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First of all, I don't believe in heaven or hell, or god, or any of that. I'm a true atheist. I just want to hear the opinion of the christians. I am a 21 year old female, studying in college to become an English Literature Professor. I am engaged to a man that I have had sex with, but he is the only person I have ever had sex with and I didn't lose my virginity until I was 18 and after he proposed to me. I work at a children's library, and I also work as a police dispatcher, therefore I help save lives and prevent illiteracy everyday. I volunteer in my community and give money to causes such as animal abuse prevention.

Now. How can you say that someone like me, or any other atheist that is like me, can go to hell because we don't believe the same things you do? So many people flame me and I'm sure there will be more once I post this, but I'm not insulting anyone. I thought your god says, "Judge not, lest ye be judged."

2007-02-05 19:21:06 · 30 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

and i'm not boasting, i'm just telling you how I live my life so you can know me a little better before you reply.

2007-02-05 19:32:37 · update #1

also, i didn't say i wanted to go to heaven. Read carefully =)

2007-02-05 19:34:18 · update #2

30 answers

All the self-righteous Christians will be the ones going to Hell. Don't y'all know that secular humanism's where it's at, baby? We're the grooviest cats on town and we don't go hatin' on anyone but the ones that hate on us. I'm personally gonna have a gas when they're all going; "NO! We didn't profane your names and tell people you were gonna do horrible things to them! We thought ourselves without sin! That's why we threw the first rocks, and the seconds and thirds and the whole pile! Aren't you a god of mercy?!" And God'll be all, like: "Dawg, I don't roll like that. You done stepped on my toes one too many times. Peace out." Oh yeah, God's also black and a woman. And she hates people putting words in her mouth. I'm also more righteous than everyone else and in no way being sardonic or sarcastic or ironic. I have no humour. (I lost it when I realized I had faith, y'see.)
Short story long; no, you're not going to hell. God's too busy with the people sinning in his name to punish those living a good life without excesses of selfrighteousness and sin and downright idiocy.

2007-02-06 01:20:27 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous 2 · 1 5

I do not say all atheists are going to hell for not believing in the existence of God. He has forgiven all the sins of the world, (including non-belief) He is a forgiving, loving God who wants what is best for His creations. He may very well let some atheists into heaven because even though they said they don't believe, by their actions they were serving Him without knowing it. But I can't say that is true of all atheists, it just depends on the individual.

Now you may not agree with any of that but if it is true, wouldn't anyone be better off for having believed in , trusted and loved this wonderful, all knowing, all loving God during their lifetime?

2007-02-05 19:46:57 · answer #2 · answered by out of the grey 4 · 2 1

First of all u say that u dont beleive in God so therefore it goes without saying that u dont beleive in Heaven and Hell.

But let me give u something to think about

The Universe is made up of 5 billlion galaxies
Each galaxy is made up of approximately 5 billlion stars and planets.
All of them revolve and move in orbits exactly computed how come they never collided???

Have u ever taken some time to think about urself
Look at ur body how perfect everything works in harmony.
Ur eyes how they function
Ur nose how they smell
Ur voice
Ur legs how they move
Ur heart how it functions
Did all these complex organs come out of chance??

Look at the simple ant how a small animal it is if the whole world gets together with all its people and its resources can we make a creature like an ant ?

So i first advise u to look around u and admire the ways things have been created and u will definitely find the presence of an All powerful Creator who created feeds and manages all His creation

First find the answer to that before u proceed into anything else

A muslim.

2007-02-05 19:39:49 · answer #3 · answered by Brian 1 · 3 2

I guess I can't hon. You sound like a good person. It sounds like YOU think you are a good person too. I am not trying to be rude but one of the seven sins is PRIDE. You come off very prideful. Which christian or not, is a very obnoxious habbit.

Truthfully, being a christian does not mean your nice or mean. Maybe it should but it doesnt. Because it is not all revealed at once and some never work at faith hard enough to correct that. I have met some atheist who were the nicest people in the world. But the thing is they did not believe. Now you dont have to believe. That is your choice. But what part of God did you not like? HE created you, he loves you, you goof up and truely repent, he forgives you. Whats the deal? You think religion has anything to do with GOD. No, men and woman of cloth are still just human.

I am not being judgeful to say you are a sinner. We all are, that was Jesus's point. He did not say your one and im not. No he said we both were. In fact, he had more to say against me than you because I refer to myself as a christian where you dont.

There is also another truth that you need to address. If you are a atheist, why do YOU care what I think? Now I can kinda understand why a christian would be questioning your beliefs. We think your going to hell. But why does someone who does not believe in God, want to debate a christian.

BTW, some christians think atheist are going to hell and they are almost angry with it. PRIDE

I think you are going to because you dont believe. It does not bring me any joy. I wish you well and hope that you will at least read the bible with an open mind.

2007-02-05 19:38:00 · answer #4 · answered by Miss Johny 3 · 5 4

Why even worry about morality? no hell, only this life.

Your sexual purity, is admirable, but why bother?

Does it matter anyway? There is no God to impress or punish right?

You do alot of good things, but why should you? Does it really matter if you don't?

