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every report on global warming always cuts to a picture of cars driving they hardly never show you the factories with gas pipes over a foot wide consuming resorces at a fantastic rate per minute just to manufacture us some washing machine or tv
then again we arnt supposed to knock the corporate machine are we
we as individualls are always told to conserve and cut back
do these so out of touch politicians think we have money to burn many people are struggleing to pay the bills as it is and certainly dont waste energy on purpose
its not the workers who put factories out of town and its not by choice we all spend time travelling to a job miles from home
big business has caused this problem consolidating workforces into regional factory units causing people to travel further to work
and the government cant see this they think we actully drive all that far to work for fun .

2007-02-05 21:30:55 · 16 answers · asked by steve50 3 in Environment

many of you are missing the point that to get to work we have to travel so far because there are no local jobs
all you sheep out there who believe everything your told by the media without checking up the real facts at least one person has bothered to look and find out
wake up you sheltered spoon fed society

2007-02-05 22:09:42 · update #1

16 answers

Because automobiles are the primary cause of greenhouse gas emissions. Engines are notoriously inefficient devices and even with emission controls they spew out tons of CO, NO2, carbon particulates, and CO2.
Power plants burn fuel more efficiently since the emission laws governing them are much stricter.
The reason there aren't electric cars on the road is because the industry wants you to keep buying gasoline cars. An electric car essentially would be handing over all oil company profits to the coal and nuclear industries.
Congress is well paid to ensure you drive a gasoline car.

2007-02-05 21:41:02 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Well cars are responsible for about a third of the problem - so they are a huge contributor to the problem. But you're right, we have been forced into a position where commuting is almost a given in any job - so daily car use for a large minority is obligatory. Transportation is one area that is going to have to change - people will still need to travel in the furture, the question is how to achieve this without pumping out huge volmes of carbon. One answer is hydrogen - a possible alternative fuel. But even before we get there, there are many simple things that we could do (now) that would make a difference - check your tyre pressure is correct - it'll save on fuel and save you money. Car share, if you can - same result.

Have a watch of the link below - there are about a dozen things that you can do easily that'll help, save you money and allow us more time to make the large systemic changes necessary to keep us warm and fed and have a future too.

Best wishes


PS Maybe e-commerce and networking technology offers some relief getting more people working from home - although that isn't without its problems either.

2007-02-06 07:42:59 · answer #2 · answered by Moebious 3 · 0 0

It is not the car driving, but driving cars with infernal combustion engines.

There are better engines available more suited to vehicles, eg max torque from 0rpm, only a few moving parts, quiet, smooth smell free, uses no energy when stationary and recovers energy when slowing down .
see www.teslamotors.com that can do 0-60mph in 4 seconds, and 250 miles per charge.

or the Phoenix SUT that does 95 mph and can be recharged in 10 minutes.http://phoenixmotorcars.com/models/fleet.html

but GM last year recalled and CRUSHED all their GM EV1 vehicles www.whokilledtheelectriccar.com - and don't expect the motoring media, wined & dined by the big manufacturers to tell you about them, eg they would rather show a 250mph jet dragster crashing than an 350-400mph British world beater with tons of heritage on its side http://www.bluebirdelectric.com/

2007-02-06 23:35:30 · answer #3 · answered by fred 6 · 0 0

Believe it or not but a lot of greenhouse gas (methane) is produced by cows farting!! With the number of cows in the world, the total volume of methane must be astronomical. Why has this not been mentioned? Is it because most of the worlds population eat meat and will not like to reduce the amount of meat consumption.
I know that most people consider that CO2 is the main cause, but there are several other causes!! Water vapour being another!

2007-02-06 06:51:13 · answer #4 · answered by Robert S 2 · 0 0

According to the studies I have seen, Global Warming appears to have started in the early 19th century, just when the Industrial Revolution began here in UK.

From c1816 temperatures [recorded] in UK began steadily to rise.

From c1970 a steep rise in temperatures has been recorded. It is probably from about this time that the number of cars on UK roads began to multiply seriously.

