Mosley. Mosley is faster than anyone floyd has ever faced and he beat de la hoya twice. I still think floyd would win but I think mosley would have a good shot.
2007-02-07 12:14:05
answer #1
answered by nypokerplayer 4
1. Oscar Delahoya-Quick, but most of all smart. He has the ability to adjust in the middle of the fight if he is losing.
2. Miguel Cotto-A lot of pressure. A lot of power. Excellent body punching that will slow Mayweather down.
3. Antonio Margarito-Just relentless. Keeps throwing punches.
4. Paul Williams-Good tall fighter. BUT needs to train harder.
5. Shane Mosley-Quick. But not the smartest.
6. Ricky Hatton-Doesn't stand a chance.
2007-02-07 04:48:10
answer #2
answered by Junior I 2
Good question Breeze! I have to say De La Hoya because he may be the only one (other than Mosley) who can come close to Floyd in hand speed and ring smarts. People don't realize how dangerous a fight De La Hoya is for Mayweather. Oscar presents a strong challenge to Floyd because he is not a plodder like Baldomir or Corrales and he has good ring savvy and speed. Plus he is naturally bigger and he has the footwork to move with Floyd. People say that Floyd will beat Oscar because he had so much trouble with Mosley's hand speed in losing two fights to him and Mosley was fast like Mayweather is, but i disagree with that theory because Mosley was fast, but he was also aggressive against Oscar and was not using his speed to box and run from Oscar all night. He was out landing and out fighting Oscar in a lot of the exchanges in both fights and he used his hand speed to outhustle Oscar. Floyd does not fight that type of fight and he will be looking to move way more than Shane did against Oscar because he's not nearly as strong as Shane is. Floyd has to get Oscar's respect early or he will get knocked out. Oscar's good foot work will not allow Floyd to escape him for all 12 rounds and that may be the difference in the fight. He's going to have to FIGHT Oscar at some point. Can't wait until May 5th!
2007-02-06 08:03:14
answer #3
answered by Pancho 4
A: he might, cause he is a lot bigger than mayweather, and has also has a good handspeed and power. this will be mayweather's biggest test so far in his career in my opinion.
B: not right now, cotto still needs to work on somethings, but in a couple of years i can see cotto having a great shot at beating mayweather.
C: hell no, ricky hatton has no chance at all at beating mayweather.
D: margarito might but i wouldn't count on it. margarito is so damn slow and plodding, hes just like a bigger baldomir except that he throws punches non stop. but i can see mayweather boxing comfortably to a decision.
E: i don't see whats so damn impressive about this guy. his defense sucks, his power isn't that good, the only thing he has going for him is height, and maybe a good chin. i don't think mayweather would have a problem with him. i'm favoring margarito to beat him if they ever fight.
F: shane would be a good test for mayweather because his handspeed is very good, he throws fast combinations and he has a good chin. though shane does have a problem with boxers, the boxers that did give him problems with vernon forrest and winky wright both who were taller and bigger than he was, which mayweather isn't. i can see shane possibly beating mayweather but i'm nto sure.
2007-02-06 05:06:58
answer #4
answered by metabolicx_7 3
Oscar, Miguel, Shane.
2007-02-06 09:07:39
answer #5
answered by Brent 5
I would say everyone on the list has a good shot at beating Mayweather, EXCEPT Paul Williams and Ricky Hatton. Both of them are sooooooooooooo over rated.
2007-02-06 23:54:59
answer #6
answered by bribri75 5
i think that Antonio Margartito will give him a big run for his money and maybe Oscar de la Hoya. But the best fighter to see Mayweather fight is Winky Wright.They both have good defense skills.
2007-02-08 11:47:59
answer #7
answered by DeMarco V 1
A & F because they are experience figther with speed and power to neutralize floyd plus they are naturally bigger and hits harder. cotto needs a few more years to reach his prime potential. Margarito would give a good fight but has liitle chance of winning against floyd. williams is too damn slow and floyd will have a picnic hitting him from all angles. floyd would toy with hatton all night long. simple put, hatton does not have the skills and ring smart to even came close to beating floyd.
2007-02-06 13:59:59
answer #8
answered by say_what!!! 4
Either De La Hoya or Mosley would have a good chance as they have been in some truly big fights and have the boxing ability and speed to possibly hand him his first defeat in my opinion.
2007-02-06 07:47:42
answer #9
answered by toughguy2 7
It would have to be Shane Mosley he is strong and fast he would give Mayweather all the fight he wants but Mayweather wins on points in a close fight unanimous decision
2007-02-06 07:06:23
answer #10
answered by Anonymous