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Not any of these other theories?

such as Cell theory, Game theory, General and special relativity theory, Extreme value theory, Atomic theory, and many many more.

They are all theories right? Naturally we should not teach them in our schools, only FACTS right?

for a list of more theories

2007-02-05 18:30:37 · 12 answers · asked by Gamla Joe 7 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

to soc.

first if your going to quote someone then at least put a name to it. Also you have to be realy pathetic to think that all or almost all biologists are in some cult to trick and confuse people into believing evolution.

also all the data is out there. Have a problem with it then do some reasearch.

2007-02-05 18:39:45 · update #1

Matt A
nowhere in any evolutionary theory dose is conferm or deny the existance of a creator. It only explains how life developed.

2007-02-05 18:45:42 · update #2

12 answers


Matt A,how the hell did the theory of atom proven?

2007-02-05 18:54:05 · answer #1 · answered by Green Lantern 4 · 2 0

None of those other theories you listed contradict the Bible in any significant way. People have trouble accepting evolution for the same reason they had trouble accepting that the Earth was not flat and was not the center of the universe. The funniest thing is when people claim that creationism has been proven or is fact. It's a fact just like it is a fact that the world is flat. It looks that way so it must be true. Since we can't see evolution it must not exist. I also find it amusing that people think that it makes more sense that women were created from a man's rib than that we are the result of evolution.

I've noticed that many people don't understand the theory of evolution, and essentially use that as a basis to attack it. For example, many people will point out that evolution does not explain the origin of the first cells or where matter came from. No duh it doesn't. It's not supposed to. Evolution explains the origin of the diversity of species, not the origin of life. There are other theories that address that issue, and I don't think any of those are accepted as fact. I do, however, think it's a fair bet that life does in fact exist, so it's perfectly valid to construct a theory that presupposes that life exists.

People also misunderstand the concept of a scientific theory. What they fail to realize is that most of science is made up of theories, and while many of these theories have been effectively proven true, they're still called theories. Unlike the common English use of theory, in science a theory is an explanation of facts, which is subjected to rigorous scientific testing. Evolution is called a theory not so much because we're not sure if the basic concepts are accurate, but because we are not confident that every single little detail is perfectly accurate. There may be complexities and details that are not yet fully understood, but the basic idea that species evolve and that the process of evolution has resulted in the diversity of life we see today is basically an established fact.

Another problem that may be partly to blame for the confusion regarding evolution is the presentation of "scientific evidence" by creationists that the claim contradicts the theory of evolution. I often see misleading and incorrect use of scientific data to "disprove" evolution. For example, on prominent creationist website cites a study John A. Eddy and Aram A. Boomazian which they claim says that the sun has been contracting for 400 years when, in fact, the study examined evidence from under 100 years and extrapolated the rest from a single report of the appearance of a solar eclipse in the 1500s. Furthermore, the study was conducted about 50 years ago, and dozens of studies since then have found that the data was based on flawed methodology and the sun is actually not contracting.
Here's that site: http://www.khouse.org/articles/2002/418/
And some background on the study they cited: http://www.asa3.org/ASA/PSCF/1986/PSCF9-86VanTill.html

The problem is that people read that and believe that evolution has been disprove. I saw someone quote that particular website here on Answers as scientific proof that the theory of evolution was false. The people who wrote the creationist article probably did their research and latched on to the one study that supported their theory, but the people who read it don't know that it is an outdated study, that the conclusion is overinflated (the 400 year thing), or that it contradicts the findings of dozens of more recent and more accurate studies.

Apparently the phenomenon of distorting scientific data to further a creationist agenda is fairly widespread. One of my bio profs talked about a particularly egregious example of someone (I don't remember his name) who actually obtained a PhD in evolutionary biology for the expressed purpose of disproving the theory of evolution, and now goes around writing articles that pretty transparent to scientists but are just believable enough to confuse the general public.

