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I think the majority of Americans want our troops to succeed and bring peace to Iraq. What say you Dems?

2007-02-05 22:24:37 · 16 answers · asked by americanmalearlington 4 in Politics & Government Military

16 answers

I'm ex special forces and I served my time in the military unlike most Americans who never bothered. I'm a Republican but I wouldn't mind seeing our military come home from Iraq. When the Demonrats lead the retreat from the battlefield it will allow the Satanic Muslim terrorists to regroup and focus on attacking the United States.

Believe me, what was done on 9/11 is child's play in terms of terrorism. I could have easily lead a team of terrorists that would have endangered the lives of 250,000 innocent Americans just two day prior to 9/11 if I was a Satanic Muslim terrorist.

Every coin has two sides and terrorism is no different. Once the lunatic liberals feign our retreat the primary targets in the United States will be the major metropolitan areas. Thankfully these are blue areas meaning they overwhelmingly vote for the leftists. So those who will be endangered the most are those screaming for withdrawl the most.

Everyone gets what they deserve in life. So conservatives should be absolutely quiet on this issue. Let the looney tune liberals lead the retreat and let them reap the consequences and then, say I told you so.

2007-02-05 22:50:45 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 6 0

It is not the Democrats that wish for "failure" in Iraq. You will remember at the beginning, a overwhelming number of Democrats and Republicans voted to invade Iraq and overthrow Sadaam Hussein. The "cut and run" misnomer was hatched by right wingers. It was never "cut and run". It was redeploy and let the new government take over.

Now that we have become mired in Iraq, we have to look at a way to end the conflict. More troops on the ground? Maybe, maybe not. More diplomacy with neighbors to Iraq, possibly.

Let's not forget Afghanistan. That is where the war should be, that is where all our effort should be. We should have concentrated there and rid the area of the terrorists. The terrorists did not pose the threat in Iraq that they did from Afghanistan and Pakistan. Prior to the invasion and overthrow of the Iraqi givernment, the US was ptrolling the northern and southern areas of Iraq. You heard of the occasional missle being fired at one of our fighters, then we would simply blow up there anti aircraft defense. It was a hell of lot cheaper to do this and keep Sadaam contained, then what we are doing now!

Some will say that Iraq harbored terrorists. That may or may not be true. There is money being funneled to terrorist organizations from countries that are "friendly" to the US, such as Saudi Arabia.

I lost my son-in-law in Afghanistan back in October 2001. I have a personal interest in ridding the world of terrorists. Do I think we should have gone into Iraq - no. I said it from the beginning. History shows that you cannot just change there mideast area into democaracies. We tried it Iran with the Shah, and it has been tried in Iraq for thousands of years - remember the crusades!

So no, nobody wants our troops to lose in Iraq. We just don't want to lose anymore troops in Iraq!

2007-02-06 00:52:58 · answer #2 · answered by ron4back 2 · 0 0

Im not Dem............. I want them home. Its not our job to BRING PEACE TO IRAQ. If they wanted peace they would make it happen. We should not be sticking our nose any further into it then we already have.

Its been over 5 years for gods sake. Its time to give our men and women their lives back, The ones that havent already been killed anyways. We are destroying the american family unit by keeping them over there.

Kids are growing up without their parents , developing ill feelings for the ones that took mommy or daddy away, in thousands of cases forever. Is anyone thinking about them................ We are robbing money from the elderly to give to the war......

Do you think the men and women overseas what to be away when their mom and dads, grandmas and grandpas are doing without food and meds because they cant afford them and how do you think our troops feel being unable to help.

Instead we worry if the iraq people have freedom that they arent willing to fight for. Shouldnt The US and our needs come before Iraq's

Bring the home, make the boarders TIGHT, and Live life.

2007-02-05 22:45:07 · answer #3 · answered by tammer 5 · 1 1

i became into in the midsection east for 3 years and became into to assert "in the thick of it". I witnessed many cases the place shall we've taken or controled say a undeniable district yet could no longer in basic terms simply by shortcoming of guy potential. The Democrats be attentive to this as nicely simply by fact the Rebublicans. They get all the comparable comments and fact looking missions. They be attentive to that the addition of extra troops might have some sturdy outcomes. So heres the ingredient as to why the Democrats try each little thing to hobble the conflict attempt. The democrats "invested in failure". The conflict will fail and its the republicans fault. Now if u.s. happens to make severe progression they'll look like it became into they that have been incorrect. for this reason their finished presidential election is going down the tubes.

2016-10-01 12:23:52 · answer #4 · answered by clarice 4 · 0 0

I am not a democrat or American.

From what I understand it is not just democratic.

The answer however is the same. Politics.

Democrats want to rule and feel using Iraq as a "failure" of Bush, the democrats can come to power.

Remember it comes down to beleif. Beleif is subjective and often the truth is relative to benifit.

Hillary saw benefit in supporting the war and now sees benefit in saying the war was and always was wrong.

2007-02-05 22:31:47 · answer #5 · answered by bright_neon 3 · 3 0

It is the lefts only political platform. They have invested so much in having to lose to gain power in 08. The most blaring point of this policy is screaming for troop increases for the last year, but as soon as the right calls for it, they flip flop and now against it. They confirm Patrais, then threaten to cut funds and promote no support resolutions to demoralize the public and troops to keep poll numbers low. For any bump in polls will spell gains for republican candidates.

2007-02-06 00:15:17 · answer #6 · answered by garyb1616 6 · 2 0

I think the majority of Americans (including many Republicans) want the troops home and safe with their families.

2007-02-05 22:33:13 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Why does this Republican president adopt irrational military blunders that makes our troops' jobs more difficult? Why doesn't he admit he misinformed the American people and the UN? Why doesn't he admit he didn't send an adequate amount of troops to finish the job? This president fumbled too many times, caused too many turnovers. He has lost the full support of the American people. Even Iraqis don't want us there. 71% disapprove of his policies in the US. It's no longer Dems and Repubs, it's the American people that wants to bring this quadmire to an end. We can't stop a civil war. It's in Iraq's hands now.

2007-02-05 22:46:16 · answer #8 · answered by gone 6 · 0 4

The democrats dont want our troops to fail in Iraq, they want us to succeed with a plan that will work. The current plan was ill conceived just like the rest of this war - Bush admitted he made mistakes, he admitted he lied - those were national broadcasts. You cant spin a national broadcast, I dont care if you are Tucker Carlson.... you know he got fired right?

2007-02-05 22:59:45 · answer #9 · answered by lllll 4 · 0 3

the far left wants something else to blame on bush. despite the fact these problems have been coming for over 30 years, some how its bush's fault.

We are loosing so run away! It's bush's fault!

The environment which has been changing since he planet was created is still changing! it's bush's fault!

we live in our mom's basements and haven't bathed in six years! that's Bush's fault too!

you know i bruised my knee cap in a car accident three years ago... I guess Bush is to blame for that too....

2007-02-05 23:21:35 · answer #10 · answered by Stone K 6 · 2 0

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