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Yesterday i was on the way home from work, wen i called home to see if my hubby is fetching me from the bus-stop but was shocked that he was Sleeping!! i came home and was so furious! He have been actuali sleeping all day and never even thought of picking me up from the bus-stop..
I told him how i felt and he jst gave some kind of excuse.. Later we showered together and everthing was fine and over..
But now i am work and my mind is asking me the meaning of the attitude he showed me yesterday..
Is he bored of doing all this mushy stuffs??
OR he jst didn't bother.. (Onli bothered wen we were dating, now NO??) I dunno... pls clear my stupid doubt plsss..

2007-02-05 18:34:10 · 12 answers · asked by sUnseT 3 in Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

12 answers

I would like to hear exactly what his excuse was. It is difficult to know how to respond, without knowing. Whether he is bored or not, picking you up from the bus stop seems like a pretty important thing to me, especially if the weather where you are is as cold as the weather here.

Keep in mind, that I am not trying to evangelize you here... read on past the next paragraph if prayer is not something you are open to... because I wrote more stuff than just about prayer.

First of all, and most importantly, give this some good hard prayer, every single day, every time you get worried about it. I sense that you are being attacked by fear and doubt... these tend to attack worse when I am forgetting to pray about my worries. It is written that "God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and love and a sound mind." So any time you recognize fear in yourself... pray. Also it is written that God is not the author of confusion. To me personally, doubt is a form of confusion... So any time you recognize doubt in yourself... pray.

The fact that you can recognize your own doubt, like you did ("my stupid doubt")... means you are one step ahead of many people!! Because once you recognize it, it's easier to step back and pray about it. Or get counseling about it. Or ask our advice here at Yahoo Answers about it!

I am also curious as to why he is sleeping all day. And how many times has he slept all day during the past month. And has he forgotten to pick you up more than once during the past month? Does he have a job at all? The job factor is important, I think... consider this:

If he has a job working nights, it would be fairly normal to sleep during the day, and I would not worry about his sleeping overtime a couple of times a month. Many of the folks I know who work nights, have a really difficult time because they can't sleep at all for awhile after work (in my opinion, due to it being daylight and noisier during the day than at night), then they crash from sheer exhaustion and are unwakeable for hours.

If he has a job working days, and he slept through a whole day's work, I would be concerned about more than just the newness of my marriage wearing off. I would then be concerned about the financial welfare of my family.

If he does not have a job, why?... read on for a few scenarios I am anticipating the possibility of...

Is he disabled? If so, then was he having an exceptionally bad "sick" day? I have a brain problem which has the tendency to cause me to be exhausted the next day, if I overexert myself. So I am thinking if he is unemployed due to disability, there might be some connection between the disability and the sleeping all day. Maybe he is just sick. (Disability coupled with depression = common, and can translate into sleeping way too much without any other good explanation. He will need counseling and perhaps a medication change by a doctor, if depression has entered the picture.)

Is he simply not wanting to work? If so, then his lackadaisical attitude toward working probably extends over into his home life as well. You will possibly need to get some family counseling and hope for a good chance to be honest with him about his being a couch potato (of course, I would not call him that face to face if I were his wife, but I am trying to make you smile instead of cry about this problem... smiles are good medicine)

Has he been laid off from work or fired in the past 6 months to a year? If so, I can tell you perhaps exactly what the sleep problem is indicative of: depression. I have been both laid off and fired once in my lifetime, and depression always followed. I notice a similar pattern in many others who are laid off or fired from their jobs. If he is depressed, he may actually not be feeling like MOVING sometimes, much less going outside... and his world is probably seeming to be crashing down around him. He will definitely need some counseling and perhaps medication from a doctor, to get him out of this. Winter is the most common time for a type of depression called S.A.D. (I think that stands for Seasonal Affective Disorder), depression due to decreased exposure to sunlight.

Has he been staying up entirely too late? If you are newlyweds, you both may be having a tendency to stay up entirely too late gallivanting or rolloping in the sack, or just getting familiar with one another. Different folks at different times in their lives, require dramatically different quantities of sleep. If he has been up past 11pm more than once in the past week, suspect lack of sleep as being the culprit here, and do your wifely duty, of supporting his need for more sleep. Get In Bed By A Decent Hour Yourself (even earlier than you find necessary, in order to encourage his sleep -- he may or may not find it difficult to sleep if you are up romping around the house making noise), and encourage him to try it too.