When I was a child in the 1940s living in a small village in Kent, there were two cars, one owned by the Vicar the other by the Doctor. Most other vehicles were still horsedrawn, except the one bus a week which took us to market and back.

Since I came to London in 1965 the number of cars has gone up by leaps and bounds. At first, very few people owned or drove cars. A typical bus journey from where I live right into central London took about 20 minutes at about 30mph with stops. The same journey today is abourt 45 to 50 minutes, including stops and heavy traffic.

Every street in London is full of parked cars.

The major car manufacturers, including such as Ford, are going into production fast to bring out hydrogen cars. These should be available in the next year or two.
There's already one hydrogen driven motorbike, which I saw on TV today - totally silent and it's exhaust is pure water vapour. It's where we've got to go or die. London already has a number of hydrogen driven double decker buses. Look out for these, they're the ones with steam coming out of their roof-top funnel.

In the trucking industry, a number of haulage companies have gone over to electric trucks - including TNT who are using these for short haul. Everyone wants to go down this road.

Both the private citizen and major industry is working towards a clean up of our air. It's already happening. In the USA people are now driving using ethanol which is made from a distillation of sweet corn. Others have convered their diesel engins to run on recycled cooking oil.

We need an energy supply, [hydrogen - limitless] which will not use up millions of acres of land which we need for food production. Hyrdrogen may be the answer.

2007-02-06 06:13:04 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Global warming is a natural occurrence, it is part of natures way, the UK was once a tropical region, and then we had the ice age, it will all happen again and again, but the governments want us to think it is our own fault so they can tax us more for various things, they cant after all, tax nature, can they, its all well and good asking people to wake up, but what the hell can we do about it, we may be able to air our views on Q&A but I don't think the government reads or takes any notice of what we have to say.

2007-02-05 22:39:07 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Why is a warming earth all bad?
Could it be that a few people are using this to gain power by showing some thing that is out of mans hands?

Could it be we are just coming out of a ice age?
We have been.

By the way the #1 green house gas is H20 not CO2.
look it up.

Power plants put out 65% to 75% of the CO2
cars,SUVs 20% to 25%

Things can you can very easy look up

2007-02-05 21:41:46 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

out of all the machinery and factories etc that produce carbon dioxide, cars is the one that has grown the most.
normal families now own more than one car each. i do not know the exact figures but it is now very close to madness.

our roads and highways were simply not designed to handle the volume of traffic passing thru. now, if there is the slightest incident or an accident it causes absolute chaos.

i also feel that insufficient emphasis is placed on the Ozone layer. this is the real sickening worrier in the piece.
In the Bible it says that the earth will just disintegrate.
If the Ozone layer rips open, guess what would happen?
makes u think, doesn't it!

2007-02-05 21:48:23 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

I think Modern electric motors are fantastic. They're cheap, reliable, small and powerful and can be mounted directly in the wheel, which eliminates a lot of weight from the transmission. They allow 4 wheel drive to be added easily, and they're quiet. On top of this, they require no power when the car's stopped, making them perfect for city driving.
So, we can replace the battery with fuel cell. Great. Except hydrogen isn't pollution free to produce. They don't get it from water. They get it from oil. Even if they did get it from water, that would require electricity. You could use renewable sources to generate the electricity, but those renewable sources would be better used replacing polluting power stations.
we better gear up our bicycles and saddle our horses. LOL!!!!!

2007-02-05 21:49:33 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

automobiles are no longer blamed, the dumping of the waste product from the burning of fossil fuels into the ambience is the reason for all the extra CO2 in the ambience! The information are that CO2 is a greenhouse gas, that without greenhouse gases the earth well-known temperature may be 33C chillier (a great snowball) and that we've extra 40% extra CO2 to the ambience. there is not any longer one man or woman who denies those information. costs via Sagebrush (a self proclaimed Christian and ardent AGW denier) : "Execute all people who voted for OBAMA" "employ the handicapped, they're exciting to video demonstrate!"

2016-10-01 12:23:09 · answer #10 · answered by clarice 4 · 0 0

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