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Chrsitians claim that sin entered the word after the sin of Adam, and if it weren't for Adams sin we wouldn't be sinners.

The question: why did Adam sin in the first place?

2007-02-05 23:15:11 · 29 answers · asked by Kimo 4 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Correction: world not word

2007-02-05 23:16:20 · update #1

So why do you claim that he was perfect and not sinner? what the diffrence between Adam and us then?

2007-02-05 23:25:59 · update #2

This proves that there is nothing called original sin.

2007-02-05 23:29:01 · update #3


All of us sin by choice .. there is no diffrence between us and Adam.

Adam was not perfect, and there is nothing called original sin.

2007-02-05 23:30:51 · update #4

29 answers

What can I say? He liked fruit!

2007-02-05 23:17:50 · answer #1 · answered by Sam G 4 · 2 2

God taught Adam and Eve the difference between right and wrong. He told them that they could eat from all the trees in the garden except one.

But they were tempted by the snake and so they ate from the forbidden fruit. This fruit may not literally have been fruit. it could have been some other form of knowledge.

I dont know and it woldnt have made a diff if i did. It matters more that we are all sinners and how we get rid of our sins, rather than how sin entered the world. It could have entered on little alien spaceships, dumped on earth by green aliens from Jupiter for al we know. The fact is we are all sinners and the question is how do we react to it. The asnwer is through Jesus Christ.

2007-02-13 08:49:10 · answer #2 · answered by Eryn v 3 · 0 0

Adam sinned because He wanted Eve more than He wanted God. When Adam, who was perfect and without sin, chose disobedience there were physical as well as spiritual changes that occurred. His fellowship with God was broken, his "covering" was lost, and "death" began in his body. It is this spiritual and physical death that is passed on from each generation. Adam sinned because he made a choice. But his choice caused actual physical changes that are passed through genetics and have also caused spiritual consequences for all humanity. That is why Paul wrote comparing the first Adam and Christ the "second" Adam because in Christ's atonement we have a new spiritual DNA infusion, if you will, and that will also reverse the physical consequences (mortality will be swallowed up of immortality).

2007-02-13 09:24:33 · answer #3 · answered by wd 5 · 0 0

I have no problem with that question. I just look at myself and ask "why do I sin?" Sin entered the world through deception. Eve was deceived. Then after she sinned Adam was confronted with a major question. Was he to continue to live on in perfection and lose Eve, or sin and stay with Eve. His sin was a choice and he chose willingly to sin and stay with Eve.
2 Timothy 2:13 "For Adam was formed first, then Eve. 14 And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived, fell into transgression." Adam knew exactly what he was doing.

2007-02-05 23:28:01 · answer #4 · answered by oldguy63 7 · 3 0

I am not a Christian, but what I think the story of Adam and Eve tells us is that the nature of man is to be inquisitive and to work for what we have. The story gives man two choices 1) live in a perfect world where everything is handed to them and they have no worries but they cannot seek knowledge (the fruit of the tree). or 2) taste the fruit of the tree of knowledge and be cast out of the Garden and have to work the land and suffer physical turmoil.

We'll choose "2" every time.

Forget the idea of sin. God didn't hate man for his choice. He still watched over Adam and Eve and all their decendents. Still interceded on their behalf. Not a bad deal.

2007-02-05 23:29:21 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

This question is FAR more involved than yahoo will allow space to answer. God is reproducing Himself. (Genesis 1 verse 26) We will ultimately be Gods under Jesus Christ and the Father. (1 Corinthians 6 verse 3)(Revelation 1 verse 6)(Revelation 5 verse 10)
(Romans 8 verse 15) The "spirit" being spoken of here is "the spirit of God" that we receive at full immersion baptism. God had already created perfect immortal beings, and some of them rebelled. (Ezekiel 28 verses 12 thru 15) God did not want rebellious "Gods" to deal with. So they planned to create us in a different dimension - physical. And they made us with a tendency toward evil (Romans 8 verse 20)(1 John 1 verse 8) so we will learn. He gave us His instruction book (the Bible) so that we can learn about how we SHOULD live. If we learn His laws and do them- have His Holy Spirit and really, really do His rules Then He doesn't count the sins we are unaware that we are doing. (Romans 4 verse 8) So far, there is only one "born again christian - Jesus Christ! (John 3 verses 3 thru 6)

2007-02-06 00:45:03 · answer #6 · answered by euhmerist 6 · 0 0

The Bible says in Genesis chapter 2 verse 16-18
16: And the Lord God commanded the man, saying, of every of the garden thou mayest freely eat:
17: But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.
18: And the Lord God said it is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him.

The Bible then goes on to say
Genesis Ch:2 Vr 22
22: And the rib, which the Lord God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto him.

God spook to Adam and not Eve
so that is way Adam sinned.

2007-02-06 00:42:01 · answer #7 · answered by Miss Strong minded 2 · 0 0

the serpent tried adam and eve's faithfulness to gods command do not eat of the tree of good and evil this was the first command
of God the spoken word Meaning (Yahweh)the serpents motive was to get the authority from adam and eve by stealing the command and making a lie that weapon the serpent used is called (SIN) neverless all is not lost, adam struck offering and the offering took care of the penalty of sin but not its curse though the thorns and thistle grown up from the ground and the wild runs from us when we touch it..but christ will restore are union with the wild when he makes a new heaven and new earth the same union adam had with the earth and the wild..(Revelations)

2007-02-05 23:31:56 · answer #8 · answered by Waddetree 2 · 0 0

In our pre-mortal lives, we live with Heavenly Father. We knew neither pain or joy. For us to "grow-up," the plan was devised for us to come to Earth. We would be given our free agency to choose right or wrong.

Adam was the first child to come to Earth. Adam and Eve was given a choice to partake of the fruit, or not to. If they didn't, the rest of us would be able to come down. But, they did, and here we are.

God gave the commandment that if they ate of the tree, they would die. Doing this change them from living forever to dieing. The Garden was like Heaven. They could not grow-up if they did not take of the fruit. There was a responsibility to fulfill God's plan and allow their brothers and sister the opportunity to come to Earth.

If Adam and Eve eat the "apple," then we would not be here. If we were not here, there would not be sin.

2007-02-13 15:52:34 · answer #9 · answered by jack-copeland@sbcglobal.net 4 · 0 0

The Christians don't claim that Adam and Eve sinned, the Bible does. The Bible says that Eve, by tempting Adam with the forbidden fruit caused God to make them leave the Garden of Eden.

2007-02-05 23:20:09 · answer #10 · answered by Debra D 7 · 1 1

Adam did what too many other husbands do even today . He left his wife alone in the garden without his protection . When eve was tempted no foul there yet . But did did what other husbands often do today , He was tempted by his wife's overbearing insitance that eating this didn't kill her so like a fool He fell for the temptation and ate . Moral .. look to your creator not His creation .. Moe

2007-02-05 23:25:20 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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