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They are doing their job to defend you every day! 10-15-20+ hours per day. In the heat, the rain, the snow. Busting their butts to protect you! All this negativity does NO good for them! SUPPORT THEM OR MOVE!

2007-02-05 21:25:44 · 16 answers · asked by Emily E 4 in Politics & Government Military

16 answers

The first thing you have to understand is that since most Americans never bothered to serve in the military themselves there are many who take all their freedoms for granted. The second thing you have to understand is that since Joseph Stalin was right about one thing, tell a lie long enough and soon enough people will begin to believe that lie, way too many people still believe that what they hear from the mainstream media is news rather than propaganda. The people who own the Federal Reserve also control, by owning the majority shares of stock, the bulk of the media (TV, radio, newspapers, magazines and websites) in our country and yet, because the public as a whole fails to educate themselves of the truth about America, many believe that what's presented by the propaganda machine is news or even close objective.

I served in special forces and I can tell you, from personal experience, that much of what the average American thinks is exactly what the owners of the Federal Reserve want them to think. There are people in the military known as PsyOps. Their job is to create misperceptions that are believeable. When they leave the military they go to work for PR firms, Hollyweird (also owned by the people who own the Federal Reserve) and become media and PR consultants selling the perceptions that many people are susceptible to.

If you're hoping for any of this to change best of wishes. Nothing will change and it will get worse without action. So the real question is; now that you have a glimpse of the truth, what will you do for your country rather than wait for someone else to lead?

Speaking of leadership, the owners of the Federal Reserve have already approved which candidates are acceptable to their agenda. Wait until you read their 14-point political agenda. One of the points is to recruit and support candidates who are compliant and will carry out their wishes regardless of party affiliation.

There is one prospective candidate who has a track record of standing up to the owners of the Federal Reserve and also one of supporting your rights under the United States Constitution (that they all swore to uphold and defend) regardless of party politics or prevailing political winds. Congressman Ron Paul. The rest are merely puppets for the owners of the Federal Reserve.

If you're feeling Patriotic then copy this. Do your homework and pass along what you learn to others.

2007-02-05 21:41:44 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

in basic terms like Democrat endeavors, the regulation of unintended outcomes operated in Chile. In Honduras, the appropriate courtroom and the Legislature agreed that the President became into violating the Consitution and had the army evict Zelaya. In a protection rigidity coup, the protection rigidity keeps potential, right here they at present exceeded it over to the Constitutional successor. In Iraq, absolutely everyone who chosen to take part might desire to realize this, different than perchance the Baathist social gathering that's patterned after the Nazi social gathering. How come Liberals do no longer in basic terms like the rule of regulation like the U. S. Constitutional modification technique? How come liberals help Presidential violation people financial disaster regulation? How come Liberals help violation of the 2nd, 5th and 10th Amendments to the form?

2016-10-01 12:23:06 · answer #2 · answered by clarice 4 · 0 0

wow , you ever thought that maybe the public is supporting them, don't confuse this president intent as the best for our troops , what he did ,is what was best for his presidency. . The war with Afghanistan that had merit.
The war in Iraq was a dumb war, a stupid war. And Missy until u serve in this country armed forces . do not sit in your highchair and proclaim what the soldiers want.
As a veteran i do not support this sitting president not because he waged war . i do not support him because he used the American people patriotism , anguish, and fear to conduct a war in Iraq.Its Time bring our men and women home. The Iraqi people do not deserve to all the blood that we spilled over there nor do they deserve our protection . we can not blame them that they do not know about the separation of church and state ( it was too soon) this president was an idiot to wage war in Iraq.
We have a saying in the army ,if you cant do the job you don't deserve the rank , and we will get somebody that can!
Well I think The american public feels the same way.

its time for a change cause this republican cant do it

2007-02-05 22:28:17 · answer #3 · answered by jupiter 2 · 0 1

I think the best way to support the US troops is to get them home.

The US should leave the countries like Iraq, where they are not wanted. Just make sure you also take your dollars with you. They want it all, or nothing.

Most of the people here, in Holland, are grateful the US, Canadians and other allied forces risked their lives to make sure we could live free from German oppression. I am sad that the people here seem to have mostly forgotten that.
However, in the case such as iraq, afghanistan etc - you shouldn`t be there - the people there don`t want you. So, support your troops, bring them home. It`s safer for them, cheaper for the US - and no lives need to be lost anymore for a bunch of ungrateful cowards.

2007-02-05 21:43:23 · answer #4 · answered by U_S_S_Enterprise 7 · 1 1

If you mean it is more devastating for a soldier to know that people are opposing the war and asking for them to return home, then for the soldiers to know that they were sent into a war based on deception and are kept their because of the pride and ego of the president. I guess then we should really support our troops and give the full equipment and amour, VA benefits, good pay and pension and do this by repealing the tax cuts. Oh! Yeah! and bring them home.
I do support the troops but beyond a bumper sticker and a party ideology. I support them when they are in active war and when they come home.
Please Join me.

2007-02-05 21:36:51 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

It's not the military's fault their commanders in Washington make horrific political decisions or major military blunders. Soldiers and sailors do what they are commanded to do. I have full respect for the roles they play every single day. I served for 10 years during a very bad time in our history, similar to the situation today. The military today gets more honor and respect than we ever received, but I commend the country for not turning their backs on the troops, even though the politicians, again, have made decisions contrary to the words: "military intelligence". The troops are just doing their jobs.

2007-02-05 21:34:29 · answer #6 · answered by gone 6 · 1 1

UHH...do you live under a rock? Since when do today's people not support the military? Granted not every single individual human being will support them, but that is a given! This is not a perfect world!

Move where hun? This is my country too! I don't have to do anything I don't want to no matter what the situation is!!!

I am so sick of people boo-hooing about this war. War is a fact of life and it will never cease!!!

2007-02-05 21:41:01 · answer #7 · answered by His Angel 4 · 0 1

How does questioning our president about his cutting the soldiers' medical benefits and their widows' benefits and veterans' hospitals not supporting the troops? I am grateful for their contribution, but I still think the #1 thing we can do for them is bring them home. This is a democracy with free speech that the troops are fighting to protect. If you want to live in a monarchy, YOU move.

2007-02-05 21:30:13 · answer #8 · answered by Vaughn 6 · 2 2

God Bless them for their service and great effort. The question I think people are asking is how many and for how long should they be put in that position? Seems like the workd is getting more dangerous for Americans and frankly we can't do it all.

2007-02-05 21:36:48 · answer #9 · answered by LINDA G 4 · 0 1

Why is it that you people cant get it thru your little heads that it is possible to support our military while not supporting their incompetent commander in chief?

2007-02-05 21:48:38 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

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