Has he been giving you signs that he is bored with picking you up from the bus stop? If so, report back to us with additional comments he has made, if you can. I doubt very seriously that he is tired of helping you get home from the bus stop. I doubt very seriously that he is bored with you at all! I think this is a minor incident which has a root cause that is easily fixable.

Personally, and this is just my best guess... he had a rough day or two... and it is worth getting to the root of the problem... and working together to solve it. You can do it. Don't give up! And keep praying hard about this. Jesus never fails, and we will see it clearly if we keep trusting Him and praying about our worries, in my humble opinion.

Last but not least, you need to stop doubting his love for you, unless he gives you a clear reason to doubt it. Missing a pickup happens to all of us from time to time... especially me, with my memory, or lack thereof! Go easy on him if you can, but do seek his help in figuring out what the problem is here. Your honesty with each other, and your commitments to working through problems together, will keep your marriage healthy long after the honeymoon is over! Grow together, that is a good goal.

All my best to you! I hope this helps somehow.

2007-02-05 19:11:33 · answer #1 · answered by prodaugh-internet 3 · 0 0

I have been married for 12 years. It has definitely changed from how it was in the beginning. But, even though what your hubby did was insensitive, sometimes men don't think about those things like we do. Maybe he just dozed off and didn't get up in time. It's quite possible. Don't give up on him yet. I know it can cause doubts and hurts your feelings that he didn't think of you at that moment but hopefully after you expressed that to him it won't happen again. Good luck hon.

2007-02-05 18:39:26 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

lol. sadly u sound like me and i make my hubby tell me everything is ok over and over. but I myself know thats not healthy. Ofcourse he loves u. He just sounds a bit stressed and believe it or not but guys dont really notice the little things that would make us happy. Im sure if u wouldnt have picked him up from the bus he wouldnt have cared. if he wanted u to he would have just called. us girls are just way too emotional and over think things. So dont worry about it and just relax. Like I said, they donr know the little things that bother us.

2007-02-05 18:39:59 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You are reading to much into him over sleeping.

He either over slept, or was tired.

A serious suggestion- drop the question from your mind, if you nag him it will only piss him off and then he will not be bored but mad and he will start looking for stuff that you do that pisses him off.

Do not seek arguments, given enough years you will have more important ones then this.

2007-02-05 18:38:47 · answer #4 · answered by Harmon 4 · 0 0

This is very strange. You need to ask yourself many questions and the first is are you supporting him (because it sounds like it)? If so, why? Are his arms and legs broken? If not, then what is going on. Pay attention to the signals, and trust me there ARE signals. I suggest a little light reading - Greg Behrendt's book - He's just no that into you. It answers a lot of questions about men.

2007-02-05 18:39:48 · answer #5 · answered by Christina 5 · 0 1

Hmm, I don't know? You probably know him best. I'm guessing that he just forgot and was tired. Give the guy a break, sometimes human beings mess up. We're not all perfect, ya know. But I doubt he loves you any less, why not talk to him about it if you're insecure.

2007-02-05 18:37:29 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

maybe he was really tired that day and had forgotten to pick you up. you must also try to understand and dont fight about it. though its a right thing for you to open that concern to him that its a big deal to you, so that next time, he wont miss of picking you. but if he did it again just for the same reason, there's really something wrong about your guy and try to know and prevent it.

2007-02-05 18:51:22 · answer #7 · answered by Jullyn 1 · 0 0

It doesn't sound like to me that he is loosing interest. But could be. I think though that you need to talk to him about it. The most important thing is that you stay calm while you discuss things (keyword discuss, not argue) The worst thing to do is to not talk about it.

2007-02-05 18:39:55 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

He probably was just being inconsiderate. Tell him not to slip up again or you will have to do something to keep him in line.

2007-02-05 18:39:36 · answer #9 · answered by . 3 · 0 0

I guess ya'll need time alone like space

2007-02-05 18:37:57 · answer #10 · answered by Smiley17 2 · 0 1

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