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What will have to happen before you can say the war on terror has been "won"? What is the objective in your opinion?

2007-02-05 22:33:25 · 19 answers · asked by dude 5 in Politics & Government Military

pmangovski, in their DNA? Did I read that right?

2007-02-05 22:51:59 · update #1

19 answers

economics 101: man's wants are insatiable...the war on terror will partially ends when dependence on fossil fuel ceases.

2007-02-05 22:39:51 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 3

As has been said over and over, there never really will be an end to the war on terrorism because you can't defeat an idea. The best we can do is beat it down and keep it off balance. As an AF vet living in the US, I find it strangely comforting that most of the terrorists are concentrating thier efforts.....somewhere else. Love Bush or hate Bush, one thing is undeniable, and that is that since this war began, there has been a noteworthy lack of terroist attacks on US soil.
I hate the fact that our troops are in Iraq. I hate even more the need for them to be there. But life is not about cotton candy and rose colored glasses. Good leaders are the ones who stand up and make the crappy calls in a no-win situation and accept the backlash, knowing it is going to hurt.
We went into Iraq (why we went is an arguement for another time) and brought down thier govenement. Like it or not we have a responsibility to support them until they can stand on thier own. This new Iraq has a more difficult path to follow than Japan or Germany did after WW2. And even then it took quite a while for them to get up and running on thier own.
On the other hand, there does come a time when you have to take the training wheels off the kid's bike and make him stand on his own or else he will be expecting you to catch his every stumble. So I am all for bringing the troops home, but not until we feel pretty sure that Iraq is ready to stand alone and survive. I'm not talking about a timeline, but more like a series of objectives, the completion of which would warrant troop reduction and eventual withdrawl.
As for winning the war...when we close the borders and have solid control over them, when other countries may hate us, but at the same time know that if they support terrorists then they are inviting more throuble than they dare risk, when terrosits only succeed one out of twenty times they try to attack, then I will say that the war can't be won, but we are winning. It is like being the front runner in an endless race. It can't be won, but you are in the lead.

Our guys in Iraq have my prayers.

2007-02-06 01:34:52 · answer #2 · answered by sparc77 7 · 1 0

As a soldier I have the ability of looking my enemy in the eyes. But that does not mean I don't have an opinion. We have the biggest objective in the world, defeat terrorism and bring peace to whom it effects. I took an oath to defend my nation against all enemies foreign and domestic, in all odds so help me god. As I sit in Iraq writing this answer I want you to think about all of the people who died for no reason on 911 and every Iraqi women, man, and child that has lost there life or loved ones in this war. Then I want you to think about all that have died serving a reason, a reason bigger than you and me, a reason so big and so complicated that even though you don't understand it you fight for it anyway. You give up every right and every freedom that the United States of American has offered and given you to see that others around the world have that same right, the same -->privileges as we do every single day of our lives. From birth to death you have choices that people would dream to have in other countries. the focus is not on winning or losing the focus is on making a difference to people that don't have a chance, those who don't know what it is to have a freedom as great as we do. Support the troops is what has to happen then the difference will follow.

"only the dead have seen the end of war"

2007-02-05 23:33:24 · answer #3 · answered by US SOLDIER 2 · 2 0

*** Yes you read it correctly!

Some cultures are naturally more aggressive than others. The same is true for every species of animal. Some breeds of cats are more agressive. This is something that is developed over centuries....

If a group has been teaching their children to hate for a multitude of generations than there is very little that can be done to change their minds. Eventually it becomes as normal as breathing.

Throughout history, when has there been peace in the middle east? Just because you don't here it on the news everday doesn't mean it isn't a reality! Read some history books and even the bible has good war stories in it too.

War has become a tool of survival for many cultures. Bombs dropping in their backyard is normal. If it's not a war with us than it's a war with someone else. Following the latest crazy sect leaders becomes neccessary for survival. Going against the grain means the death of the family, toture or being outcast deprived of the few luxuries they had in the first place.

Would you go against everything you had been taught just because there are some new guys on your turf? Or would you trust the guy you grew up with and pick up a gun to defend the only world you know?***

Terrorism will never end. People enjoy hurting each other too much.

Thinking in context that certain cultures have been hell bent on killing for centuries it's unlikely to think that they'll stop anytime soon. It's all they know how to do and it's all they want to know how to do.