Somehow these things bother you, and you know that you should be pure---and that you should do good things, and that it all really matters. Why?
I admire you and the things you say about yourself,
keep seeking.

Im not as bad as I seem,,,,, I just get upset when people mock my faith with hateful, and profane insulting questions.
to my knowledge you never have. No you will not go to hell for not being good. People do not go to heaven for being good, they go to heaven because a good savior died for them.

2007-02-05 20:21:37 · answer #5 · answered by Lover of God 3 · 3 1

Yes he says judge not!!!, but he also says that whoever does not believe that Jesus is our savior, died on the cross for our sins and was risen from the dead, then well there are no chances of going to heaven.

Unless you give your give your life to Him, believe in the above mentioned and that God is Lord maker of heaven and earth, creator of of creatures great and small, and that he shall be the only God man shall worship. Then dear you wont go to Hell.

And about the sex thing that is plain and simple "sexual immorality" a SIN. Can get YOU to hell, lest you confess and repent.

2007-02-05 20:14:07 · answer #6 · answered by fluffy 2 · 1 3

You are a good person and you sound proud of the way you have lived your life and thought of others. But good people are just that good people and if you don't believe in God than heaven shouldn't matter to you but if it does than research the reason behind "Why good isn't good enough" I wish you well in your life and hope you find the answer to your question. You see when Christians do good it is not for their benefit it is to Glorify God and what he has given us. We no longer look to others for our justification in living our lives we look to God and what he wants. We get joy from simple things and we learn self-control over anger and hatred and we learn patience with ourselves and others and time and we learn peace is the ultimate goal for love to grow. You see it is not just being good that we strive for it is the gifts that God gives us to be good with. I hope this made sense I am getting tired

2007-02-05 19:36:04 · answer #7 · answered by truely human 4 · 6 1

I'm not a Christian, but I find it remarkable that people don't understand the simple logic behind Christianity. Christians have been quite clear that by default all people are damned without Christ. You could be a loving, selfless individual, but without your reliance upon Jesus's death and resurrection, you are utterly lost to God. One could make a good argument that the notion that you can earn your way into heaven is an inherently prideful one, and that anyone who can't see their imperfections and realize the necessity for a savior must be a prime candidate for hellfire.

This isn't so heartless as you might imagine, as it does posit your spirituality as a choice of moving either toward or from God in Christ. The choice is ultimately yours.

I choose to believe that God in Christ is the most insipid conception of Deity yet offered to humanity.

And so it goes.

All the best,


2007-02-05 19:32:19 · answer #8 · answered by The Man Comes Around 5 · 4 4

I am not sure what you want me to say. First you ask me if you will go into hell for not believing, secondly you say I am not to judge you. Therefore I will tell you that the entire New Testament and Old Testament scriptures say that if you do not believe, you will perish. Gods word says this, not me. It is not me judging you, it is Gods word. If I speak Gods word to you, and His word convicts you, how does that make me your judge?
It is Gods Holy word that convicts you.
No where in the bible does it claim that "Good Works" will get you into heaven. You sound like a nice person, one who has genuine concern and compassion for others.
I also have compassion and concern for other people.
I have never told anyone they will go to hell for not believing what I believe. I only state to them what Gods word says about sin and unbelief. I tell them what God says.
Christ Jesus says all who do not believe, will perish in hell.
If these words offend you, tell Him, they are His words, not mine.
He is our judge, not me.
I hope you at least consider the possibility of a Heavenly Creator. I believe God Almighty has left His fingerprints all over His Creation. I would like to leave you with one example of Christs love for us all: When Christ was crucified, there was a thief hanging on a cross next to Him. This thief had never read a bible, or gone to church, he had been a career criminal his whole life.
In his last few moments of life, he said to Jesus: "Lord, remember me when you come into your kingdom"
To which Jesus replied: "Verily I say unto you, this day you will be with me in Paradise"
It is Gods desire that not one living soul should perish.
That is why He gives us freedom and salvation through his Son, Christ Jesus. God doesn't make it difficult, or make us jump through hoops, to attain this "Free Gift"
Rather, He makes it very simple for us to know Him and be redeemed through Him.
The good works we do, apart from Gods Holy spirit, are detestable to him, they are as filthy rags. The good works we do through Gods Holy Spirit, these works are pleasing to Him.
We are not to boast of these works, rather, we give all praise and glory to God Almighty, for producing these works in us.
I hope I answered your question to your satisfaction.
Thank you for all your hard work in your community.
People need to be involved.
God Bless You....Peace.

2007-02-05 20:45:53 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

You know what? I think you're great. You know why? Because you're a freaking human being! And if the things you say are true (which I don't doubt), I bet you're a pretty dang good human being doing a whole lot of dang good. I love that. I love you. Even though I don't know you. I love who you are, and I love what you're doing. I still think you've got issues, though, just like everyone else, just like me. And I think those things need to be addressed.

And I believe that is the message of Jesus Christ. 'I love you, and I love what you're doing. However, something really important is still fatally broken, and that needs to be mended. I can do that if you let me.'

"I have come that [you] may have life, and have it to the full." -Jesus (NIV)

2007-02-05 20:47:18 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 3 2

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