would recomend The Pantene pro v I love it!!
2007-02-06 05:19:06
answer #9
answered by Sarah 1
Sunsilk. They have different kinds and dont cost much money.
Go onto http://www.sunsilk.com to see what one suits you!
Mine is the peach one for anti-itch
2007-02-06 05:41:48
answer #10
answered by xchocolate-rainbowsx 4