2007-02-05 18:41:35 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

You must remember we live in a world of many choices, the facts are that America and Israel are two Nations on this earth the follow the God of the Bible more than all the rest of the Nations. You might even say we are the last ones holding the pounds, inches, and miles.
Also the last defenders of Israel, when America turns against the Jews the world is done for.
God did make everything perfect and yes we have been evolving downward ever since. Time and Space did not start until mankind fell, before that the world did live in eternity. So do not try and judge eternity on some time scale.

2007-02-05 19:10:05 · answer #3 · answered by sirromo4u 4 · 0 1

Because those theorys are not contradictory to our beliefs. They can be tested and proven to be laws. Evolution can never be tested, it will always be a theory. The other theories are there for scientists to challange. The atomic theory has been tested and proven, it remains a theory in name only. The cell theory has been tested and proven and is only a theory in name. Relativity cant be proven, but it isnt taught to 6th graders. The game theory is an economics theory, economics is full of crazy theories and isnt considered science. The extreme value theory has been tested and proven. It is in a college level course. There is a big difference between mathmatics, physics, economics and claiming that God doesnt exist.

Saying that God doesn't exist is the fundamental reason for evolution. It is the study of the orgins of everything that is here. As Christians, Jews, and even Muslims we believe that the orgins have already been explained to us. I believe that if the first part of Genesis is wrong, then the whole Bible is false. That means Jesus is a fairy tale etc. If I believed in the evolutionary theory, then I would have no problem with it being taught. It simply is not science. It is 100% theory, which can NEVER be proven. You can not test it. Therefore, if I want to teach my kids about my God, and they come home from school and say that science says there is no God, I am not happy. If they want to teach that theory at a college level course, fine. But, it shouldn't be called science, and it shouldn't be taught to 6th graders.

2007-02-05 18:42:33 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 4

Just because they have the word "theory" attached to them does not make them the same. Evolutionists always play this kind of equivocation game. Truth is, there is operations science and historical science. The kind of science that deals with observations and empirical testing is called operations science. That which deals with what happened in the past is historical science. Evolution falls under historical science. It is like CSI, detective work to collect evidence in the present and then coming up with a story to explain what happened. What we are arguing is that the story of evolution does a poor job of explaining how the past got to the present.

2007-02-05 18:36:24 · answer #5 · answered by Seraph 4 · 2 1

Because they believe the bible literally,that the world was created in six days which is absurd and made man from dirt which is also insane.Molecules but not dirt alone.I think of it as atom and electron.They dont think with an open mind and just accept what they read

2007-02-05 18:44:48 · answer #6 · answered by woodsonhannon53 6 · 0 0

Because all those theorys are testable and observable. Tell me, my dear, have you seen anything in nature that has hinted to macro-evolution, such as one species changing to another??? Or a monkey man??

2007-02-08 12:48:56 · answer #7 · answered by . 7 · 0 0

If you think about it what is fact.. If you think about if every thing is a theory, we choose what to believe in.

2007-02-05 18:35:53 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Simple. It debunks the Biblical creation story which is nothing but a myth!

2007-02-05 18:34:57 · answer #9 · answered by Akimbo 4 · 2 0

That is easy to explain, it is because some theories are more valid than others. Not all hypotheses, and theories are equal.

"It is therefore essential to inflict an intellectual defeat on the materialist world view, and to this end it is essential to reveal the scientific invalidity of Darwinism, which constitutes the basis of that view. This is an easy task, because Darwinism lacks any scientific foundation. Not one scientific proof to back up the theory of evolution has so far been found in any relevant branch of science. The findings which have been made all show that evolution never happened. All that evolutionists do is to distort certain biological phenomena, observations or the fossil record, none of which actually constitute any evidence for the theory of evolution, in a prejudiced manner, and sometimes even wage their propaganda campaign by engaging in scientific fraud.

In order for the true face of Darwinism to be revealed it is therefore essential that the effect of this propaganda be nullified and that the scientific facts be made available to as many people as possible"

2007-02-05 18:34:10 · answer #10 · answered by Socinian F 3 · 0 8

I am Christian and believe in evolution on Earth. I do not believe that we evovled from apes/monkeys because we were created in the image of God. Thats just my opinion though not trying to anger anyone!

2007-02-05 18:34:23 · answer #11 · answered by gonzi8046 2 · 0 2

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