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2007-02-05 21:51:33 · 11 answers · asked by Born again atheist 3 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

11 answers

Catholics hold tradition as equal to the Bible-Protestants don't.
Catholics include extra books (the Apocrypha) in their Bible,Protestants don't
Catholics believe that the death of Christ created merit that is shared with sinners through sacraments.Protestants believe that it is only Christ's sacrifice,and it is not shared through the catholic sacraments.
Catholics believe that salvation is received at baptism; may be lost by mortal sin; regained by penance.Protestants believe in salvation by faith alone.
Catholics believe that the Catholic church is the one true church,Protestants believe that there are true Christsians in every denomination.
Catholics believe that priests are mediators between God and man,Protestants hold to 'priesthood of all believers'.
Catholics believe that in Communion,the bread and wine becomes the actual body and blood of Jesus.Protestants believe that Communion is just a rememberance of Jesus' death.
Catholics believe in purgatory,Protestants don't.
Catholics pray to Mary and the saints,Protestants don't.

2007-02-05 22:05:22 · answer #1 · answered by Serena 5 · 2 1

Christians pray to God thru Jesus.
Catholics pray thru Mary mother of Jesus to God. Sometimes they pray to Mary (Catholics don't deny it, it's true)
Catholics don't belive in the Bible 100% that's why they have more books (it's true)
I once went to a Catholic church cause my friend was catholic and that day it was holy communion and they did not allow the kids to take holy communion and that is wrong cause holy communion is for everyone.
Christians believe only God forgives sin.
Catholics go to the priests and the priest "forgives" their sins.
Christianity is true.
Catholism is a cult.

Please Catholics don't deny it, it's all true. Know the truth and the truth shall set you free. Peace!

2007-02-06 06:23:33 · answer #2 · answered by sweetdivine 4 · 0 1

In a nutshell, Christians follow Jesus Christ (as revealed in the Word of God, the Bible); Roman Catholics follow their Pope and their Traditions.

2007-02-06 06:10:42 · answer #3 · answered by BC 6 · 3 1

Catholic once were a christian church for like 1 minet Catholic are a pagan cult and are not christian. They have a false priesthood, worship the saints over God, They have declared Mary a co redeemer with christ, They are a look alike cult. Christians are born again into the kingdom of Christ having his spirit indweeling in them. Catholic are just a cult.

2007-02-06 05:58:53 · answer #4 · answered by Thomas A 2 · 4 3

Catholics are Christians. There are 4 major denominations of the christian church: Catholic, Protestant, Eastern Orthodox, Oriental Orthodox.

2007-02-06 05:57:43 · answer #5 · answered by murnip 6 · 1 3

Catholics are Christians

God Bless You

2007-02-06 05:57:40 · answer #6 · answered by ? 6 · 1 3

Catholics are a LITTLE more liberal

Christians follow the bible more seriously.

2007-02-06 06:02:41 · answer #7 · answered by Loathing 6 · 1 2

The Protestant ChristianChurches teach Scripture, with no traditions added to it.
The Bible teaches that Scripture alone is the supreme and infallible authority for the church and the individual believer. This is not to say that creeds and tradition are unimportant, but the Bible alone is our final authority. Creeds and tradition are man made.
Jesus said, "Scripture cannot be broken" (John 10:35). He said "I tell you the truth, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished" (Matthew 5:18). He said, "It is easier for heaven and earth to disappear than for the least stroke of a pen to drop out of the law" (Luke 16:17).
Jesus used Scripture as the final court of appeal in every matter under dispute. He said to some Pharisees, "You nullify the word of God by your tradition that you have handed down" (Mark 7:13). To the Sadducee's He said, "You are in error because you do not know the Scriptures or the power of God". (Mat 22:29). To the devil, Jesus consistently responded, "It is written..." (Mat 4:4-10). So following Jesus' lead, the Scriptures alone are our supreme and final authority.
The Protestants broke from the Catholic church because they did not agree with the traditions that were being held as the authority, rather than God's word the Bible.