If a child is raised to kill why would he or she think there is anything wrong with it?

In some cultures, children learn to shoot a gun before they learn to walk. It wouldn't surprise me if scientists actually discovered that the compulsion to kill in some middle eastern societies is mappable on their DNA.

The "War on Terrorism" has just given those children someone else to focus on instead of killing their own.

2007-02-05 22:46:34 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 3

The war on terror will be won when the religion of Islam and all Muslims are Irradicated and free from the Earth. Then I will be satisfied.

2007-02-13 19:01:23 · answer #5 · answered by Pete 3 · 0 0

I'll be satisfied when someone will explain to me what in the hell is a "war on terror"? I never met a terror and don't think I would know one if I met one. Have you ever met a terror to have a war on?

2007-02-13 05:05:36 · answer #6 · answered by dumb 6 · 0 0

This war will never be won, we lost just as many men and women, over there as we did in the trade towers, how could anyone say this war is winnable, when you have people under Osama, that will never give up the thought of killing us, and using there own people as weapons. The only thing we can get out of this war, is that the Iraqi people don't have to live in fear of Saddam. now all they have to do is agree on a government,and who controls their government, but that is not for the USA to control what type of government they have.

2007-02-12 06:06:45 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

this is a hard one.. 2 things need to happen before we start to see any hope of a win..

1. freedom has to be the corner stone of all the nations, as the econo. of these nations goes up and people start to own homes, land, cars and move up, they fight to keep those things and generally dont like things to upset the job or life they have.

2. we will have to wait at least 1 generation.. the generation that is alive now will not be at peace.. they have only known war and hate.. we have to wait for the children to grow up and get in school...

these are the 2 things that have to happen before the war on terror can be one... it will not be something we win in the next 25 years but it can be won... as long as we are willing to fight for it...

we only have 2 things to kick from.. we can fight to stay alive.. or we can run away and die.. the terriorist will follow us home.

2007-02-06 01:13:44 · answer #8 · answered by Larry M 3 · 2 0

Terrorism is not a life-style ... it is a tactical use of violence by groups of people who are left-out basically.

What is wonderful and amazing is that 99.99% of the world's population does not use violence to solve their grievances. This even though better than 90% of the world's population would be categorized in the "left-out" group.

To stop terrorism ... Create stability in economies, and allow democratic processes to build up throughout the world. Justice, Jobs, civil discourse, encouraging and supporting democratic institutions that are home-grown in various countries. This will get rid of fuel for the fire that creates "terrorist". Police and prosecuting violent crimes will remove virtually all of the rest.

2007-02-06 01:04:13 · answer #9 · answered by ejp 2 · 2 0

The war on Terror is really a misnomer, and the problems associated with this were exacerbated with America's invasion of Iraq. As a result of this administration's focus upon Iraq, at the expense of pursuing those responsible for the 9/11 attack, there remain numerous terrorists in Afghanistan. America's involvement in Iraq actually empowers terrorism, rather than bringing us closer to defeating it. It is unfortunate that we are expending lives and capital in the delusion that we are going to succeed in stopping terrorism.

2007-02-06 00:19:33 · answer #10 · answered by Sailinlove 4 · 0 2

The war on terror, like countless different war on faith, has continuously been countless wars from historic antecedents. taking into consideration triumphing the war on terror is believing that the hot era of Muslims ought to standby and watch, even as us of a and its allies routed out Islam and Muslims from the exterior of the earth. it ought to take a substantial element of bastardisation of Islam in the previous we've a era of Muslims condoning this way of attacks on Islamic faith with assistance from absolutely everyone. the actuality is that see you later as there are Muslim faithfuls who fairly remember on their reliegion, this war ought to not in any respect end. because us of a seems to have spoke of categorically, that it has a case with Muslims and Islam. the hot era of muslims have stepped forward a great number of hatred for us of a and with assistance from extension individuals because of its unfliching help for Israel. If right this moment us of a starts taking section in a impartial function contained in the middle east disaster, there should be a tremendous change contained in the minds of Muslims, even the countless toughest of hardliners ought to definately see us of a as a chum as a change of the hitherto enemy impact it has on their minds.

2016-11-02 11:26:47 · answer #11 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

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