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2007-02-05 23:11:16 · 18 answers · asked by Difi 4 in Politics & Government Military

18 answers

Well, my husband is one of many who will be going back. As much as I don't really like the idea, it needs to be done. We need to do whatever it takes to end this stupid conflict so that we can bring all the soldiers back home where they belong.

2007-02-05 23:19:49 · answer #1 · answered by Jennifer 4 · 2 0

I think we should not be forwarding more of any countries troops to Iraq. Their tirant has been removed and they have there own governing bodies to a certain degree. Still it is like a war-zone. More son people who live around the world would state clearly that they would fight for there own country sooner than the one they live in, so why do they not return and sort the problem out for themselves. Bring the boys home to their countries and if Brits let them sort our streets out as we sure need them here! I feel they would gain better control than our policeforce who are bowled over with crime.

2007-02-06 03:30:26 · answer #2 · answered by deep in thought 4 · 0 0

Yes i do

Many people in my town here in belgium are 100% against everything that comes from America or Great brittan, come to think of it, I could be the only one in Belgium supporting the war in Iraq. That is not because I am a rasisit or that i hate people for the middle east ( I have a lot of friend in my school from the middle east ) ... or any other region. Simply because i just beleive it is the right cause for the good of those people. You see my family and I came to belgium (from Romania) when I was Six. Exactly on 09/11/96 6 jears and a few months afther the fall of the comunist dictatorship of Ceaucescu. I was lucky and was born 4 months after his execution. My dad told me how it is to live under a dictatorship. And if its hard for me to imagine how it was, I think that for people from the Western country's have no idea. My grand, grand father on my father's father, side was a soldier in a resistance army. On his mother's side his grandfather was an officer in the romanian Army who fought the resistance. That resistance was one day betrayed and all the high ranking officers including my grand, grand father and his wife. Were executed, my grand father (their son) sirvived... . Their intire life they only hoped that one day the american's would come and eliberate them from the comunist oppressors. That one day their children and grandchildren would live in a free country.

But they never came, or if they did they were to late.
My grand, grand father was executed. But his dream came true, The americans did come, and we do live in a free country.
Only that that country is not Romania, its A west european country called The Kingdom of Belgium. A counrty that saw war as no other in WW2 (not literaly) but it recoverd faster than Romania is recovering now from the revolution in 1989.

What i meant to say is that these west european Country's dont realise how lucky they are that their were occupied by the Americans in WW2 and not by Russia, No Offence Russia! but all the countrys you occupied look like **** now.
And the ones occupied by America ( back then ) Are now ecconomic giants and super rich empires. Just have a look at Belgium here the only thing they had here before the americans came were patatofields, now there isn't even place for a small building because its all filled with houses and companies.

But now all my friends tell me that Amercians are evil and they only think about theirselves? Maybe they sould pay more attention in history you would say wouldn't you? Well thats just it, my teachers theach us the same thing... that we sould hate the Americans. And if i have the gutt to tell them that i support the war in Iraq. They all look at me like I am a terrorist.

Now maybe i sould listen to my friends and theachers and hate the saviours of their antsesters and everyones antsesters in west europe? I say No, I say let tem say what they want to say it's their right to say their meaning, and I respect their meaning, even if mine isn't respected. And go help someone else even if people here dont like it. Because somewhere there in those desserts, A man and A woman with A child are hoping that the americans come to their rescue, so that their child could live in a free country later on in his life.

Now people ... We cant let them down again, can we? ...
... ... ... ?

2007-02-07 09:41:22 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Yes. I want to see a very large multinational force. Those who do not want peace in Iraq are clearly those who stood by idle and supported Saddam because France, China and Russia feel that is was more important they get oil rather than Iraqi people sleep at night without fear of secret police.

2007-02-05 23:19:04 · answer #4 · answered by bright_neon 3 · 2 0

To do what? Whose decision is it? Bush and Blair should already be facing trial for war crimes yet we allow them to continue in their role and continue making decisions.

Personally I cannot trust a word that exits the lips of either of those men.

I doubt we have enough willing and able soldiers in Britain to solve the problem.

The American military are undoubtably far more powerful than our own. Whether or not they are capable of bringing peace though.... I seriously doubt it.

It's tempting to say "pull out now" and admit defeat, but even that has unknown consequences beyond losing face.

There are no easy answers, and the administrations of Blair and Bush have proved themselves unable to make sound judgements.

2007-02-06 06:05:24 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I support doing whatever it takes to prevail in Iraq, including adding troops and allowing them more latitude to do what's needed.

2007-02-05 23:47:07 · answer #6 · answered by American citizen and taxpayer 7 · 1 0

I have some doubts about this. This civil war was going to happen as soon as Saddam was removed from power. The vacuum he left was just what the various factions in Irag/Iran and Syria were waiting for. It seems to me that banning traffic in towns and removing armament from individuals should be where the official authorities concentrate their endeavours. Oh and trying, of course, to believe anything anyone says out there.

2007-02-07 22:59:54 · answer #7 · answered by michael w 3 · 0 0

Yes. Send enough troops and give them carte blanche to prosecute the war as a war, not some politically correct propaganda venture. We must prevail, and they should be given all that is necessary to do so, especially more troops.

Carmen, you claim your husband is in the army, but you then call the US "they" and "their country"... So whose side are you on really??

2007-02-06 00:19:10 · answer #8 · answered by C D 3 · 1 0

the united stateshad no organisation being in Iraq. they say that Saddam Husein had guns of mass destruction in Iraq yet there is not any data that there develop into.imagine of it this kind if a cop got here as a lot as your position and accussed you of having unlawful firearms even although you probably did not and then arrested you and then carried out you do you want that?

2016-11-25 19:54:35 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Thanks to Mr Bush and Mr Cheney ,the image of US soldiers in the world became down and down.We not going to achieve any goal in Iraq because we don't have the right people in the right place.we lost the war in Iraq and we loosing more soldiers every single day to keep our white house Texas rangers happy.If we leave from Iraq without achieving any goal now better than leaving tomorrow without achieving any goal.

2007-02-06 00:21:27 · answer #10 · answered by Moe M 3 · 1 1

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