Dr. Boettner then gives us "Some Roman Catholic Heresies And Inventions" and the dates that these alleged "Apostolic" traditions were added to Roman Catholic theology &endash;
* Prayers for the dead, began about A.D. 300
* Making the sign of the cross 300
* Veneration of angels and dead saints, and use of images 375
* The Mass, as a daily celebration 394
* Beginning of the exaltation of Mary, the term "Mother of God" first applied to her by the Council of Ephesus 431
* Priests began to dress differently from laymen 500
* Extreme Unction 526
* The doctrine of Purgatory, established by Gregory I 593
* Latin used in prayer and worship, imposed by Gregory I 600
* Prayer directed to Mary, dead saints and angels, about 600
* Title of pope, or universal bishop, given to Boniface III 607
* Kissing the pope's foot, began with pope Constantine 709
* Worship of the cross, images and relics, authorized in 786
* Holy water, mixed with a pinch of salt and blessed by a priest 850
* Canonization of dead saints, first by pope John XV 995
* The Mass, developed gradually as a sacrifice, attendance made obligatory in the 11th century
* Celibacy of the priesthood, decreed by pope Gregory VII (Hildebrand) 1079
* The Rosary, mechanical praying with beads, invented by Peter the Hermit 1090
* Sale of Indulgences 1190
* Transubstantiation, proclaimed by pope Innocent III 1215
* Auricular Confession of sins to a priest instead of to
God, instituted by pope Innocent III, in Lateran Council 1215
* Bible forbidden to laymen, placed on the Index of Forbidden Books by the Council of Valencia 1229
* Purgatory proclaimed a dogma by Council of Florence 1439
* The doctrine of Seven Sacraments affirmed 1439
* Tradition declared of equal authority with the Bible by the Council of Trent 1545
* Apocryphal books added to the Bible by the Council of Trent 1546
* Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary, proclaimed by pope Pius IX 1854
* Syllabus of Errors, proclaimed by pope Pitts IX, and ratified by the Vatican Council; condemned freedom of religion,conscience, speech, press, and scientific discoveries which are disapproved by the Roman Church; asserted the pope's temporal authority over all civil rulers 1864
* Infallibility of the pope in matters of faith and morals, proclaimed by the Vatican Council 1870
* Public Schools condemned by pope Pius XI 1930
* Assumption of the Virgin Mary (bodily ascension into heaven shortly after her death), proclaimed by pope Pius XII 1950
* Mary proclaimed Mother of the Church, by pope Paul VI 1965

And then Dr. Boettner concludes:
Add to these many others: monks - nuns -monasteries - convents - forty days Lent - holy week - Palm Sunday - Ash Wednesday - All Saints day - Candlemas day - fish day - meat days - incense - holy oil - holy palms - Christopher medals - charms - novenas - and still others.
There you have it - the melancholy evidence of Rome's steadily increasing departure from the simplicity of the Gospel, a departure so radical and far-reaching at the present time (1965) that it has produced a drastically anti-evangelical church. It is clear beyond possibility of doubt that the Roman Catholic religion as now practiced is the outgrowth of centuries of error. Human inventions have been substituted for Bible truth and practice. Intolerance and arrogance have replaced the love and kindness and tolerance that were the distinguishing qualities of the first century Christians, so that now in Roman Catholic countries Protestants and others who are sincere believers in Christ but who do not acknowledge the authority of the pope are subject to all kinds of restrictions and in some cases even forbidden to practice their religion. The distinctive attitude of the present day Roman Church was fixed largely by the Council of Trent (1545-1563), with its more than 100 anathemas or curses pronounced against all who then or in the future would dare to differ with its decisions.

2007-02-06 18:48:29 · answer #8 · answered by Freedom 7 · 1 0

Catholicism is Christianity in its fullest.

2007-02-06 06:08:33 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 3

as christ or his disciples founded the church cathilics think they are right and above everyone else.

2007-02-06 06:08:28 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

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